编程代写 CMPUT204: Introduction to Algorithms

Topic 1: Introduction, Basic Concepts
CMPUT204: Introduction to Algorithms
􏰀 Course Information (given in a separate document)
􏰀 Algorithms Concepts

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􏰀 Recursion and Induction
􏰀 Pseudo-code, RAM model
􏰀 Getting Started: InsertionSort
􏰀 Readings: CLRS Chapters 1, 2 (p5-29) (Loop invariant to be discussed
next week)
􏰀 CLRS does not discuss how to prove correctness of recursive algorithms. Seminars will present some examples.

The Study of Algorithms
􏰀 This course separates “programmers” from “algorithm designer”:
􏰀 A programmer knows how to write code
􏰀 An algorithm designer knows how to reason about code
􏰀 Argue about correctness and resources mathematically 􏰀 Has wide-range of “tools” for a wide-variety of problems
􏰀 Leaving this course you should have learned:
􏰀 Algorithms: sorting, graphs, math-operations, problem solving,
􏰀 Design Paradigms: greedy, divide-and-conquer, dynamic
􏰀 Analysis: correctness, worst/average/best case, asymptotic
Week 1: Introduction

What’s an Algorithm?
􏰀 Problem: Given an input X satisfying …, output Y satisfying …
􏰀 Instance: A specific input for a problem is an instance
􏰀 Algorithm: A well-defined step-by-step procedure for X → Y
􏰀 Examples (that you already know!):
􏰀 Given a natural number X, output Y which is X!
􏰀 Given a sequence of numbers (a1, …, an), output a sorted list.
􏰀 What do we need to argue about an algorithm? 􏰀 Correctness
􏰀 Amount of resources: time and space 􏰀 Can we do any better?
􏰀 For any instance? For some particular type of good instances?
Week 1: Introduction

Correctness for Recursive Codes
􏰀 The factorial function: n! = 􏰕ni=1 i
􏰀 Recursive implementation:
procedure factorial(n) if (n = 0) then
return 1 else
Week 1: Introduction
(with 0! = 1)
return n × factorial(n − 1)
􏰀 How do we prove the correctness of recursive code?
􏰀 We need a proof that starts at a base case (0 in this case), and progresses from there until it covers all integers …
􏰀 I.e., we prove correctness of recursions using induction!
∗∗ Base case
∗∗ Recursive call

􏰀 Claim: For every natural number n, factorial(n) = n!. 􏰀 Proof: By induction.
􏰀 (Base case) We show the claim holds for some initial value. 􏰀 Forn=0wehavethat0!=1andfactorial(0)=1.
􏰀 (Induction step) Fix some k. Assuming the claim holds for k, we show the claim also holds for k + 1.
􏰀 Assuming factorial(k) = k!, we have that
factorial(k + 1) = (k + 1) × factorial(k) ∗ ∗ since k + 1 > 0
= (k + 1) × k! k
= (k + 1) × 􏰖 i i=1
= 􏰖i=(k+1)!
∗ ∗by induction hypothesis
Week 1: Introduction

􏰀 Induction proof structure
􏰀 Base case: We show the claim holds for some initial value.
(Not necessarily 0)
􏰀 Induction step: Fix some natural number k. Assuming the claim
holds for k, we show that the claim also holds for k + 1.
􏰀 Alternative: (Full/Complete/Strong induction)
􏰀 Induction step: Fix some natural number k. Assuming the claim holds for all natural numbers 0 ≤ i ≤ k we show it also holds for k + 1.
􏰀 Induction is a powerful and a commonly used tool.
􏰀 Must-haves in induction proofs:
􏰀 A clearly defined base case
􏰀 A well-defined assumption for any instance of a fixed size 􏰀 A correct induction step — that indeed works for any k.
􏰀 Without these (and they are sometimes subtle) inductions can go horribly wrong.
Week 1: Introduction

Motivation: Fibonacci (Efficiency Issues)
􏰀 Consider the sequence of Fibonacci numbers defined recursively:  0 if n = 0
F(n) = 1 if n = 1  F(n−1)+F(n−2) if n≥2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 …
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 … 􏰀 Problem: Given n, output F(n).
Week 1: Introduction

