CS代写 COMP-273 Slides From Patterson’s 61C 2

Slides From Patterson’s 61C 1
Logical and Shift Operations

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°Logical Instructions ° Shifts
COMP-273 Slides From Patterson’s 61C 2

Bitwise Operations (1/2)
°Up until now, we’ve done arithmetic (add, sub,addi ), memory access (lw and sw), and branches and jumps.
°All of these instructions view contents of register as a single quantity (such as a signed or unsigned integer)
° : View contents of register as 32 bits rather than as a single 32-bit number
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Bitwise Operations (2/2)
°Since registers are composed of 32 bits, we may want to access individual bits (or groups of bits) rather than the whole.
°Introduce two new classes of instructions:
• Logical Operators
• Shift Instructions (we’ve seen sll already)
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Logical Operators (1/4)
°Two basic logical operators:
• AND: outputs 1 only if both inputs are 1 • OR: outputs 1 if at least one input is 1
°In general, can define them to accept >2 inputs, but in the case of MIPS assembly, both of these accept exactly 2 inputs and produce 1 output
• Again, rigid syntax, simpler hardware
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Logical Operators (2/4)
°Truth Table: standard table listing all possible combinations of inputs and resultant output for each
°Truth Table for AND and OR
A B 00 01 10 11
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Logical Operators (3/4)
°Logical Instruction Syntax: 1 2,3,4
1) operation name
2) register that will receive value
3) first operand (register)
4) second operand (register) or immediate (numerical constant)
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Logical Operators (4/4)
°Instruction Names:
•and, or: Both of these expect the third
argument to be a register
•andi, ori: Both of these expect the third argument to be an immediate
°MIPS Logical Operators are all bitwise, meaning that bit 0 of the output is produced by the respective bit 0’s of the inputs, bit 1 by the bit 1’s, etc.
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Uses for Logical Operators (1/3)
° Note that anding a bit with 0 produces a 0 at the output while anding a bit with 1
produces the original bit.
°This can be used to create a mask.
• Example:
1011 0110 1010 0100 0011 1101 1001 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111
• The result of anding these two is:
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1101 1001 1010
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Uses for Logical Operators (2/3)
°The second bitstring in the example is called a mask. It is used to isolate the rightmost 12 bits of the first bitstring by masking out the rest of the string (e.g. setting it to all 0s).
° Thus, the and operator can be used to set certain portions of a bitstring to 0s, while leaving the rest alone.
• In particular, if the first bitstring in the above example were in $t0, then the following instruction would mask it:
andi $t0,$t0,0xFFF
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Uses for Logical Operators (3/3)
° Similarly, note that oring a bit with 1 produces a 1 at the output while oring
a bit with 0 produces the original bit.
°This can be used to force certain bits of a string to 1s.
• For example, if $t0 contains 0x12345678, then after this instruction:
ori $t0, $t0, 0xFFFF
• … $t0 contains 0x1234FFFF (e.g. the high-order 16 bits are untouched, while the low-order 16 bits are forced to 1s).
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Shift Instructions (1/4)
°Move (shift) all the bits in a word to the left or right by a number of bits.
• Example: shift right by 8 bits
0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000
0000 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 • Example: shift left by 8 bits
0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000
0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 0000 0000
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Shift Instructions (2/4)
°Shift Instruction Syntax: 1 2,3,4
1) operation name
2) register that will receive value 3) first operand (register)
4) shift amount (constant <= 32) Slides From Patterson’s 61C 13 Shift Instructions (3/4) °MIPS shift instructions: 1. sll (shift left logical): shifts left and fills emptied bits with 0s 2. srl (shift right logical): shifts right and fills emptied bits with 0s 3. sra (shift right arithmetic): shifts right and fills emptied bits by sign extending Slides From Patterson’s 61C 14 Shift Instructions (4/4) °Example: shift right arith by 8 bits 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 0000 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 °Example: shift right arith by 8 bits 1001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1111 1111 1001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 COMP-273 Slides From Patterson’s 61C 15 Uses for Shift Instructions (1/5) °Suppose we want to isolate byte 0 (rightmost 8 bits) of a word in $t0. Simply use: andi $t0,$t0,0xFF °Suppose we want to isolate byte 1 (bit15tobit8)ofawordin$t0. We can use: andi $t0,$t0,0xFF00 but then we still need to shift to the right by 8 bits... Slides From Patterson’s 61C 16 Uses for Shift Instructions (2/5) °Could use instead: sll $t0,$t0,16 srl $t0,$t0,24 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 0101 0110 0111 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0101 0110 Slides From Patterson’s 61C 17 Uses for Shift Instructions (3/5) °In decimal: • Multiplying by 10 is same as shifting left - 71410 x 1010 = 714010 - 5610 x 1010 = 56010 • Multiplying by 100 is same as shifting left - 71410 x 10010 = 7140010 - 5610 x 10010 = 560010 • Multiplying by 10n is same as shifting left by n Slides From Patterson’s 61C 18 Uses for Shift Instructions (4/5) °In binary: • Multiplying by 2 is same as shifting left - 112 x102 =1102 - 10102 x 102 = 101002 • Multiplying by 4 is same as shifting left - 112 x 1002 = 11002 - 10102 x 1002 = 1010002 • Multiplying by 2n is same as shifting left by n Slides From Patterson’s 61C 19 Uses for Shift Instructions (5/5) °Since shifting maybe faster than multiplication, a good compiler usually notices when C code multiplies by a power of 2 and compiles it to a shift instruction: a *= 8;(in C) would compile to: sll $s0,$s0,3 (in MIPS) °Likewise, shift right to divide by powers of 2 • remember to use sra Slides From Patterson’s 61C 20 Things to Remember (1/2) °Logical and Shift Instructions operate on bits individually, unlike arithmetic, which operate on entire word. °Use Logical and Shift Instructions to isolate fields, either by masking or by shifting back and forth. COMP-273 Slides From Patterson’s 61C 21 Things to Remember (2/2) and, andi, or, ori sll, srl, sra Slides From Patterson’s 61C 22 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com