CS代写 BU.450.760 Codebook C6.1 – News Aggregator v Publisher Prof.

BU.450.760 Codebook C6.1 – News Aggregator v Publisher Prof.
Codebook for the News Aggregator versus Publishers dataset Data Set Information:
This dataset is a simulated version of the dataset used by:
The dataset lists the number of weekly visits (“weeklyvisits”, expressed in hundred thousand visits) for 88 Spanish and French websites (indexed by “siteid”) in the period covering 20 weeks prior and 20 weeks following the shutdown of the Spanish Google News site.

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Attribute Information:
1. siteid: unique publisher (website) id
2. country: publisher’s country
3. week: week of measurement 1,..,40, with the shutdown occurring in week 21 (early
December 2014)
4. weeklyvisits: number of weekly visits (expressed in hundred thousand visits)
5. regional: whether the publisher has a regional focus
Calzada, Joan, and . “What Do News Aggregators Do? Evidence from Google News
in Spain and Germany.” Marketing Science 39.1 (2020): 134-167.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com