CS代写 CS262, Project 2:

CS262, Project 2:
Due: Sunday, April 17, at 11:59 pm ET
In this project you will write a C program to perform basic math operations in an 5 × 5 spreadsheet.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

In a spreadsheet, data is entered into a 2D array of rows and columns. In Excel, for example, rows are labeled with numbers [1, 2, 3, …] and columns are labeled with letters [A, B, C, …]. A cell is the place where data is entered. To indicate a specific cell, its coordinate is entered, which is the intersection point of a column with a row, e.g., B7. There are different operations that can be performed on the spreadsheet. Among the operations for numeric type data are addition and multiplication, these operations can make use of the range operator, which is represented by a colon (:) and is used to indicate a consecutive group of cells.
The C program simulates a small spreadsheet that performs operations with numeric type data (double). The workspace is a 5 × 5 table, where a cell is indicated by the intersection of a column Letter [A,B,C,D] with a row Number [1,2,3,4,5].
Operations are performed using reserved words: ADD, MUL, DEL, INS followed by parentheses and ending the operation with a semicolon (;). The cell, or range of cells, where the operation is performed is indicated within the parentheses. Empty parentheses indicate that the operation is performed on all data in the spreadsheet. If a range is indicated, for it to be valid the cells must meet:
1. Belong to the same row (start column < end column) or 2. Belong to the same column (start row < end row) 3. A cell has the format LN, where L=[A,B,C,D] and N=[1,2,3,4,5]. Notes: Constraint 3 also applies when the argument is a single cell. The program is not case sensitive (toupper()could be used to process the input). In this assignment, not all operations can be performed with all 3 types of arguments (cell, range of cells or empty parentheses). e.g., for addition and multiplication, only empty parentheses or a range of cells can be applied, while for delete and insert, all 3 types of arguments can be applied. The delete operation replaces the contents of the cell(s) with the value 0.00. The insert operation inserts a value in the indicated cell(s). ADD P P ADD(A2:C2); ADD( ); MUL P P MUL(E1:E3); MUL( ); DEL P P P DEL(B4:D4); DEL(A2); DEL( ); INS P P P INS(D1:D5) 5.3; INS(C3) 3; INS( ) 1.1; Table 1: summary of operations in the spreadsheet When an operation is indicated, there are 3 different categories of errors: 1. Syntax Error: Err msg is “Invalid operation” 2. Wrong Range: The specifications (1,2,3) for range were not meet. Err msg is “Wrong range” 3. Invalid Cell: A single cell specified in parentheses is not valid. Err msg is “Invalid cell” (cell) (cell:cell) ( ) Detailed requirements: When starting the program, the spreadsheet should be displayed with the initial values (0.00) along with the column and row labeling. Each column is separated by a tab and each row is printed on a new line. The values in the table are rounded to two decimal places. An example of displaying the spreadsheet at startup is as follows: ABCDE 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 • Whenever the spreadsheet is displayed, the symbol for data entry (>>) is placed below it.
• Each time “Enter Key” is pressed the symbol for data entry (>>), the result of the operation is
displayed and below it (in a new line), the symbol >> is displayed again. Example:
• When the INS or DEL operations are used, the result is the updated spreadsheet (displayed).
• If the indicated operation generates an error, then, result is the corresponding Err msg.
• Write “quit” just after >> and press “Enter” to exit the program
Create a Makefile to compile your program and to remove the executable. Use the same template of the Makefile specified on Lab7 assignment The name of the source file will be p2__.c
1. On zeus, create a directory named p2__.
Copy your source file and Makefile to this directory.
2. Create a typescript with the following content:
a. Show that you are on zeus,
b. Show a listing of your directory
c. Show your source code
d. Compile the code using the Makefile.
e. Run your program using at least 3 examples listed in Table 1.
In the same run, enter values to display the 3 different Err msgs.
3. Be sure your directory ONLY contains the source file, typescript and Makefile
4. Change to the parent directory and create a tarfile of your project directory.
Name this tarfile p2__.tar
5. Submit this tarfile to Blackboard no later than Due Date.
Congratulations! You have completed your Project
Updated version on Apr 8: Due is moved from Apr 10 to Apr 17

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