程序代写代做 STA 5401 – Summer 2020 – Homework 1 NFL 2014 Combine Data

STA 5401 – Summer 2020 – Homework 1 NFL 2014 Combine Data
Download the NFL 2014 data, using the R Codes below. Concentrate on 4 variables in the dataset: Height (inches), Weight (pounds), HandLength (inches), and ArmLength (inches).
nfl2014 <- read.csv("http://www.stat.ufl.edu/~winner/sta4702/nfl_combine_2014.csv") attach(nfl2014) names(nfl2014) [1] "Player" "School" "Position" "Height" "Weight" "HandLen" "ArmLen" nfl2014 1. Obtain a scatterplot matrix of the 4 variables Height (inches), Weight (pounds), HandLength (inches), and ArmLength (inches using the plot() function. 2. Add correlations on the scatter plots in part 1 and color points by groups (position) 3. Obtain the mean vector, the variance-covariance matrix (Sn), and the correlation matrix of the 4 variables, using the mean(), cov(), and cor() functions. 4. Obtain the bivariate scatter plots a. with marginal density between Height (inches) and Weight (pounds) b. with marginal histogram between Height (inches) and Weight (pounds) c. with marginal boxplot between Height (inches) and Weight (pounds)