代写代考 SEHH2238 : Computer Networking Session 2 : Signal Transmission

Lab/Tutorial :
SEHH2238 : Computer Networking Session 2 : Signal Transmission
1) Time and Frequency Domain
1) Draw the time-domain plot of a sine wave (for only 1s) with maximum amplitude of 15V, frequency of 5 and phase 270o.

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2) What is the bandwidth of a signal that can be decomposed into four sine waves with frequencies at 0, 20, 50, 100 and 200 Hz? All maximum amplitudes are the same. Draw the frequency spectrum.
3) A periodic composite signal with a bandwidth of 2000 Hz is composed of two sine waves. The first one has a frequency of 100 Hz with the maximum amplitude of 20V; the second one has a maximum amplitude of 5 V. Draw the frequency spectrum.
2) Transmission Impairment
1) The loss in a cable is usually defined in decibels per kilometer (dB/km). If the signal at the beginning of a cable with −0.3 dB/km has a power of 2 mW, what is the power of the signal at 5 km?
2) If the power of a signal is 0.5W and the power of the noise is 10mW. What is the SNR? What is SNRdB?
3) Data Rate
1) We need to send data at a rate 265 kbps over a noiseless channel with a bandwidth of 20 kHz. How many signal levels do we need?
2) A measurement is done on a telephone line (4kHz of bandwidth). When the signal is 10W, the noise is 5mW. What is the maximum data rate supported by this telephone line?
3) We have a channel with a 1-MHz bandwidth. The SNR for this channel is 63. What are the appropriate bit rate and signal level?
4) What is the bit rate for signal in the following figure? 32 ns
SEHH2238 Computer Networking Tutorial 2 Page 1

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