程序代写 LEAGUE 2020 Shopee Programming Contest #1

Competition Details
SHOPEE CODE LEAGUE 2020 Shopee Programming Contest #1
You may​ start the competition ​anytime between​ 1pm (GMT+7) / 2pm (GMT+8) to 2:40pm (GMT+7) / 3:40pm (GMT+8). ​Once you start the competition, the ​countdown will begin​ and you will have 3 hours 15min to submit your codes.
Duration​: 3 Hours 15 Minutes (Additional 15 minutes is given for your team to familiarise with the competition platform)

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Table of Contents
Item Stock 4
Problem statement 4 Input 4 Output 5 Sample explanation 5 Sample input 8 Sample output 8
Search Engine 9
Problem statement 9 Input 9 Output 9 Constraints 9 Sample explanation 9 Sample Input 10 Sample Output 11
Judging Servers 12
Problem statement 12 Input 12 Output 12 Sample explanation 12 Sample input 13 Sample output 13
Lucky Winner 14
Problem statement 14 Input 14 Output 14 Sample explanation 14 Sample input 15 Sample output 15
Sequences 16
Problem statement 16 Input 16 Output 16 Sample explanation 17 Sample input 17

Sample output 17

Problem statement
Item Stock
Items in Shopee can have their stocks derived from other items. For example, 1 stock of item A can be derived from 2 stock of item B + 3 stock of item C. We say that item B and item C are parents of item A. For this problem, we are only interested when an item can only have 1 parent item. In this case, we can see the structure of stock derivation will form a ​rooted tree.
There are 2 kinds of derivations:
1. Dynamic stock derivation. Suppose that 1 stock of item A equals to Qty stock of item B. Then, the stock of item A will be equal to floor(item_B_stock / Qty).
2. Fixed stock derivation. Suppose that 1 stock of item A equals to Qty stock of item B, and we initially have S stock of item A. Then, item A will deduct stocks from its lowest ancestor which is fixed stock, to make sure that item A will have sufficient stock. It can be assumed that the root of the tree (1st item) will always be fixed stock. Note that the number of reserved stocks depends on the multiplication of the Qty from the path of item A to that ancestor, not just the Qty to item B. Please refer to the example input for clarity.
At first, we only have item 1, which initially has ​M ​stock. Then, we add ​N-1 ​items one-by-one, possibly changing the stock of some items at each step. In the end, what will be the stock of each item?
The first line contains 2 integers ​N ​(1 ≤ N​ ​≤ 100,000) and M (1 ≤ ​M ​≤ 1,000,000,000), denoting the number of items and the initial stock of the 1st item.
The next​ N-1​ lines contain the description of the i-th item (starting from 2), which can be in one of the 2 following formats:
1. P​i ​Qty​i (1 ≤​ P​i < i, 1 ≤ ​Qty​i ≤ 10), which means the i-th item has dynamic stock with parent item Pi and 1 stock of it equals to Qtyi stock of its parent 2. P​i ​Qty​i ​S​i (1 ≤ ​P​i < i, 1 ≤ ​Qty​i ≤ 10, 1 ≤ ​S​i ≤ 1,000,000,000), which means the i-th item has fixed stock with parent item ​P​i, 1 stock of it equals to ​Qty​i stock of its parent, and has initial stock of ​S​i. It is guaranteed that at the end, the stock for each item will be non-negative. Output N lines, each containing an integer. The integer in the i-th line denotes the stock of the i-th item. Sample explanation Below are the states after each item additions: 1. Initial state 2. Adding 2nd item, stock is floor(15/2) = 7 3. Adding 3rd item, taking 1 * 3 stock from the 1st item. Note that Item 2 stock is also changed because of this. 4. Adding 4th item, stock is floor(6/1) = 6 5. Adding 5th item, taking 2*1*3 (Qty) *1 (stock) stock from the 1st item as it is its lowest fixed stock ancestor. Note that Item 2 and item 4 stock are also changed because of this. Sample input 5 15 Sample output 6 Problem statement Search Engine Who doesn’t like to search and see these unexpected search suggestions floating just below the search bar. Everyone likes it!!! As we all know Shopee, one of the largest E-commerce platforms, also has a search bar where users can search for all kinds of items. Shopee wants to build a new search engine. And you are to help Shopee to implement this new engine. You are given a data set that contains all the item’s names, and an item’s name is represented as an ordered sequence of strings separated by a single space and the strings contain only lowercase English alphabets(​a-z​) and digits(​0-9​). for example, a valid name could be, ​“apple iphone se 2​”. Queries for the new search engine will be a sequence of alphanumeric strings separated by space. For example, “​se 2”​ or “​11 pro max​” and the search engine has to answer how many different items are there in the data set containing the query sequence in their name in exact order. For example, “​se 2​” matches the item “​apple iphone se 2​”, however “​app​” doesn’t match this item. Input starts with an integer ​T (1 ≤ T ≤ 15)​, denoting the number of test cases. The first line of each test case will contain two integers ​N (1 ≤ N ≤ 104)​ and ​Q (1 ≤ Q ≤ 104)​. Here, ​N​ is the number of items in the database and ​Q ​is the total number of queries. Each of the next ​N ​lines will contain an item’s name as described. Each of the next ​Q ​lines will contain a search query as described. You can safely assume that each item’s name will contain at most 10 spaces and the total length will be between 1 to 50. For each case, print the case number in a single