程序代写代做代考 C compiler Java c++ c/c++ go Programming Paradigms CSI2120

Programming Paradigms CSI2120
Jochen Lang
EECS, University of Ottawa Canada

System Programming: Go
• Design of the Language
• Keywords and Types
• Variables and Functions
• Structured types
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Introduction to Go
• Started as a part-time project of three programming and OS veterans at Google
– Robert Griesemer (Java HotSpot Virtual Machine)
– Rob Pike (Part of Unix team at Bell Labs)
– Ken Thompson (Part of Unix team at Bell Labs, One of the Inventors of Unix, C and Plan 9)
• Timeline
– November 10, 2009 officially announced for Linux and Mac
with a BSD license
– Windows port announced by November 22
– First public release on January 8, 2010
• Premier source of information is golang.org CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Go Programming Language
• Go is designed to be the “C of the 21st century”
• Go unifies conflicting language features
– Efficiency, speed and safety of strongly typed languages (like C/C++ )
– Fast compilation and building (like Java/C#)
– Ease of programming of a dynamically typed language (as Python)
• Goal is to “make programming fun again” – Type-safe
– Memory-safe
• Pointers but no pointer arithmetic
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Paradigms in Go
• Imperative Language
• Not quite object-oriented
– No classes and inheritance
– But with interfaces and forms of polymorphism
• Fundamental aspect of a functional programming
• Support for parallel and concurrent programming
– Systems programming
– High-performancecomputing
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Missing Concepts
• No function or operator overloading – simpler design
• No implicit type conversions – avoid bugs and confusion
• No dynamic code loading or dynamic libraries
– avoid complex dependency on installed environment
• No generics or templates
• No exceptions
– but alternative recover after panic
• No classes and type inheritance
• No assertions
• No immutable variables
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Programming Go
• Go compiler is available as binary and source for different platforms
• Two options
– gc-Go compiler
• Go compilers and linkers are written in C
• Named g and l with a corresponding number
– gccgo
• Go is an officially supported language since 4.6.0 in the gcc compilers – check your gcc version to see which version of go is supported
• gc-Go
– Official binary releases of 1.11.4 only for 64bit platforms
– FreeBSD 10-ST ABLE or later
– Linux 2.6.23 or later
– Mac OS X 10.10 or later
– Windows XP or later
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

IDEs for Go
• LiteIDE
– Open source cross platform IDE
– configurable builds (projects), debugging
– available for windows, linux, MacOS and OpenBSD. – https://sourceforge.net/projects/liteide/
• Atom package
– https://atom.io/packages/go-plus
• GoLand – IntelliJ IDEA Plugin
– https://www.jetbrains.com/go/
– https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/5047-go-language-golang-org- support-plugin
• Eclipse with goclipse plugin – seems somewhat stale – http://goclipse.github.io/
• There is always vim or emacs CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Go Programming Environment
• Code is generally very portable
• Go is set up to be easy to cross compile
• Go compiler uses 4 environment variables to control the compile
– $GOROOT root of the go tree installation
– $GOARCH processor architecture of the target machine – $GOOS target machine OS
– $GOBIN location of compiler/linker binaries
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Go Programming Environment
• Go expect your code to adhere to a particular directory structure
– Wokspace will have three directories
– Executables go in ($MY_WORKSPACE)/bin/
– Packages (libraries) go in ($MY_WORKSPACE)/pkg/
– Source code goes at some level under ($MY_WORKSP ACE)/src/
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Elements of Go
• Code is structured in packages
– The package main is the default package
• all go code belongs to a package (similar to C++ namespaces)
– Go uses Unicode (UTF-8) everywhere
– Identifiers are case sensitive, begin with a letter or _ followed by 0 or more letters or Unicode digits
• 25 keywords (that’s all!)
• 36 predefined identifiers
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Keywords and Predefined Identifiers
• Keywords
– break default func interface select case defer go map struct chan else goto package switch const fallthrough if range type continue for import return var
• Predefined identifiers (functions and types) – Constants
• false, true, iota
– Functions
– Types
• append cap close complex copy delete imag len make new panic print println real recover
• bool byte complex64 complex128 error float32 float64 int int8 int16 int32 rune int64 string uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Hello World in Go
package main // default package
import “fmt” // import of a package
func main() {
fmt.Println(“Hello World”)
• Notes
– Comments use // for one-line comments
– Section can be commented out with /* */
– No special character to end a line (semicolon is required to
put several statements in one line)
– Exported functions from a package are always capitalized
– Entry point main has no arguments and no return
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Style is Defined with the Language
• Most languages have no particular style defined
– often different styles develop in different communities – often companies have a style guide
– makes code harder to reuse amongst different styles – example: C/C++
• Java has some recommendation
– not always followed
– different style guides
• Go defines the universal go style
– It makes disregarding some preferred formatting a compile
– Itprovidesaformatter:gofmt
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Defining and Using Variables and Functions in Go
package main
import “fmt”
const pi= 3.1416
var x int = 5 // global variable
func main() {
var ( // grouping or “factoring the keyword”
a float64 = 8.8
b float64
b= foo(a)
fmt.Printf(“Result: %f”, b)
func foo(z float64) float64 {
u := 3.3 // intializing declaration return u*z
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

