CS代写 CSC384 A4.

# The tagger.py starter code for CSC384 A4.

import sys

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

import numpy as np
from collections import Counter


N_tags = len(UNIVERSAL_TAGS)

def read_data_train(path):
return [tuple(line.split(‘ : ‘)) for line in open(path, ‘r’).read().split(‘\n’)[:-1]]

def read_data_test(path):
return open(path, ‘r’).read().split(‘\n’)[:-1]

def read_data_ind(path):
return [int(line) for line in open(path, ‘r’).read().split(‘\n’)[:-1]]

def write_results(path, results):
with open(path, ‘w’) as f:

def train_HMM(train_file_name):
Estimate HMM parameters from the provided training data.

Input: Name of the training files. Two files are provided to you:
– file_name.txt: Each line contains a pair of word and its Part-of-Speech (POS) tag
– fila_name.ind: The i’th line contains an integer denoting the starting index of the i’th sentence in the text-POS data above

Output: Three pieces of HMM parameters stored in LOG PROBABILITIES :

– prior: – An array of size N_tags
– Each entry corresponds to the prior log probability of seeing the i’th tag in UNIVERSAL_TAGS at the beginning of a sequence
– i.e. prior[i] = log P(tag_i)

– transition: – A 2D-array of size (N_tags, N_tags)
– The (i,j)’th entry stores the log probablity of seeing the j’th tag given it is a transition coming from the i’th tag in UNIVERSAL_TAGS
– i.e. transition[i, j] = log P(tag_j|tag_i)

– emission: – A dictionary type containing tuples of (str, str) as keys
– Each key in the dictionary refers to a (TAG, WORD) pair
– The TAG must be an element of UNIVERSAL_TAGS, however the WORD can be anything that appears in the training data
– The value corresponding to the (TAG, WORD) key pair is the log probability of observing WORD given a TAG
– i.e. emission[(tag, word)] = log P(word|tag)
– If a particular (TAG, WORD) pair has never appeared in the training data, then the key (TAG, WORD) should not exist.

Hints: 1. Think about what should be done when you encounter those unseen emission entries during deccoding.
2. You may find Python’s builtin Counter object to be particularly useful

pos_data = read_data_train(train_file_name+’.txt’)
sent_inds = read_data_ind(train_file_name+’.ind’)


return prior, transition, emission

def tag(train_file_name, test_file_name):
Train your HMM model, run it on the test data, and finally output the tags.

Your code should write the output tags to (test_file_name).pred, where each line contains a POS tag as in UNIVERSAL_TAGS

prior, transition, emission = train_HMM(train_file_name)

pos_data = read_data_test(test_file_name+’.txt’)
sent_inds = read_data_ind(test_file_name+’.ind’)


write_results(test_file_name+’.pred’, results)

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
# Run the tagger function.
print(“Starting the tagging process.”)

# Tagger expects the input call: “python3 tagger.py -d -t
# E.g. python3 tagger.py -d data/train-public -t data/test-public-small
parameters = sys.argv
train_file_name = parameters[parameters.index(“-d”)+1]
test_file_name = parameters[parameters.index(“-t”)+1]

# Start the training and tagging operation.
tag (train_file_name, test_file_name)

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com