程序代写代做代考 assembly x86 compiler C Systems I CSE 2421 Assignment II

Systems I CSE 2421 Assignment II
Mohammad Abu Shattal
Due Date: Wednesday 7/29/2020 11:30 pm
1. Write X86 Assembly code that implements the following C code, in your code ensure that you:
(a) Use Assembly directives
(b) Use the example in the slides as a starting point.
(c) No need to run the code. Output for the code is a plus.
(d) Compare your code with an assembly code generated by the gcc compiler. Comment on the differences between your code the generated code.
• When you check for online resources, make sure you check for AT&T syntax for X86 Assembly.
• You may use the x86 Cheatsheet.pdf uploaded by Connor in the discussions section on Carmen.