Direct and easy recursive implementation:
procedure fib1(n) if n<2 then return n else return fib1(n−1) + fib1(n−2) Trace of recursive calls: fib1(4) /\ fib1(3) fib1(2) /\/\ fib1(2) fib1(1) fib1(1) fib1(0) /\ fib1(1) fib1(0) Week 1: Introduction Some back-of-the-envelop calculations: Let T1(n) denote the number of recursive calls in fib1(n). 􏰀 fib1(n − 1) — invoked 1 time 􏰀 fib1(n − 2) — invoked 2 times 􏰀 fib1(n − 3) — invoked 3 times 􏰀 fib1(n − 4) — invoked 5 times 􏰀 fib1(n − 5) — invoked 8 times 􏰀 Claim: For all natural numbers n ≥ 2, fib1(n − i) is invoked F (i + 1) times for any 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1. Proof: induction! 􏰀 It follows T1(n) ≥ 􏰁ni=2 F(i) which is exponential in n (it is known 􏰂 1+√5 􏰃n that T1(n) is about 2 , see pages 59-60 of Text). Week 1: Introduction 􏰀 Non-recursive implementation: procedure fib2(n) for j=3 to n+1 do F[j] = F[j − 1] + F[j − 2] return F[n+1] 􏰀 Yet another non-recursive implementation: procedure fib3(n) return 0 x=0 for j = 2 to n do newy = x + y x=y Week 1: Introduction Some calculations about the cost 􏰀 Let T2(n) and T3(n) denote the number of times we invoke the loop in fib2 and fib3 respectively T2(n) = T3(n) = n − 1, for all n ≥ 1 􏰀 Thus, T1(n) - exponential, T2(n),T3(n) - linear 􏰀 What about space, measured by the number of “integers stored in memory” 􏰀 fib2 - linear; all Fibonacci numbers are stored in an array 􏰀 fib3 - small constant, x and y, newy, and a loop counter 􏰀 Conclusion: fib3 is the best. Week 1: Introduction Methodologies for Analyzing Algorithms 􏰀 How do we measure an algorithm’s running time (RT)? 􏰀 RT depends on hardware, software, implementation language, 􏰀 How about measuring RT in terms of input size? 􏰀 We cannot run against all possible inputs 􏰀 Even inputs of the same size may have different RTs. 􏰀 We need an analytic way of measuring RT independent of environment factors (CPU speed, compiler, implementation, ...). 􏰀 Idea/Solution: 􏰀 Abstract away — select theoretical computer model 􏰀 Try to identify “key operations”: If each operation costs me $1 dollar — how much will I end up paying Week 1: Introduction Model of computation: RAM 􏰀 RAM: random access machine 􏰀 Components 􏰀 Input device 􏰀 Output device 􏰀 CPU: computation unit (inc. program) 􏰀 M: memory locations (each can store an integer) M[0], M[1], M[2], . . . 􏰀 Program: fixed user-defined instruction sequence 􏰀 Properties 􏰀 CPU has access to any mem location directly (by index) 􏰀 move data between memory 􏰀 compare data and branch 􏰀 binary arithmetic operation 􏰀 read from Input to memory 􏰀 write from memory to Output 􏰀 variables are local (unless stated otherwise) 􏰀 parameters passed by value 􏰀 primitive operations: 􏰀 assign a value to a variable 􏰀 calling a method/function/procedure 􏰀 an arithmetic operation 􏰀 comparing two basic variables 􏰀 returning a value from a method Week 1: Introduction Model of computation: RAM (Cont’d) 􏰀 We will do our best to abstract away from all of those! 􏰀 Given an algorithm, we can measure: 􏰀 Time — number of primitive (basic) instructions executed 􏰀 Space — number of memory locations used In this course we will often look at Time, seldom Space. Week 1: Introduction Model of describing an algorithm 􏰀 Describing algorithms: pseudocode 􏰀 Pseudocode example input: integers a, b output: a × b for j = 1 to b do sum = sum + a return sum 􏰀 Pseudocode conventions 􏰀 indentation indicates block structure 􏰀 while/for/repeat/if/then/else 􏰀 Procedure/Function: name(pam1,pam2,...) 􏰀 ** or ◃ comment 􏰀 array indexing: A[i] for ith cell of array A. Week 1: Introduction An example: Insertion Sort 􏰀 Input: n elements (a1, a2, . . . , an) where each pair is comparable (e.g., numbers, cards, chess players, GDPs) 􏰀 Output: an ordered permutation (a′1, a′2, . . . , a′n) such that a′1 ≤a′2 ≤...≤a′n 􏰀 Our first solution: Insertion sort 􏰀 Idea: repeatedly insert A[j] into sorted sublist A[1..j − 1] 􏰀 How to insert? One by one, move elements in sorted sublist A[1..j − 1] which are bigger than key(= A[j]) to the right Week 1: Introduction An example: Insertion Sort 􏰀 Pseudocode InsertionSort(A) **sort A[1..n] for j = 2 to n do key = A[j] **insert A[j] into sorted sublist A[1..j − 1] i=j−1 while (i>0 and A[i]>key) do
A[i + 1] = A[i]
i=i−1 A[i + 1] = key
Week 1: Introduction

