程序代写代做代考 algorithm C Query Evaluation 1

Query Evaluation 1

 Introduction
 Metrics
 Unary Operators
John Edgar 2

select c.cid, c.cname, c.email, p.pid, p.pname, p.price from customer c, sales s, product p
where c.city = ‘Vancouver’ and p.company = ‘lego’ and s.year = 2019 and s.cid = c.cid and s.pid = p.pid
SQL is procedural Operations are specified
select c.cid, c.cname, c.email, p.pid, p.pname, p.price
from (select cid, cname, email from customer where city = ‘Vancouver’) as c natural inner join
(select cid, pid from sales where year = 2019) as s
natural inner join
(select pid, pname, price from products where company = ‘lego’) as p
There are often equivalent queries
That are more or less efficient
Query optimization entails finding the best* query
select c.cid, c.cname, c.email, p.pid, p.pname, p.price from (select c1.cid, s1.pid
from customer c1, sales s1
where c1.city = ‘Vancouver’ and s1.year = 2019 intersect
select s2.cid, p1.pid
from product p1, sales s2
where p1.company = ‘lego’ and s2.year = 2019) as cp
natural inner join customer
natural inner join product
*Actually a good enough query
John Edgar

select … from … where
construct parse tree
estimate cost which is best?
generate physical plans
… …
x RS…
generate equivalent logical plans
logical plan 1
logical plan 2
logical plan n
logical plans are relational algebra queries
physical plan 1
physical plan 2
physical plan n
an algorithm is selected for each operator in a logical plan
convert to relational algebra
 ( (…))
John Edgar
What are these algorithms?

select c.cid, c.cname, c.email, p.pid, p.pname, p.price
from (select cid, cname, email from customer where city = ‘Vancouver’) as c natural inner join
(select cid, pid from sales where year = 2019) as s
natural inner join
(select pid, pname, price from products where company = ‘lego’) as p
cid,cname,email,pid,pname,price(cid,cname,email(city = ‘Vancouver’ (Customer))
 pid,pname,price(company = ‘lego’ (Product)))

 cid,pid(year = 2019(Sales))

Order of operations?
Size of input into next operation – intermediate relations? Are results maintained in main memory?
What is the cost metric?
 A physical plan is made up of a sequence of steps
▪ Each step corresponds to a relational algebra operation
▪ Input is one or more relations
▪ Output from each operation
is a relation
 Some operations require
low level processes
1 2 3
… maybe …
▪ ▪
Scanning a table
Using an index to access a record
John Edgar


main memory
M frames available
Cost metric – number of blocks read or written from disk
DB – on disk
B(R) – number of blocks of R T(R) – number of records of R bf(R) – records per block of R
Metadata – in system catalog
Cost of disk I/O dominates
For simplicity, assume data is accessed one block at a time
V(R,a) – number of distinct values for attribute a in R
John Edgar

B(Customer) = 100,000 T(Customer) = 1,000,000 V(Customer, city) = 100
 This section covers algorithms for query operations ▪ There is often more than one for an operation
 Operations are considered in isolation
cid,cname,email,pid,pname,price(cid,cname,email(city = ‘Vancouver’ (Customer))
 pid,pname,price(company = ‘lego’ (Product)))

 cid,pid(year = 2019(Sales))

Assume performed first
▪ Assume that data is read from disk ▪ In practice this is not always the case
Interaction of operations discussed later
▪ And that the result is retained in memory – not written out
John Edgar 8


 A unary operator is an operation with a single operand
▪ For SQL operators the operand is a table
▪ Either a base table or the result of a previous query operation
 Unary operations
▪ Selection salary > 100000(Customer)

▪ Projection
▪ Which may include duplicate removal
▪ Sorting
▪ Aggregations AVG(salary)
John Edgar

don’t do this …
FROM Customer
WHERE city = ‘Vancouver’
city = ‘Vancouver’(Customer)
 A simple selection has a single condition
▪ Complex selections are considered later
 Selections are satisfied by retrieving the matching
records via an access path
▪ Scanning the file and testing each record to determine if it
matches the selection
▪ Or using binary search if the file is sorted and has no index
▪ Using an index on the attribute in the condition
John Edgar 11
which is unusual …

 No index on the selection attribute
▪ Linear search by scanning file, cost is B reads
▪ If the selection attribute is a candidate key the scan can be terminated once a match has been found (cost is B/2)
▪ If the file is sorted use binary search to find record(s) ▪ log2(B) + pages of matching records – 1
 Index on the selection attribute
▪ The cost is dependent on
▪ The type of index – B+ tree, hash index, …
▪ Theheightoftheindex
▪ The number of records that match the selection
▪ Whether the index is primary or secondary
But it is unusual to have a sorted file with no primary index
John Edgar 12
Compare selections on SIN
First name City Gender

