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Programming Paradigms CSI2120
Jochen Lang
EECS, University of Ottawa Canada

Functional Programming in Lisp
• Language designed by John McCarthy between 1956 – 1959 at MIT for applications related to artificial intelligence
– one of the oldest languages still in use
• LISP = LISt Processor
• Derived from -calculus.
– -calculus allows functions to be the values of an expression
• Many dialects
– Lisp 1.5 (1960), Scheme (1975), Common Lisp (1985)…
• Rich language: functional, symbolic.
• Syntax and semantics are simple and uniform
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Creation of Lisp
• 1960: McCarthy published his paper on Lisp
• Lisp/Scheme has a few simple operators and a rich notation
for functions.
– This is combined with simple data structures
• As a result we have a full and expressive programming
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Nine Key Concepts
1. Conditions (if-then-else)
2. Functions as data types
3. Recursions
4. Variables as pointers
5. Automatic garbage collection
6. A program is an expression (not a series of statements)
7. Symbols or atoms
8. Lists and trees
9. Complete language available at all times (read-eval-print)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Pure Functional Programming
• A program corresponds to a function call
• A function is a composition of functions
• Functions are non-causal
– Depend only on the parameters passed
• No variables, no assignments
• No loops, no control statement
– Beyond the if-then-else function
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Functional Programming in Practise
• Some additions to pure functional programming
– Local definition of certain values
– Assignments(lexicallyscopedvariables)
– Use an execution sequence (in order to break up the program).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Functional Programming in Scheme
• Scheme is LISP dialect designed at MIT in 1975, mainly for education
• Initially small
– But it is now a complete language.
• Standardized by ANSI / IEEE
– Language continues to evolve
• Commonly used as interpreted language
– But may also be compiled to be executed efficiently.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Application Area of Functional Programming
• Applications of symbolic computation, i.e., non-numerical applications
– Artificialintelligence(expertsystems,naturallanguage interfaces, …)
– Automatedreasoning(theoremproving,proofsofprograms …)
– Symbolic Computation
– Games
• Today, functional programming is everywhere
– Python lambda, map, filter, reduce, list comprehension etc. – Javascript function expressions, binding, currying, partials – AlsoC++andGohavelambdas,higherorderfunctionsetc. – Many other languages …
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Basic Concepts
• The list is the fundamental data structure
• Atom: a number, a string or a symbol.
– All data types are equal
• An expression is either an atom or a list
• A List is a series of expressions in parenthesis
– Including the empty list ()
• A function is a first class object (first-class data) that can be created, assigned to variables, passed as a parameter or returned as a value.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Evaluations of Expressions
• Constants are evaluated to what they are. – numbers
>2 =>2
– strings
> “Hello” => “Hello”
• Identifiers evaluate to the value that is attributed to them. > * => # • Lists are evaluated by
– first evaluating the head, i.e., the first expression; the value
of this expression must be a function
– The arguments of this function are the values obtained by evaluating the expressions contained in the rest of the list
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

