程序代写代做代考 graph Objective:

The goal of this project is to understand how to implement network graph in Dashboard and add some new features. A draft dashboard code has been included. Your task is to improve the dashboard with the following features.
1. Change the dashboard format to the following
There will be 5 boxes. Top left is Input (have already), middle one is Graph (have already), top right is product information, bottom right is edge information and bottom left is Legend.
2. Add title to Dashboard. Title name is Market Information
3. Create a new Legend box located at the bottom left corner. Add the following legend information into the box:

4. At the moment product information and edge information are in the same box. You need to break them into 2 boxes (as shown in the format image above).
5. For product information and edge information box, add scroller, so that user can scroll only in the box to see information, while other boxes will not be moved.