An example: Insertion Sort Trace
􏰀 Input: : (53,21,47,62,14,38)
Week 1: Introduction
53 21 53 53 21 53 21 53 21 53 21 47 21 47 21 47 21 47 21 47 21 47 21 47 21 21 14 21 14 21 14 21 14 21 14 21 14 21
47 62 47 62 47 62 47 62 53 62 53 62 53 62 53 62 53 62 53 62 53 53 47 53 47 53 47 53 47 53 47 53 47 53 47 47 38 47
14 38 ** j←2, key=21
14 38 ** end of this iteration 14 38 ** j←3, key=47
14 38 ** j←4, key=62
14 38 ** j←5, key=14
62 38 ** j←6, key=38
53 62 ** output permutation

Analysis of running time
􏰀 Model of computation: RAM
􏰀 Problem: run time varies with input
Kinds of analysis
􏰀 Worst case
􏰀 T (n) — maximum time over all inputs of size n
􏰀 Average case
􏰀 Must specify input distribution over which average computed 􏰀 Most common: assume uniform distribution (all inputs of size
n equally likely) 􏰀 Best case
􏰀 The least running time for any instance; useful only for lower bound.
Week 1: Introduction

Analysis of Insertion Sort
for j = 2 to n do key = A[j]
n − 1 i=j−1 n−1
while (i > 0 and A[i] > key) do A[i + 1] = A[i]
􏰁nj=2 tj 􏰁nj=2(tj − 1) 􏰁nj=2(tj −1) n−1
A[i+1] = key
tj — number of times the while loop test is executed for j.
T (n) = n+2(n−1)+3 􏰊 tj − 2(n − 1)+n−1 = 2n−1+3 􏰊 tj
Week 1: Introduction

Running time
􏰀 Best case: list is already sorted (for any 2 ≤ j ≤ n we have tj = 1)
T (n) = 2n − 1 + 3(n − 1) = 5n − 4
􏰀 Worst case: list is reverse sorted (for any 2 ≤ j ≤ n we have
T(n)=2n−1+3 2 −1 =1.5n +3.5n−4
􏰀 Average case: Suppoe we randomly choose n numbers and apply insertionSort. On average, half of the elements in A[1..j] are less than A[j] and half are greater. So tj is about j/2 and we end up with a quatratic function, as bad as the worst case.
􏰓n(n+1) 􏰔 2
Week 1: Introduction

Correctness of insertion sort
Theorem: InsertionSort(A) returns A in a sorted order.
To prove the theorem we will prove the following claim.
􏰀 Claim: Forany2≤j≤n+1,atthestartofj-iterationofthe for-loop, the subarray A[1..j − 1] consists of the elements originally in A[1..j − 1], and in sorted order.
This Claim is an example of a Loop Invariant, which we will study next.
Week 1: Insertion Sort

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