程序代写代做代考 C interpreter graph game compiler c++ file system ASSIGNMENT #4: POLYMORPHISM AND DESIGN PATTERNS CS246, SPRING 2020

Assignment #4: Polymorphism and Design Patterns
Due Date 1: Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 5:00 pm Due Date 2: Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 5:00 pm Online Quiz: Friday, July 17, 2020, 5:00 pm
Topics that must have been completed before starting Due Date 1: 1. Error Handling with Exceptions
2. STL and

3. Object-oriented programming: Inheritance
4. UML
5. Design patterns: introduction
6. Design patterns: Iterator, Decorator, Observer
Learning objectives:
• C++: exceptions
• C++: polymorphism
• Design patterns: Iterator, Decorator, Observer
• Introduction to X11 graphics, which will likely be useful for the final project.
• Test suites for questions 1, 2, and 3 are due on Due Date 1; the remaining questions are due on Due Date 2. You must submit the online quiz on Learn by the Quiz date.
• You must use the C++ I/O streaming and memory management facilities on this assignment. Marmoset will be programmed to reject submissions that use C-style I/O or memory management.
• You may include the headers , , , , , , , and

• For this assignment, you are not allowed to use the array (i.e., []) forms of new and delete. Further, the CXXFLAGS variable in your Makefile must include the flag -Werror=vla.
• Each question on this assignment asks you to write a C++ program, and the programs you write on this assignment each span multiple files. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you develop your solution for each question in a separate directory. Just remember that, for each question, you should be in that directory when you create your ZIP file, so that it does not contain any extra directory structure.
• Aproperobject-orienteddesignisachievedthroughtheuseofvirtualmethodsthatallowyoutoperformthe required operations, without ever knowing exactly what kind of object you have. Therefore any attempt to “query” the run-time types of objects, and then make decisions based on the discovered types, will not earn marks. Additionally, since this assignment focuses on object-oriented design, not following the requirements will cause you to lose up to 100% of Marmoset correctness marks.
• You are required to submit a Makefile along with every code submission. Marmoset will use this Makefile to build your submission.
• Question 4, the bonus question, asks you to work with XWindows graphics. (This may also be something you need for the final project, depending upon which choices are available.) Well before starting that question, make sure you are able to use graphical applications from your Unix session. If you are using
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Linux you should be fine. If making an SSH connection to a campus machine, be sure to pass the -Y option and turn on X-forwarding.
– Note for Windows users: If you are using Windows and putty, you should download and run an X server such as XMing, and be sure that PuTTY is configured to forward X connections. Alert course staff immediately if you are unable to set up your X connection (e.g. if you can’t run xeyes).
– If working on your own machine, make sure you have the necessary libraries to compile graphics. Try executing the following from within the graphics-demo directory:
g++14 window.cc graphicsdemo.cc -o graphicsdemo -lX11
(Note: this is a dash followed by lower case L followed by X and then one one.) Run the program ./graphicsdemo
– NoteforMacOSusers:OnmachinesrunningMacOSyouwillneedtoinstallXQuartz.(Seehttps: //www.xquartz.org/.) Once installed, you must restart your machine. You will also need to explicitly tell g++ where the X11 library is located. If the above compilation command does not work, browse through your Mac’s file system looking for a directory X11 that contains directories lib and include. You must then specify the lib directory using the -L option and the include directory using the -I (uppercase i) option. For most installations, the following should work (from within the graphics-demo directory):
g++14 window.cc graphicsdemo.cc -o graphicsdemo -lX11 -L/usr/X11/lib -I/usr/X11/include
Question 1
This question simulates a simplified digital music player that has an underlying library of digital media (either songs or television shows) and a limited number of media play lists that can be set up from the library contents. In particular, we’ll use the Iterator design pattern to traverse the library and the play list objects. The resulting UML class model looks like the following, though you can change your private data field declaration names, and add private methods as desired.
(You have been provided with some starter code, a test harness, a sample input file, and a sample executable to help you. Make sure that you read through the test harness carefully to understand what it does.)
The Song and TV classes are concrete subclasses of the abstract base class DigitalMedia. They just contain data, with the appropriate accessors and no mutators. (One simplifying assumption that you may make is that the keys are alphanumeric sequences.) They implement the pure virtual method print, which is used to help the iterators output the object information. Use the provided util.h and util.cc to simplify your implementations of the associated input operators, though you will have to add some code to util.cc to raise the necessary exceptions and the necessary handler code to main.cc in the indicated locations.
