程序代写代做代考 game asp.net database The result of this assessment will not be counted if you do not meet the minimum attendance requirement(if any) governed by the general academic regulations of your programme/course unless approval of the campus has been granted.

The result of this assessment will not be counted if you do not meet the minimum attendance requirement(if any) governed by the general academic regulations of your programme/course unless approval of the campus has been granted.

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (CW/TY)
Department of Information Technology
HD in Game Software Development (IT114107)
ITP4910 Software Development Project

Prototype and Final Report
(End of Module Assessment – 60% of Total Mark)


Assume the management approved the System Analysis and Design Report submitted earlier and gave some valuable comments and suggestions. You are therefore required to review the design of the system and start the implementation. You are expected to submit the system prototype, demonstrate the system in early-July, and execute the user acceptance within July.

The software prototype divided into TWO parts. The prototype should include (but not limit to) the following:
Part 1:
Application for company staff (C#.NET)
Menu program(s)
Master table maintenances (e.g. Add, change and delete/cancel functions for master tables)
Maintain Player account
Create Point Card (Customer Service Manager)
Suspend point card
View point card status(Unused, Suspended, Used)
Top-up Player account by point card
View Player Point Card topped-up History
System security and control (i.e. user access and/or data access control)
Database implementation
Part 2:
Application for player (ASP.NET)
Register Player Account
Enquire Player Information and Game Progress
Top-up balance by Point Card
Play mini game “Guess the number”
The Final Report should include (but not limit to) the following sections:
Cover Page
Table of Contents and Table of Figures (if any)
Requirements of the proposed system
Design of the proposed system
System Architecture
Constraints and Limitations
System Analysis and Design (UML)
Actor Description, Use case diagram and description
Class Diagram (Design Level)
Sequence Diagram (System Level)
Entity Relation Diagram (ERD)
Database Design that clearly shows name, data type and brief description of primary keys, foreign keys and all other attributes.
User Interface and Report Design
All test cases and test data
User Guide
Project Schedule (Gantt Chart, planned and actual) covering all stages of the project
Project Log
Appendices (if necessary)
You are allowed to include some other sections/subsections that you find essential for improving the quality and comprehensiveness of the report.
Note: The implementation (software prototype) must correspond with the Final Report.

Report Formatting
A cover shows the title and date of the report, project group number, student name and number of all members.
Workload distribution table (State clearly the contribution in both report and programming)
Page header/footer and number of all pages (except cover page)

Development Tool

Oral Presentation
All members of the group are required to give a demonstration of your progress and your final project. Your supervisor will assign you the time slots.
The assessment will base on the following factors:
The appropriateness of presented material
The preparation of the presentation
The presentation skill and question handling skill

Marks Allocation
Prototype Demonstration – 55% of Total Mark
Software Prototype
Part 1 – 70% of Prototype and Final Report
Part 2 – 10% of Prototype and Final Report
Report – 20% of Prototype and Final Report
Oral Presentation – 5% of Total Mark (Individual)

Deadline of Submission
This is a group assignment. Submit your work (softcopy) to MOODLE on or before 11:55 pm on 12 July 2020 (Sunday) and a hardcopy in an A4-sized envelope to your supervisor before the presentation. Late submission without valid reasons will be given ZERO mark.

Submit softcopy of the report, program source code, program executables (if any), database (creation scripts) and ALL other related files.
Upload the softcopy items listed in REF _Ref314736403 \r \h 7.1 in Zip format to Moodle.
Submit a list of workload distribution of each student in project group and put it as first page of your report. (See next page for sample list)
Write down course code and name, module code and name, assignment title, group number, student names on the surface of the submitted envelope.
Marks will be deducted if the above instructions are not followed.
Plagiarism will be dealt with accordingly. Plagiarized assignments will receive ZERO mark and disciplinary action will be taken.

Cover Page (see next page):

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (TY)
Department of Information Technology
HD in Game Software Development (IT114107)
ITP4910 Software Development Project (2019/2020)

Prototype and Final Report


Group No.


Contribution to the project (%)
(Total 100%)

We declare that this is a group project and that no part of this submission has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for us by another person.

ITP4910 Software Development Project


Page PAGE 4
Prototype and Final Report