line. Then for each query ​Q​ print the number of different names in the database who contains the query sequence in their name in exact order. Constraints Total number of characters in the dataset will be not more than 7×105 Sample explanation For the first test case, both “limes avocado” and “apple lettuce” match both 1st and 3rd items, “limes” and “apple” match in all three items, “app” doesn’t match any item and “apple limes” matches the second item. Sample Input apple lettuce limes avocado onion cranberries apple limes escarole corn28corn apple lettuce limes avocado limes avocado apple lettuce apple limes apple iphone se 2 iphone 11 max pro iphone 11 pro max apple iphone Sample Output Problem statement Judging Servers As we all know, you are the chief judge for the upcoming Shopee Code League hosted by our favorite E-Commerce platform Shopee. You have already selected ​N​ problems from hundreds of thousand of problems from your quality Problem Bank. Since you want to make every contestant happy even if he/she got Wrong Answers on every problem during the contest, you have decided to judge each problem on a different server. Now you have to buy ​N​ judging servers from SEA Server Limited which is a reputed company. SEA Server Limited has total S servers in a row numbered from ​1 to S​ and you have to choose N​ servers from these ​S​ servers. The ​i’th ​server has a price tag of​ Pi​ where​ 1 ≤ i ≤ S​. You cannot rent these servers on an hour or day basis. However, SEA Server Limited has a lifetime offer for you. If you buy any server then you get one of the adjacent servers for free if you wish. If you choose to buy the ​i’th​ server then you can get the ​(i-1)’th​ or ​(i+1)’th​ server for free if you want to take it for free. The contest date has a tag of coming soon and the contest organizers want to know the total cost for the problem set and judging servers from you. Since you are the ultimate chief judge who wants to maximize your profit and as well as make every contestant happy. You have to choose ​N​ servers with lowest cost possible to maximize your profit. Input starts with an integer​ T (1 ≤ T ≤ 50)​, denoting the number of test cases. Each case starts with two integers ​S (1 ≤ S ≤ 1000)​ and ​N (1 ≤ N ≤ S)​. Next line contains ​S integers separated by space and the ​i’th​ integer of this line represents the price tag ​P​i of the i’th​ server ​(0 ≤ Pi ≤ 109)​. For each case, print the case number and the minimum cost to buy the ​N​ servers. Sample explanation In the second case, you can pay for the 3rd and the 4th servers with a cost of 115 and take the 2nd or 5th server for free. Sample input 2 1000 560 30 85 100 900 Sample output Case 1: 14 Case 2: 115 Problem statement Lucky Winner Ding! You have been chosen to be the one and only winner of SHOPEE LUCK LEAGUE. We’re giving you ​K​ ​tokens ​to pick items on our shopee search results page for FREE! Each token can get two adjacent items on the grid (horizontally or vertically). Given that shopee search results page is a grid of ​N rows and 3 columns​ (actually it’s 5, but we specially change our UI to make your life easier). Each item on the grid has a price (the price can be negative). The rule are you have to use​ all of your tokens​, one item can only be covered by one token (no overlapping here, you can’t buy one item twice). Your goal is to find the maximum worth of items you can bring home. First line, number N (number of rows) (1 <=N <= 1000), and K (number of tokens) (1 <= K <= 1000) N next lines, each line contain 3 numbers, the values of the board (abs(a[i,j]) <= 1e6) A single number of the maximum worth of items that can be cover with exactly K non-overlapping tokens Sample explanation Second example: It’s optimal to use 3 tokens on [100, -1], [2, 5], and [3,4] Sample input 53 -9 2 3 251 334 Sample output 113 Problem statement You are on a company visit to Shopee. During the office tour, you noticed that there seems to be a random scribbling on one of the walls. After looking at it closely, you noticed it is actually an algorithm question! Below is the question: You are given ​N​ functions f(i, j) with parameters ​A​i, ​B​i, ​C​i, where the value of f(i, j) is equal to ​A​i x j2 + ​B​i for each 1 ≤ j ≤ ​C​i. Find how many sequences (i1, j1), (i2, j2), ... , (iM, jM) of length ​M are there in which the following holds: f(i1, j1) + f(i2, j2) + ... + f(i​M​, j​M​) is divisible by ​K Two sequences are different if there is at least one index k, such that ik ≠ ik’ or jk ≠ jk’ You quickly take note of the question, as maybe it is a draft for an interview question. Solve the question to increase your chance of acing the future interview at Shopee! The first line contains 3 integers ​N​ (1 ≤ ​N​ ≤ 5,000), ​M​ (1 ≤ ​M​ ≤ 1,000,000,000), and ​K​ (1 ≤ ​K​ ≤ 2,000). The next ​N​ lines each contains 3 integers ​A​i, ​B​i, (0 ≤ ​A​i, ​B​i < ​K​) and ​C​i (1 ≤ ​C​i ≤ 1,000,000,000), denoting the parameters for the i-th function. One line containing a single integer, the number of the sequence. Since this number can be very large, output its value modulo 109 + 7 . Sample explanation Below are all the possible sequences: 1. (1, 1), (1, 1) 2. (1, 1), (1, 2) 3. (1, 1), (2, 1) 4. (1, 2), (1, 1) 5. (1, 2), (1, 2) 6. (1, 2), (2, 1) 7. (2, 1), (1, 1) 8. (2, 1), (1, 2) 9. (2, 1), (2, 1) 10. (2, 2), (2, 2) 11. (2, 3), (3, 1) 12. (3, 1), (2, 3) Sample input 326 Sample output 12 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com