A First Scheme Session
• In its simplest form, a Scheme interpreter session uses the interactive READ-EVAL-PRINT programming model (REPL)
• Example:
> (+ 3 4)
• In the example, we have a list.
– The first entry is the function +
– The rest of the list are constant expressions 3 and 4.
• The list is read as (+ 3 4), evaluated and then the result 7 printed.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Scheme Interpreter
• Classical MIT Scheme interpreter
– http://www.gnu.org/software/mit-scheme/
– While available, not well supported under windows
• Racket
– Another LISP dialect
• DrRacket
– http://racket-lang.org/
– Convenient and full-fledged programming environment to run LISP dialects
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Few Remarks on the IDE
You must select a language in top of window.
Program editor
Bottom window is for running programs
This is the classic REPL Buffer
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Evaluation of Expressions
• The prefix notation is used in expressions – Instead of inline operators as in 3+4*5
– Oneneedstowrite (+3(*45))
• To evaluate an expression, all sub-expressions must be evaluated first.
– The evaluation follows normal order evaluation
– Brackets determine the order and are not optional (+ 3 (* 4 5))
(+ 3 20)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Special Syntactic Forms
• Some expressions do not obey the normal order evaluation, these expressions are said to have a special syntactic form.
• The evaluation of their arguments is deferred until the required values are known.
• The main special syntactic forms are: – if statement
• conditional branching – creation of local scope
– quotation
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Special Syntactic Forms: The Alternative (if statement)
(if (= x 0) infini (/ 1 x))
• The expression following the if is evaluated first .
• If its value is true (# t) then
– the second argument is evaluated
– its value is returned without evaluating the third argument • if its value is false (# f) then
– the third argument is evaluated and returned
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Special Syntactic Forms: 2. Conditional Branching
• Conditional expressions are similar to if but more than two branches can be specified
(cond ((< x xmin) xmin) ((> x xmax) xmax) (#t x)) • The cond expression is followed by a series of lists
composed of two expressions.
– If the first of the two expressions in one of these lists evaluates to #t then the value of the second expression is returned
– If the first expression evaluates to false, then evaluation proceeds to the next list.
– If no lists evaluates to #t then nil is returned.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Example: Conditional and Top-level Define
Definition of the function showIt taking an argument pts and evaluating a conditional
(define (showIt pts)
(cond ((or (<= pts 3) (>= pts 65)) 0)
((<= 4 pts 6) 0.5) ((<= 7 pts 12) 1.0) ((<= 13 pts 15) 1.5) (showIt 25) => 2.0
((<= 16 pts 18) 1.8) (else 2.0))) => showIt
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Special Syntactic Forms: 3. Creating Local Scope
• Let Expressions
(let ((a 3) (b 4)) (* a b)) => 12
– The first argument of a let expression is a list of links created between an identifier and a value
– These links are only valid for the evaluation of the following expression(s)
• There can be several to allow the execution of a sequence.
(let ((a 3) (b 4)) (* a b) (+ a b)
=> 12 7
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Special Syntactic Forms: 4. Quotations
• The quote function ensures that an argument list is not evaluated.
(quote (1 2 3))
=> (1 2 3)
– But the list is rather returned as is.
– Quotation is necessary here, otherwise the first expression of a list needs to evaluate to a function.
‘(+34) => (+34)
(+ 3 4)=>7
– The quote function can simply written with a ‘ :
‘(1 2 3)
=> (1 2 3)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Quotation Example
(let ((a ‘(1 2 3)) (b ‘(3 4 5))) (cons a b))
equates to
(cons ‘(1 2 3) ‘(3 4 5))
 ((1 2 3) 3 4 5)
– The function cons is the dot operator for lists, i.e., it puts the first expression as the head of the second list expression
– The list ( 1 2 3 ) becomes the first element in the combined list ((1 2 3) 3 4 5)
– (Much) more on list processing soon.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Example: Building a List with the Function list
(list `a `b `c)  (a b c)
(list `(a b c))  ((a b c))
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

• Lambda expressions are “local functions”
The expression (lambda(var1, var2, …) exp1 exp2 …) returns a function and applies it to the variables that are the parameters to the function expressions, e.g.,
((lambda (x) (* x x)) 3)
Multiple variables and multiple expression (result of last
expression is the answer
((lambda (f x y) (f x x) (f x y) (f y y)) + 23)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Function Definitions
A definition associates a function expression to a name:
(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
or equivalently (and shorter):
(define (square x) (* x x))
Use of define, here procedure square:
(square 2) 4
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Example: Factorial
Top-level Function Definition
(define (fact n)
( if (> n 0)
1) )
=> fact
( * n (fact (- n 1)))
(fact 35)
=> 10333147966386144929666651337523200000000
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Function Definitions with Lambdas
• We have seen Lambdas can be combined with top-level defines
(define fct (lambda (f x) (f x x)))
(fct + 13)
=> 26
(fct * 4)
=> 16
• Combine with let binding: x is a let-bound variable in the enclosing scope
(let ((x ‘a))
(let ((f (lambda (y) (list x y))))
(f ‘b)))
=> (a b)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Lambda Expression and Let-Bound Variables
(let ((x 2) (y 3)) (+ x y))
is equivalent to
((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 2 3)
In general:
((let (var val) …) expr…) ≡ ((lambda (var …) expr…) val…)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Example: Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
• top level define for gcd function (define gcd
(lambda (a b)
(if (= a b)
=> gcd
(gcd 12 15)
=> 3
(if (> a b)
(gcd (- a b) b)
(gcd a (- b a))))))
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

• Introduction to Functional Programming
• Basic Scheme
• Special Syntactic Forms
– Alternative(ifthenelse) – Conditional
– Local Scope
– Quotation
• Let-bound variables
• Top-level (function) definitions
• Lambda expressions
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms