程序代写代做代考 Java compiler go data structure Week 4: Low and High Level Synchronization Primitives

Week 4: Low and High Level Synchronization Primitives
MPCS 52060: Parallel Programming University of Chicago

Low-Level Primitives

Practical Implementation of Spin Locks
We are going finish our discussion on lock implementations
• TAS Lock
• TTAS Lock
• Exponential Backoff Lock
• Queue Locks: Anderson, CLH, MCS, CLH Abort(Time-Out) Lock • See the Lecture 3 Companion Slides: 54-242

• A semaphore is generalization of a mutual exclusion locks.
• Each Semaphore has a capacity (c), which allows for having at most (c) threads in a critical section. Unlike with locks, where only one thread can be a critical section at a time.
• The capacity (c) is determined when the Semaphore is initialized.

Motivation for Semaphores
• Resource Handling – a semaphore can be used to control access to a resource that has multiple instances.
• Known as a counting semaphore – Initialize the semaphore to be equal to the number of available resources.
• Example – login queue. A system can only handle a certain number of users concurrently signed on. A􏰀ter the maximum number of logged in users is reached, then others must wait until others logout.

Motivation for Semaphores (cont.)
• Producer-consumer problems – One thread generates tasks (the producer) and another thread receives and uses them (the consumer).
• There are can be multiple producers and consumers.
• They communicate using a queue of maximum size N and must
adhere to the following conditions:
• Consumersmustwaitforaproducertoproduceataskifthequeueis
• Producermustwaitfortheconsumertoconsumeataskifthequeue
is full.
*Challenge* – Think about how you might implement a problem like this using a semaphore.

Semaphore Pseudo-Implementation
The capacity variable of a Semaphore is an integer value that cannot be directly accessed.
• Go does not have a semaphore construct so the below examples are psudeo-code similar to the implementations of Semaphores in other languages:
• Creation: Must initialize it to some capacity integer value
var sema Semaphore
//semInit (s *Semaphore, value int) semaInit(&sema, 0)
• It has two main operations that modify this integer value
• semaDown(s *Semaphore): Decrements semaphore • semaUp(s *Semaphore): Increment semaphore

Semaphore Pseudo-Implementation
func semaDown(s *Semaphore) {
//Wait until value of semaphore s is greater than 0 //Decrement the value of semaphore s by one
func semaUp(s *Semaphore) {
//Increment the value of semaphore s by 1
//If there are 1 or more threads waiting, wake one up

Semaphore Pseudo-Implementation & Mutual Exclusion
You can use a semaphore like a mutex
• Binary semaphore: initial value of 1
var mutex_sema Semaphore semaInit(&mutex_sema, 1) …. semaDown(&mutex_sema) //critical section semaUp(&mutex_sema)
You can also have mutual exclusion with more than one resource using a counting semaphore:
• The initial integer value is greater than one
• Initialize the semaphore to be equal to the number of available resources

A monitor is an object with a set of monitor methods and only one thread may be active (i.e., accessing the monitor methods at a time):
• Provide in many object-oriented languages (e.g. Java)
• Can think of a monitor as one big lock for a set of
• Typically the compiler automatically inserts lock and unlock
operations upon entry and exit of monitor methods.
class Account { int balance;
// synchronized is indicating this a monitor procedure // The compiler would insert a lock() at beginning and a // unlock() at the end of the method
public synchronized void deposit() {
++balance; }
public synchronized void withdraw() { –balance;
} };

• Synchronizing threads to make sure that they all are at the same point in a program is called a barrier.
• No thread can cross the barrier until all the threads have reached it.
For example, you can use a barrier for debugging (Pseudocode):
point in program we want to reach; barrier;
if goID == 0 {
fmt.Printf(“All threads reached this point\n”)

Condition Variables
How could we implement a barrier? condition variables
• A condition variable is a data object that allows a thread to
suspend execution until a certain event or condition occurs.
• When the event or condition occurs another thread can signal the thread to “wake up.”
• A condition variable is always associated with a mutex.

Condition Variables (Pseudocode)
lock mutex;
if condition has occurred
signal thread(s); else {
// Wait until another signals to wake you up
unlock the mutex and wait;
/* After waking up, thread has acquired the lock. */
unlock mutex;

Condition Variables in Go
sync.Cond represents conditional variables in Go: • Creation: (NewCond(l Locker) *Cond)
• Operations on condition variables:
• (func (c *Cond) Wait()): suspends the calling thread and
releases the monitor lock. When it resumes, reacquire the lock.
Called when condition is not true •
• (func (c *Cond) Signal()): resumes one thread waiting in wait() if any. Called when condition becomes true and wants to wake up one waiting thread.

• (func (c *Cond) Broadcast()): resumes all threads waiting
in wait(). Called when condition becomes true and wants to wake up all waiting threads.
var mutex sync.Mutex
condVar := sync.NewCond(&mutex)

Barrier Example: Barrier
Live Demo: Simple Barrier Implementation (see upstream repository week4/barrier/barrier.go)

High-level Primitives

Concurrent Object Principles and Data Structures
See Companion Slides
• Linked-Lists: lec4_concurrent_linkedlists.pdf
• Queues & Stacks: lec4_concurrnet_queues_stacks.pdf