• The TV constructor sets the key, title, duration (in seconds), episode, season, and series information. See the provided starter file for the list of exceptions raised, and under what order and condition they are raised.
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• operator<< for TV outputs the object’s information as (key, "series" SE “title”, duration)whereeachstringthatmighthavewhites- pace within it (i.e. title, series) is surrounded with double-quotation marks. The season number and episode number have a default width of 2, and must start with ’0’ if their value is less than 10.
• operator>> for TV reads in information in the following format key\ntitle\nduration\nseason\nepisode\nseries\n. It raises std::runtime_error if it fails to obtain any of the elements, if the strings are empty, or if the duration, season, or episode cannot be successfully converted to an int.
• The Song constructor sets the key, title, duration (in seconds), artist, album, and genre information. See the provided starter file for the list of exceptions raised, and under what order and condition they are raised.
• operator<< for Song outputs the object’s information as (key, "title", "album", "artist", duration, "genre")whereeachstringthatmighthavewhites- pace within it (i.e. title, album, artist, genre) is surrounded with double-quotation marks. • operator>> for Song reads in information in the following format key\ntitle\nduration\nartist\nalbum\ngenre\n. It raises std::runtime_error if it fails to ob- tain any of the elements, if the strings (except for genre) are empty, or if the duration cannot be successfully converted to an int
The Library holds the pointers to the objects of the concrete DigitalMedia subclasses, Song and TV. When tra- versed, the items are output in lexicographical order by their key values i.e. standard std::string sort order. The keys must be unique. (While this can be implemented using std::vector, std::map will makes things considerably simpler, so you want to read ahead a bit.)
• Library::add adds the specified object pointer to the library, indexed by its key. It will raise the exception object std::logic_error,containingthemessage”key KKKK already exists in library”ifthekeyKKKK is a duplicate.
• Library::find returns the pointer to the object with the specified key, or nullptr.
• Library::remove removes an item by first searching for the item with the specified key value, and then removing
it if it exists. If it doesn’t exist, nothing happens and no error messages are produced.
• operator<< outputs the string Library:\n, followed by each item in the library in key order. Each item is preceded by a tab character, ’\t’, and terminated by a newline. • operator>> adds to the existing library by reading a sequence of digital media objects. Each set of input starts with either an ’s’ to denote a Song, or a ’t’ to denote a TV object. The information is then read in according to the spec- ified input format for the Song or TV classes. (The simplest approach is to use the defined input operators to read them into temporary objects whose contents are over-written, and then use copy operations.) If the specified type is neither an’s’nora’t’,theexceptionstd::runtime_errorisraisedwiththemessage”invalid media type”.
A Playlist holds a collection of DigitalMedia pointers to the concrete subclasses. Items are kept in the order in which they are added to the play list. Play lists may share items. A play list knows the sum of the durations for each of its items, and how much time has elapsed when it is being ”played”. Playing the Playlist is simulated by iterating over it. When the PlaylistIterator is created, it starts at the first item in the list, and the amount of elapsed time is 0 seconds. When the iterator is moved via operator++, the duration of the current item is added to the elapsed time before the iterator is moved to the subsequent item. When the end of the sequence is reached, the iterator stops and the elapsed time equals the sum of all of the item durations. The amount of elapsed time can be reset through Playlist::reset, though a new iterator will have to be created to start at the beginning. (See the provided test harness.)
The test harness is not intended to be particularly robust, so do not write test cases for it. It has an instance of the Library and an array of 5 Playlist objects. It handles the following commands read from standard input:
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Quits the program. Same as reaching EOF.
Prints the contents of the media library.
p pidx
Prints the contents of the playlist at index idx.
r key
Removes the item with the specified key from the media item. Silently does nothing if such an item doesn’t exist.
If has a current playlist and haven’t reached the end, ”play” the current media item by printing its information, and how much time in the playlist has elapsed out of the total time. Advances the iterator.
Resets the current playlist iterator to start over from the beginning. Also resets the elapsed time to 0.
f mkey
Looks for the item with the specified key in the media library.
f pidx
Sets the current playlist to the playlist at index idx and sets the play iterator to start at the beginning.
i filename
Insertsthecontentsoffilefilenameintothemedialibrary. filenameconsistsofasequenceof a mcommandsasdescribedbelow.
a m t\n
Adds a TV show to a media library. The information that follows must follow the format as specified for the operator>> for a TV show.
a m s\n
Adds a song to a media library. The information that follows must follow the format as specified for the operator>> for a song.
a pidxkey
Adds the media item with key key to the playlist at index idx. Silently fails if idx not in range[0, MAX_NUM_PLAYLISTS-1]ormedialibrarydoesn’tcontainanitemwithkeykey.