 The cost of satisfying a selection with an index is composed of
▪ Number of disk reads to use the index
▪ i.e. to reach the leaf / bucket that contains the data entry
▪ The number of leaves / size of the bucket
▪ Number of blocks of the file with records that match the selection
▪ Generally larger if the index is secondary  Assume that indices are
▪ Hash index – extensible or linear ▪ B+ tree index
John Edgar

 B+ Tree
▪ To find matching RIDs search tree
▪ RIDs reside in leaf nodes
▪ Cost: 1 disk read per level
 Additional leaf pages may have to be read
▪ If index is dense or selection is inequality
▪ i.e. entries are on multiple leaves
 Extensible hash index ▪ Read directory
▪ Probably1or2blocks
▪ Read bucket ▪ 1block
 Linear hash index ▪ Read bucket
▪ Bucketmayhaveoverflow blocks
 Hash indexes only used for equality selections
John Edgar

 Primary index
▪ File is sorted by search key
▪ Matching records are stored in consecutive blocks
▪ Blocks read is number of records  records per block
▪ 1+(records–1)bf(R) ▪ Assumesworstcase
 Secondary index
▪ Matching records are not
stored consecutively
▪ Assume one disk read for each matching record
▪ Asrecordsarescattered across the file
▪ For large selections could be worse than a file scan
John Edgar

Access Method
Candidate Key Selection
Non Candidate Key Selection
Linear search
Binary search
log2(B) + x
Must be sorted on selection attribute x = blocks of matching records
Primary B+ tree index
tree height + 1
tree height + x
x = blocks of matching records
Secondary B+ tree index
tree height + 1
tree height + w + y
w = leaf nodes of data entries – 1 y = number of matching records
Primary hash index
index height + 1
indexheight+w +x
w = blocks in bucket – 1
x = blocks of matching records
Secondary hash index
index height + 1
indexheight+w +y
w = blocks in bucket – 1
y = number of matching records
Notes: tree height usually 3 to 5; hash index “height” usually 1 or 2; root node of indexes may be resident in main memory which reduces cost by 1; value for w is usually 1 (particularly for a hash index); difference between x and y can be large; details on how to compute these costs follow
John Edgar 16

 A complex selection is made of at least two terms connected by and () and or ()
▪ The terms can reference different or the same attributes
▪ If no index on any of the selection attributes scan the file
▪ Use indices on selection attributes where possible
▪ Use of indices is governed by the type of selection and index
▪ Conjunctions are more selective
and clauses or clauses
▪ Disjunctions are less selective
 Complex selections are satisfied in much the same
way as simple selections
John Edgar 17

 If only one index is available use the index and apply other selections in main memory
▪ Either there is an index on only one of the attributes
▪ Or an index with a compound key that references multiple
selection attributes
▪ Note the restrictions on the use of hash indices
 If multiple indexes are available contrast
the intersection
attributes in selection must form prefix of the key
▪ Either use the most selective
▪ Or collect RIDs from leaves or buckets of indexes and take
firstname = “Emma”  lastname = “Lee”(Patient) city = “Vancouver”  msp = 555123456(Patient)
John Edgar

 Selections with disjunctions are stated in conjunctive
normal form (CNF)
By the query optimizer
▪ A collection of conjuncts
▪ Each conjunct consists either of a single term, or multiple terms joined by or
▪ e.g.(AB)CD(ACD)(BCD)
▪ This allows each conjunct to be considered independently
 A conjunct can only be satisfied by indices if there is an index on all attributes of all of its disjunctive terms
▪ If all the conjuncts contain at least one disjunction with no matching index a file scan is necessary
John Edgar 19

 Consider a selection of this form ▪ (a  b  c)  (d  e  f)(R)
▪ Where each of a to f is an equality selection on an attribute  If each of the terms in either of the conjuncts has a
matching index
▪ Use the indexes to find the rids
▪ Take the union of the rids and retrieve those records
▪ For example, if there are indexes just on a, b, c, and e
▪ Use the a, b, and c indexes and take the union of the rids
▪ Retrieve the resulting records and apply the other criteria
John Edgar 20
if there was no index on b a file scan would be necessary

SELECT fName, lName FROM Customer
 Only selected columns are retained
▪ Reducing the size of the result relation
▪ Projections can always be pipelined from other operations ▪ Unless the SELECT clause includes DISTINCT
 A SELECT DISTINCT clause eliminates duplicates ▪ Which requires sorting the relation
▪ Or building a hash table on the relation
John Edgar 21
Processed without writing out the previous result
But what if the relation does not fit in main memory?