Department of Information Technology
HD in Game Software Development (IT114107)
ITP4713 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
Assignment Specification
This assignment is to implement a maze solver using Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structure Techniques. The maze is stored in a 2D character array, where ‘s’ represents starting point, ‘t’ represents the target, space ‘ ‘ represents walkable path, ‘#’ represent wall, below is an example
0 s#
1 ## ##
2 ## ###
4 ### ###
5 # #
6 # #
7 t # ##
Your maze solver will do the following:
1. Find the position of ‘s’ and ‘t’ from the 2D array
2. Start to solve the maze by using depth first search (select the first available path), starting from ‘s’ until ‘t’ is found. During the search, if no more possible move, the solver will backtrack to last position which has alternative choice and search again. Failed position will be marked by ‘x’ and success position will be marked by ‘.’.
Following is the sample result (Note that it is not a must all cell are filled at the end of the search):
0 s#xxxxx
1 .##x##x
2 .##x###
3 ….xxx
4 ###.###
5 xx#.xx#
6 #…#xx
7 t.#x##x
Your program is required to create a 2D array (either statically or dynamically) which store the maze. The maze is hardcoded (you may also read it from a data file, which is the bonus part of this assignment).
Before the solver start, the maze is passed to a function by reference and get the starting and target position by reference.
After that, the solver starts to solve the maze from the starting point. The depth first search can be done by a stack of data structure which store the visiting node and its possible moves in the order of up, right, down, left, below is an example of a single data structure:
The search starts by visiting the starting point, i.e. pushing a data structure (starting point and its possible moves) of the starting point to stack and keep searching target from the first available move. Below is the suggested procedure:
Visit (Push)
If not destination
Find possible moves (empty, i.e. not # . x s)
If there is a possible move
Mark current visit by ‘.’.
Remove the first possible move from list
Visit the first possible position (i.e. repeat the first step)
Mark current visit by ‘x’.
Backtrack to last move (Pop)
Re-visit the last move and visit the next possible move (if any)
Target found
Note about the pop:
If all data structure has been popped, the maze cannot be solved, i.e. no solution.
Following are some sample output of different mazes, you are required to print the question, steps of solving and also the final result:
Sample 1: Simple (success)
0 #s##
1 # ##
2 # ##
3 #t##
Visit (0,1) => { (1,1) }
Next move (1,1), updated list: { }
Visit (1,1) => { (2,1) }
Next move (2,1), updated list: { }
Visit (2,1) => { (3,1) }
Next move (3,1), updated list: { }
Visit (3,1) => Goal!
0 #s##
1 #.##
2 #.##
3 #t##
Sample 2: Simple (backtrack)
0 #s##
1 #
2 # ##
3 #t##
Visit (0,1) => { (1,1) }
Next move (1,1), updated list: { }
Visit (1,1) => { (1,2), (2,1) }
Next move (1,2), updated list: { (2,1) }
Visit (1,2) => { (1,3) }
Next move (1,3), updated list: { }
Visit (1,3) => { }
No possible move, backtrack to (1,2)
Re-visit (1,2) => { }
No possible move, backtrack to (1,1)
Re-visit (1,1) => { (2,1) }
Next move (2,1), updated list: { }
Visit (2,1) => { (3,1) }
Next move (3,1), updated list: { }
Visit (3,1) => Goal!
0 #s##
1 #.xx
2 #.##
3 #t##
Sample 3: Simple (failed)
0 #s##
1 # ##
2 # ##
3 ###t
Visit (0,1) => { (1,1) }
Next move (1,1), updated list: { }
Visit (1,1) => { (2,1) }
Next move (2,1), updated list: { }
Visit (2,1) => { }
No possible move, backtrack to (1,1)
Re-visit (1,1) => { }
No possible move, backtrack to (0,1)
Re-visit (0,1) => { }
No possible move, cannot backtrack anymore
No solution
0 #s##
1 #x##
2 #x##
3 ###t
Sample 4: Another example
0 #s##
1 # #
2 t
3 # #
Visit (0,1) => { (1,1) }
Next move (1,1), updated list: { }
Visit (1,1) => { (2,1) }
Next move (2,1), updated list: { }
Visit (2,1) => { (2,2), (3,1), (2,0) }
Next move (2,2), updated list { (3,1), (2,0) }
Visit (2,2) => { (2,3) }
Next move (2,3), updated list { }
Visit (2,3) => { (1,3), (3,3) }
Next move (1,3), updated list { (3,3) }
Visit (1,3) => { }
No possible move, backtrack to (2,3)
Re-visit (2,3) => { (3,3) }
Next move (3,3), updated list { }
Visit (3,3) => { }
No possible move, backtrack to (2,3)
Re-visit (2,3) => { }
No possible move, backtrack to (2,2)
Re-visit (2,2) => { }
No possible move, backtrack to (2,1)
Re-visit (2,1) => { (3,1), (2,0) }
Next move (3,1), updated list { (2,0) }
Visit (3,1) => { }
No possible move, backtrack to (2,1)
Re-visit (2,1) => { (2,0) }
Next move (2,0), updated list { }
Visit (2,0) => Goal!
0 #s##
1 #.#x
2 t.xx
3 #x#x
Instead of hardcode the maze, you can implement a bonus part of the assignment, which read the maze from a file with the following format
The first row stored the number of row and column of the maze
The second row and after stored the maze
8 7
## ##
## ###
### ###
# #
# #
t # ##
using namespace std;
char** arr2D;//maze golobal 2d CHAR ARRAY
int size2D[2];//stor len of x and y
int sPosition[2];//s position
int tPosition[2];//t position
void readDataFromFileLBLInttoCharArray()
ifstream fin(“maze.txt”);//read file
const int LINE_LENGTH = 100;
char str[LINE_LENGTH];//size 100 char array
fin.getline(str, LINE_LENGTH);
size2D[0] = int(str[0]) – 48;
size2D[1] = int(str[2]) – 48;
//creat 2D arrary
arr2D = new char*[size2D[0]];
for (int i = 0; i < size2D[0]; ++i)
arr2D[i] = new char[size2D[1]];
int postY = 0;
while (fin.getline(str, LINE_LENGTH))
for (int i = 0; i < size2D[1]; i++)
arr2D[postY][i] = str[i];
int main() {
cout << size2D[0] << " "<