Anexamplerunoftheprogramappearsbelow.Theinformationmarkedinblue(e.g.i lib01.txt,p m)isuserinput. The remaining text and numbers are the program output:
$ ./a4q1
i lib01.txt pm Library:
(S01, “Great beat and you can dance to it”, “I’d give it a 10!”, “Too cool”, 183, “Eclectic”)
(S02, “Is jive still cool?”, “Trying to be funky”, “Cooler than thou”, 167, “dance”)
(S99, “dance dance dance”, “album 3”, “base10”, 87, “surf punk”)
(TV01, “Amazing New Show” S01E01 “Somewhere far away, and long ago”, 2580)
(TV02, “Amazing New Show” S02E01 “Further away, and longer ago”, 2585)
(TV99, “Amazing newish show” S10E03 “Somewhere not so far away and less long ago”, 2587)
Total: 0 seconds
ap0 S01
a p 0 S02
a p 0 S98
a p 0 S99 pp0
000: (S01, “Great beat and you can dance to it”, “I’d give it a 10!”, “Too cool”, 183, “Eclectic”)
001: (S02, “Is jive still cool?”, “Trying to be funky”, “Cooler than thou”, 167, “dance”)
002: (S99, “dance dance dance”, “album 3”, “base10”, 87, “surf punk”)
Total: 437 seconds
ap1 TV01 ap1 TV02 ap1 TV99 pp1
000: (TV01, “Amazing New Show” S01E01 “Somewhere far away, and long ago”, 2580)
001: (TV02, “Amazing New Show” S02E01 “Further away, and longer ago”, 2585)
002: (TV99, “Amazing newish show” S10E03 “Somewhere not so far away and less long ago”, 2587)
Total: 7752 seconds
(S01, “Great beat and you can dance to it”, “I’d give it a 10!”, “Too cool”, 183, “Eclectic”) 183/437
(S02, “Is jive still cool?”, “Trying to be funky”, “Cooler than thou”, 167, “dance”) 350/437
(S99, “dance dance dance”, “album 3”, “base10”, 87, “surf punk”) 437/437
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(S01, “Great beat and you can dance to it”, “I’d give it a 10!”, “Too cool”, 183, “Eclectic”) 183/437
> q $
Your program must be clearly written, must use exceptions as specified, must follow the Iterator design pattern, and must not leak memory.
a) Due on Due Date 1: Design a test suite for this program. Submit a file called a4q1a.zip that contains the test suite you designed, called suiteq1.txt, and all of the .in and .out files.
b) Due on Due Date 2: Write the program in C++. Save your solution in a file named a4q1b.zip. It must contain a Makefile that creates an executable name a4q1 when the command make is given.
Question 2
In this problem you will have a chance to implement the Decorator pattern. The goal is to write an extensible text processing package. You will be provided with two fully-implemented classes:
• TextProcessor (textprocessor.{h,cc}): abstract base class that defines the interface to the text processor.
• Echo (echo.{h,cc}): concrete implementation of TextProcessor, which provides default behaviour: it echoes
the words in its input stream, one token at a time.
You will also be provided with a partially-implemented mainline program for testing your text processor (main.cc). You are not permitted to modify the two given classes in any way.
You must provide the following functionalities that can be added to the default behaviour of Echo via decorators:
• dropfirst n Drop the first n characters of each word. If n is greater than or equal to the length of some word, that word is eliminated.
• doublewords Double up all words in the string.
• allcaps All letters in the string are presented in uppercase. Other characters remain unchanged.
• count c The first occurrence of the character c in the string is replaced with 1. The second is replaced with 2, … the tenth is replaced with 10, and so on.
These functionalities can be composed in any combination of ways to create a variety of custom text processors. The mainline interpreter loop works as follows:
• You issue a command of the form source-file list-of-decorators. If source-file is stdin, then input should be taken from cin.
• The program constructs a custom text processor from list-of-decorators and applies the text processor to the words in source-file, printing the resulting words, one per line.
• You may then issue another command. An end-of-file signal ends the interpreter loop.
