程序代写代做代考 clock interpreter cache flex database Programming Paradigms CSI2120

Programming Paradigms CSI2120
Jochen Lang
EECS, University of Ottawa Canada

Logic Programming in Prolog
• Databases
• Managing the Prolog database of rules
– Dynamic rules – Adding rules
– Removing rules – Inspectingrules
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Organizing the Database: Composite Terms
• Predicate student
– student(jim, white, 17, main, ottawa, ontario, 10, 12, 83, …)
• which says that there is a student named Jim White who lives at 17 Main in Ottawa, Ontario born on October 12th, 1983.
• Better by a combination of terms
– student(name(john, white), address(17, main, ottawa, ontario), born(10, 12,
83), …)
• Flexible queries to the database
?- student(name(john,_), X, born(_, _, Y)).
?- student(X, address(_, _, _, quebec), _).
?- student(X, address(_, _, ottawa, _), born(_, _, Y)), Y>87.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Databases in Prolog
• Prolog can be very efficient when it comes to managing a database
– Each of the entities are represented using facts – Using structures, lists.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Example: Library
• A record of a book has a call number of the library. A book record stores the location, title and authors.
book(callNum(qa76, ’73P76C57′, 2003),
location( mrt, general ),
[‘Programming’ , in, ‘Prolog’ ],
[name( clocksin, [william, f] ),
name( mellish, [christopher, s] )]).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

• A user record for the library contains the user’s name, an identifier, an address and number of books currently taken out.
reader(name(blake, [ann]), 33333,
address([100, main], ottawa, k1a2b2),3).
reader(name(brady,[jim,b]), 12345,
address([2, second], ottawa, k1n3m3),0).
reader(name(carp,[tony,a]), 765432,
address([3, third], ottawa, k1k4p4),0).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Records of Books on Loan
callNum(qa76, ’73P76C57′, 2003),
date(mar, 25, 2019)).
callNum(q336, ‘B74′, 2001),
date(apr, 20, 2019)).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Query if a Book is Available
?- book(callNum(X, Y, 1994), Location, Title,
Authors),\+ loan(_,callNum(X, Y, 1994), _).
X = qa76,
Y = ’73P76S74’,
Location = location(mrt, general),
Title = [‘The’, art, of, ‘Prolog’, :, advanced,
programming, techniques],
Authors = [name(sterling, [leon]),
name(shapiro, [ehud, y])]
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

• Looking for books by a given author (by last name) wrote(Auth, CallN, Title) :-
book(CallN, _, Title, Authors),
member(name(Auth,_), Authors).
• Seeing if a book is available borrowed(Name, Title) :-
reader(Name, Id, _Addr, _),
loan(Id, CallN, _DateDue),
book(CallN, _, Title, _Auths).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Managing Loans – Dynamic Rules
• Define a predicate as dynamic
:- dynamic book/4, reader/4, loan/3.
– New rules can be added to the Prolog database with assert • assertz adds the clause at the end of the predicate
• asserta adds the clause at the beginning of the predicate
newLoan(Cn, Id, Due) :-
assertz(loan(Id, Cn, Due)).
• Example: New loan adds a record
?- newLoan(callNum(qa76, ’73P76S74′, 1994),
date(jun, 15, 2019)).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Managing Loans – Dynamic Rules II
• Rules can be removed from the Prolog database with retract
• Example: Returning a book
– retracting the loan
– correcting the borrower record
returns(Id, Cn) :-
retract(loan(Id, Cn, _Due)),
retract(reader(Nm, Id, A, N)),
N1 is N – 1, % loan was retracted
assertz(reader(Nm, Id, A, N1)).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Inspecting the Database
• Rules can be listed with listing\0 and listing\1 ?- listing(loan).
:- dynamic loan/3.
loan(33333, callNum(qa76, ’73P76C57′, 2003), date(mar, 25, 2019)). loan(765432, callNum(q336, ‘B74′, 2001), date(apr, 20, 2019)). loan(12345, callNum(qa76, ’73P76S74′, 1994), date(jun, 15, 2019)). true.
?- returns( 33333, X ).
X = callNum(qa76, ’73P76C57’, 2003).
?- listing(loan).
:- dynamic loan/3.
loan(765432, callNum(q336, ‘B74′, 2001), date(apr, 20, 2019)). loan(12345, callNum(qa76, ’73P76S74′, 1994), date(jun, 15, 2019)).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Storing Information in the Database
• Dynamic informs the interpreter that the definition of a predicate may change during execution
– The predicate assert can be used to store solutions – Warning: assert can lead to strange effects
– A false relationship can become true at a later time. – Example:
?- solve(problem, solution).
?- assertz(solve(problem,solution)).
?- solve(problem, solution).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Generating Facts
• Multiplication table
– add a product fact for the multiplication table to 9 if
maketable was used.
maketable :- L=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
Z is X*Y,
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Another Example: Alphabet Position
:- dynamic letter/2. alphabet([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z]).
% add a rule for each letter queried
letter(A, B):-
letter(A, C, B), asserta(letter(A,B)). % Add a new fact
letter(A, [A|_], 1). % boundary case, letter matches
letter(A, [B|C], D):-
\+(A=B), % letter does not match, keep searching letter(A, C, E),
D is E+1. % Count on the way out of the recursion
?- letter(h,X).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

More on Dynamic Predicates
• All rules of a dynamic predicate can be queried :- dynamic a/2.
a(X,Y):- b(X), b(Y).
?- clause(a(X,Y),B).
X = 1,
Y = 2,
B = true ;
X = 3,
Y = 4,
B = true ;
B = (b(X), b(Y)).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Dynamic Predicates – Removing Rules
?- listing(a).
:- dynamic a/2.
a(1, 2).
a(3, 4).
a(A, B) :- b(A), b(B).
?- retract((a(A,B):-b(A),b(B))).
?- listing(a).
:- dynamic a/2.
a(1, 2).
a(3, 4).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Remove all rules of a predicate
?- retractall(a(X,Y)).
?- listing(a).
:- dynamic a/2.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Saving the Current Rules
• Change the output stream to a file ?- tell(‘cache.pl’).
• Use listing to list all currently existing facts and rules ?- listing.
• Back to the console (file is closed) ?- told.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Implementing findall Ourselves
find_all(X,Goal,Bag) :- post_it(X,Goal),
post_it(X,Goal) :- call(Goal), % try Goal
asserta(data999(X)), % assert above others
fail. % force backtracking
post_it(_,_). % Done, no more solutions
gather(B,Bag) :-
data999(X), % next recorded solution
retract(data999(X)), % erase posting
gather([X|B],Bag), % continue
!. % cut off tail end
gather(S,S). % Done
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

• Databases
• Managing the Prolog database of rules
– Dynamic rules
– Adding,removing,inspectingandsavingrules • Detailed examples
– Library
– Adventure
– An implementation of findall
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms