程序代写代做代考 go Université d’Ottawa Faculté de génie

Université d’Ottawa Faculté de génie
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Ottawa Faculty of Engineering
École de science informatique et de génie électrique
Length of Examination: 3 hrs
Professor: Jochen Lang
April 24, 2015, 9:30-12:30 Page 1 of 13
CSI2120 Programming Paradigms
Family Name: _________________________________________________ Other Names: _________________________________________________ Student Number: ___________
Signature ____________________________
You are allowed one double-sided letter-sized sheet of notes.
At the end of the exam, when time is up: Stop working and close your exam booklet. Remain silent.
Out of

CSI 2120, Winter 2015 page 2 of 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 1 Prolog Rules and Facts[4 marks]
The curriculum committee is working on new pre-requisites for co-op. The committee is considering a student eligible for co-op if
1) Student is at least in second year,
2) Student has passed ITI1121 with at least D+,
3) Student has passed CSI2120 with at least B, and
4) Student is fulltime.
Design a rule eligible given the following facts and rules:
% Name, Year, full-time/part-time, [ (Course, Letter Grade), …]
student( jane, 2, ft, [ (iti1120,’B’), (iti1121,’B+’),
(csi2120,’A+’), (csi2372,’A-‘) ]).
student( joe, 3, pt, [ (iti1120,’A’), (iti1121,’B’), (csi2120,’C’),
(csi2372,’C’), (csi3105,’F’)]).
student( mary, 1, ft, [ (iti1100, ‘A+’), (iti1120,’A+’),
(iti1121,’A+’) ] ).
% true if Course is listed in L with at least MinGrade
grade(Course, MinGrade, [(Course,Grade)|_] ) :- Grade @=< MinGrade. grade(Course, MinGrade, [_|L]) :- grade(Course, MinGrade, L). eligible( Name ) :- ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. CSI 2120, Winter 2015 page 3 of 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Question 2 Prolog List Processing [3 marks] The predicate deleteBack is to delete the last occurrence of a queried element R in a list. Complete the predicate below. Example: ?- deleteBack( 6, [3,6,5,6,7], L). L = [3,6,5,7] % boundary case deleteBack(__________________________,__________________________ , __________________________ , __________________________ ). deleteBack( R, [R|LI], [R|A], L0) :- \+member(R,LI), !, deleteBack( R, LI, A, L0 ). deleteBack(__________________________,__________________________, __________________________ , __________________________ ):- deleteBack(__________________________, __________________________, __________________________, __________________________). % R is element to be removed, LI is input list, LO is result deleteBack( R, LI, LO ) :- deleteBack( R, LI, _, LO ). CSI 2120, Winter 2015 page 4 of 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Question 3 Scheme Syntatic Forms [5 marks] What is the return of the following calls? ((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 1 2) (let ((x 1) (y 2)) (+ x y)) ((lambda (x y) (+ x y) (- x y)) 2 1) (let* ((x 1) (y (+ x 1))) (- y x)) (let ((f (lambda (x y) (- (+ x y) 1))) (x 1) (z 2)) (f 3 z)) =>

CSI 2120, Winter 2015 page 5 of 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 4 Scheme Lists [3 marks]
Complete the following function calls with a single function. Example
(define L ‘(1 2)) (cadr L)
=> 2
(define L ‘( w x y z ))
=> ‘x
(define L ‘((w x)(y z)))
=> ‘(x)
(define L ‘((w (x (y z))) a))
=> x
( L)
( L)
( L)

CSI 2120, Winter 2015 page 6 of 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 5 Scheme Combinations [3 marks]
The function pairwise is to create all pairwise combinations from a list. Complete the global define below.
> (pairwise ‘(a 3 d e))
‘((a . 3) (3 . d) (d . e) (3 . d) (d . e) (d . e))
(define (pairwise L)
(cond ((null? L)'())
((= (length L) 1) ‘())
(#t (letrec ((comb (lambda (element L)
(if (null? L)
(append (comb ______________________________________)
(pairwise ______________________________________ )))

CSI 2120, Winter 2015 page 7 of 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 6 Scheme BST Tree
a) Below a binary search tree is drawn. Give its scheme representation as discussed in class. The tree? predicate is shown as a reminder. [3 marks]
(define tree?
(lambda (t)
((not (list? t)) #f)
((null? t) #t)
((not (= (length t) 3)) #f)
((not (tree? (cadr t))) #f)
((not (tree? (caddr t))) #f)
(else #t)
7 21 ()
6 1325 () () () () 23 ()
() ()
Define the tree.
(define T ‘(__________________________________________________

CSI 2120, Winter 2015 page 8 of 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
b) Complete the implementation of the funtion sumPath which sums the numbers, from the root to a given node including the node. [3 marks]
>(sumPath13T) ;12+21+13 46
> (sumPath 7 T) ; 12 + 7
(define sumPath
(lambda (x t)
(define search
(lambda (x t s)
((null? t) #f)
((equal? x (car t))
(_______________________________________________)) ((precedes? x (car t))
(_______________________________________________)) ((precedes? (car t) x)
(______________________________________________)) (else #f)
))) (if
(not (tree? t))
(list ‘not-a-tree t)
(search x t 0)

CSI 2120, Winter 2015 page 9 of 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 7 Python Data [6 marks]
Give the output of the following python commands
>>> a = [ 2*x for x in range(10) if x % 3 == 0]
>>> a
>>> d = { 3:’hello’, 4:’world’, 5:’from’, 12:’uOttawa’}
>>> d[4]
>>> t = [-1,-2,-3,-4]
>>> t[-1]
>>> k = [‘a’, ‘b’, [1, 2, 3], ‘c’]
>>> k[1:3]
continued on next page …

CSI 2120, Winter 2015 page 10 of 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
>>> L = [ x*y for x in range(1,3) for y in ‘abc’ ]
>>> print(L)
>>> r1 = [ 1, 2, 3]
>>> r2 = r1
>>> r2[1] = 5
>>> r1

CSI 2120, Winter 2015 page 11 of 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 8 Go methods [4 marks]
Complete the program to produce the output
Price: $ 32.00
package main
import “fmt”
type Flower struct {
name string
color string
price float64
type Tree struct {
name string
height float64
pricePerMeter float64
type Item interface {
func main() {
gardenStore := [2]Plant{Tree{“maple”, 1.5, 20.0},
Flower{“tulip”, “red”, 2.0}}
price := 0.0
for _,p := range( gardenStore ) {
price += p.getPrice()
fmt.Printf(“Price: $%6.2f”, price)
Please answer on next page.
} }

CSI 2120, Winter 2015 page 12 of 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Partial method definition (to be completed)
func (_____________________) getPrice()_____________________ { _________________________________________________________
Second method definition (to be completed only if needed)
func (_____________________) getPrice()_____________________ {

CSI 2120, Winter 2015 page 13 of 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question 9 Go Routines and Channels [4 points]
Complete main function and the function sendString for the main program to receive and print the animal strings and then exit. The animals slice has here a size of 4 but your solution must work with any size of slice.
package main
import “fmt”
func main() {
animals := []string{“coyote”, “fox”, “hare”, “deer”}
ch := sendString( animals)
for {
} }
if !ok {
fmt.Printf(“%s “, str)
func sendString(strArr []string) chan string {
ch := make(chan string)
go func() {
}() return ch