Anexampleinteractionfollows(assumesample.txtcontainsHello World):Theinformationmarkedinblue(e.g. sample.txt doublewords dropfirst 2 count 1,sample.txt allcaps)isuserinput.Theremainingtext and numbers are the program output:
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CS246, SPRING 2020
sample.txt doublewords dropfirst 2 count 1
1 12o
2 34o
3 r5d
4 r6d
sample.txt allcaps
The numbers at the beginning are word numbers (word 1, word 2, etc.), and are supplied by the test harness. You do not need to generate them. Your program must be clearly written, must follow the Decorator design pattern, and must not leak memory.
a) Due on Due Date 1: Design a test suite for this program. Submit a file called a4q2a.zip that contains the test suite you designed, called suiteq2.txt, and all of the .in and .out files.
b) Due on Due Date 2: Write the program in C++. Save your solution in a file named a4q2b.zip. It must contain a Makefile that creates an executable name a4q2 when the command make is given.
Question 3
In this problem, you will use C++ classes to implement Conway’s Game of Life (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Conways_Game_of_Life). An instance of Conway’s Game of Life consists of an n × n-grid of cells, each of which can be either alive or dead. When the game begins, we specify an initial configuration of living and dead cells. The game then moves through successive generations, in which cells can either die, come to life, or stay the same, according to the following rules:
• a living cell with fewer than two live neighbours or more than three live neighbours dies, • a living cell with either two or three live neighbours continues to live, and
• a dead cell with exactly three live neighbours comes to life; otherwise, it remains dead.
The neighbours of an inner cell are the eight cells that immediately surround it (cells on the grid edges and corners naturally have fewer neighbours). An example is shown in the following figure, where an inner cell is shown in green, and its surround- ing neighbours are shown in orange. Note that each has a position (x, y), where x represents the horizontal direction, and y represents the vertical direction. The top-left corner of the grid has position (0, 0).
To implement the game, you will use the following classes organized to follow the Observer design pattern:
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(You have been provided with some starter code, a test harness, a sample input file, and a sample executable to help you. Make sure that you read through the test harness carefully to understand what it does.)
• Subject is the abstract base class that defines the subject interface and operations (see provided subject.h). All subjects inherit the attach and notifyObservers methods. An observer uses the getInfo method to obtain new information about the subject. (In the game context, it will only ever be called on Cell objects.)
• Observer is the abstract base class that defines the observer interface and operations (see provided observer.h and observer.cc). There are two versions of the notify method. The version without any parameters is called solely by the Grid object at the start of each game’s “tick” to tell each cell to notify its neighbours of its status. The version that takes the subject as a parameter is called by either a Cell object as part of its status notification, or by the Grid on a cell’s behalf when either Grid::turnOn has been called, or the cell states have changed and the display needs to be updated.
• Cell implements a single cell in the grid (see provided cell.h). It is both a Subject and an Observer since each cell acts as an observer to its neighbours and must notify its neighbours of its state changes. Each cell needs to know its position in the grid and its current state. The information as to who its neighbours are is stored in the inherited observers container, along with the display.
• Grid implements a two-dimensional grid of cells (see provided grid.h). It creates a new TextDisplay every time Grid::init is called, and a new collection of Cell objects. (You must avoid directly allocating the cells on the heap. Read the documentation carefully to determine the approach.) It is also responsible for attaching observers to the cells after they have been created and before the game continues. When Grid::turnOn is called, the specified cell state is set to Alive and an update of the display must be triggered. Grid::tick is used to calculate the state for the next generation of the game.
• TextDisplay is an observer on each Cell object (see provided textdisplay.h). It stores a set of characters that represents the current state of each cell object, where ’X’ represents an alive cell, and ’_’ (underscore) represents a dead cell. In order to print the grid, operator<< is overloaded for the Grid class and invokes the overloaded operator<< for the TextDisplay class. • State is an enumerated class in C++ (see provided state.h and info.h). This is a more type-safe version of an enumeration. (See scoped enumerations at https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/enum for documentation on their use. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/enum-classes-in-c-and-their-advantage-ov provides a good explanation of why you’d want to use them.) Note: you are not allowed to change the public interface of these classes (i.e., you may not add public fields or methods), but you may add private fields or methods if you want. An iteration of the game (which corresponds to one invocation of Grid::tick) happens in two steps, as follows: Page 7 of 9 ASSIGNMENT #4: POLYMORPHISM AND DESIGN PATTERNS CS246, SPRING 2020 1. The grid calls each cell’s overridden Cell::notify() method. • When the cell’s notify method is called, the cell, if alive, tells all of its neighbours that it is alive by calling Subject::notifyAll(). (Subject::notifyAll() notifies each neighbour, as well as the TextDisplay, by calling the virtual overridden Observer::notify(Subject & whoNotified) method for the con- crete subclass.) • When a cell’s overridden Cell::notify(Subject & whoNotified) method is called by one of its neighbours, it updates its record of how many of its neighbours are alive. 2. After the grid has called each cell’s Cell::notify() method, the grid calls each cell’s recalculate method. • When a cell’s recalculate method is called, it calculates its alive or dead status for the next round, based on the number of messages it received from living neighbours. • The grid must then tell the text display to update its information by notifying it on each cell’s behalf using the overriddenTextDisplay::notify(Subject & whoNotified)method. When you run your program, it will listen on standard input for commands. Your program must accept the following commands: Command Explanation new n Creates a new n × n grid, where n ≥ 1, by invoking Grid::init. If there was already an active grid, that grid is destroyed and replaced with the new one. (Note that we are using the defined type size_t since it is an unsigned integer. For more information, see https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/size_t.) init Entersinitializationmode.Subsequentlyreadpairsofintegersx yandsetsthecellatcoordinates(x,y)as alivebycallingCell::setLiving.Thecoordinates-1 -1endinitializationmode.Itispossibletoenter initialization mode more than once, even while the simulation is running. step Runs one tick of the simulation i.e. transforms the grid into the immediately succeeding generation by calling Grid::tick. steps n Runs n steps of the simulation. print Prints the grid. The program quits when the input stream is exhausted. Anexampleinteractionfollows.Theinformationmarkedinblue(e.g.new 5,init)isuserinput.Theremainingtextis the program output: new 5 init 21 22 23 -1 -1 print _____ __X__ __X__ __X__ _____ step print _____ _____ _XXX_ _____ _____ Page 8 of 9 ASSIGNMENT #4: POLYMORPHISM AND DESIGN PATTERNS CS246, SPRING 2020 Note: Your program should be well documented and employ proper programming style. It should not leak memory. Markers will be checking for these things. a) Due on Due Date 1: Design a test suite for this program. Submit a file called a4q3a.zip that contains the test suite you designed, called suiteq3.txt, and all of the .in and .out files. b) Due on Due Date 2: Write the program in C++. Save your solution in a file named a4q3b.zip. It must contain a Makefile that creates an executable name a4q3 when the command make is given. Question 4 *** BONUS *** This question is worth 5% as a bonus i.e. if the assignment is out of 100 marks, and you obtain full marks, your maximum assignment grade is 105 marks. Note: there are no Marmoset tests for this problem since this problem will be entirely hand-marked. In this problem, you will adapt your solution from question 3 to produce a graphical display in addition to the existing text display. You are provided with a class Xwindow (see files window.h and window.cc) to handle the mechanics of gettinggraphicstodisplay.DeclaringanXwindowobject(e.g.Xwindow xw;)causesawindowtoappear.Whentheobject goes out of scope, the window will disappear (thanks to the destructor). The class supports methods for drawing rectangles and printing text in five different colours. For this assignment, you should only need white and black rectangles where black represents a live cell and white represents a dead cell. To make your solution graphical, you should carry out the following tasks: • Implement a GraphicsDisplay class as a concrete subclass of the abstract base class Observer. • Grid creates a GraphicsDisplay object and registers it as an observer of each cell object in addition to the existing TextDisplay object. • The class GraphicsDisplay is responsible for mapping the row and column numbers of a given cell object to the corresponding coordinates of the squares in the window. • Your GraphicsDisplay class should have a composition relationship with Xwindow. This implies that your con- structor for GraphicsDisplay should also create a Xwindow object, which is a member of the GraphicsDisplay class. Each time a new grid is created, you should create a new GraphicsDisplay to set up an appropriate window for the grid size. • Your cell objects should not have to change at all. The window you create should be of size 500×500, which is the default for the Xwindow class. The larger the grid you create, the smaller the individual squares will be. (If the size of the grid doesn’t divide evenly, any reasonable solution is acceptable since the program will be marked by hand.) Note: to compile this program, you need to pass the option -lX11 to the compiler at link time and it must be the last option for the linking command. For example: g++ -std=c++14 *.o -o a4q4 -lX11 This option is not relevant during compilation, so it should not be put in your CXXFLAGS variable. You should only use it during the linking stage, i.e. the command that builds your final executable. Note: Your program should be well documented and employ proper programming style. It should not leak memory (note, however, that the given Xwindow class leaks a small amount of memory; this is a known issue with X11). Markers will be checking for these things. a) Due on Due Date 1: Not applicable. b) Due on Due Date 2: Write the program in C++. Save your solution in a file named a4q4b.zip. It must contain a Makefile that creates an executable name a4q4 when the command make is given. Page 9 of 9