• Variables can be defined in two different ways – defined and default initialized
• var x int makes x a default (0) initialized integer – initializing definition
• x := 1 makes x an integer and initializes it from the assignment
– sometimes we want to combine it
• var x int16 = 5 makes x an initialized int16
• Can factor (group) variable definitions
– mostoftenusedwithglobals
var (
a float64 = 8.8
b int )
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

• Types of arguments and returns are at the end
• Multiple arguments and multiple returns
• General syntax
func functionName( parameter_list )
(return_value_list) {
return [return_values]
• where
– parameter_list is of the form
(param1 type1, param2 type2, …) – return_value_list is of the form
(ret1 type1, ret2 type2, …) or is unnamed
(type1, type2, …)
– [return_values] either have to be specified if unnamed or
can be associated by name CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Example: Function with Multiple Returns
func main() {
var (
s int
d int )
s, d = plusminus(7,9)
fmt.Printf(“Result= %d and %d”, s , d)
func plusminus(a int, b int) (sum int, difference int) {
sum = a+b
difference = a-b
return }
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Functions with an Error Code
• Errors are signalled with error codes
func bmi(height float64, weight float64) (float64,
} }
bool) {
if height > 0.0 {
return weight / (height*height), true
} else {
return 0.0, false
• Test the returned error code
if value, ok := bmi(1.50, 55); ok {
fmt.Printf(“BMI: %f\n”, value)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Lambda Functions – Closure
• Lambda functions are like variables – Example: Callback
type Point struct {
x float64
y float64 }
func Distance(p1 Point, p2 Point) (distance float64){ distance = math.Sqrt(math.Pow(p1.x – p2.x, 2.0) +
math.Pow(p1.y – p2.y, 2.0))
func calc(p1 Point, p2 Point,
d func(Point, Point)(float64))(float64) {
return d(p1,p2)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Anonymous Lambda Functions
• Lambda function are anonymous and can either be called directly or assigned to a variable, passed to a function
func main() {
a := Point{2.,4.}
b := Point{5.,9.}
dist := calc(a,b,Distance)
fmt.Printf(“result= %f\n”, dist)
dist = calc(a,b,
func(p Point, q Point)float64{
return math.Abs(p.x-q.x)+math.Abs(p.y-q.y)
fmt.Printf(“result= %f\n”, dist)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Variables and Type Categories
• Three categories of data types – elementary or primitive
• int, float, bool, string – structured or composite
• struct, array, slice, map, channel – interfaces
• only describe the behavior of a type
– Variables are initialized to their zero type by default – Structures have a default value of nil
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Pointers and Structures
type Point struct {
x int
y int }
func main() {
pt := Point{8, 1}
fmt.Printf(“Result= %d and %d\n”, pt.x , pt.y)
func complement(p *Point) {
p.x, p.y = -p.y, -p.x
• Note:
– A dereference operator is here not required
• no pointer arithmetic
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Arrays in Go
package main
import “fmt”
func mean(tab [5]int) (meanVal float64) {
// for index, value := range collection for _, value := range tab {
meanVal+= (float64)(value)
meanVal /= (float64)(len(tab))
func main() {
var table = [5]int{3, 4, 8, 9, 2}
m := mean(table) // pass by value
fmt.Printf(“result= %f\n”, m)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Slices in Go
• A slice is a reference to a contiguous region in memory – it refers to contiguous elements in an array
• as such it “shares” the elements
• Slices are commonly used in Go instead of copying arrays
• A slice has a given dimension and capacity
– the capacity is determined by the underlying array
• a slice can not be bigger than the underlying array
• Creating a slice
– var slice []int = array[start:end] – slice := make([]int, 10, 100)
• Familiar from python
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Example: Slices
func mean(tab []int) (meanVal float64){
// for index, value := range collection
for _, value := range tab {
meanVal+= (float64)(value)
meanVal /= (float64)(len(tab))
return }
func main() {
var table = [5]int{3, 4, 8, 9, 2}
m := mean(table[:]) // all elements
fmt.Printf(“result= %f\n”, m)
m = mean(table[2:]) // elements 2 to the end
fmt.Printf(“result= %f\n”, m)
m = mean(table[1:3]) // 2 elements from 1 up to 3
fmt.Printf(“result= %f\n”, m)
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

• Design of the Language
– Multi-paradigm
– Targeted at system programming
– Efficient to code but also efficient to run
• Keywords and Types
• Variables and Functions
– main, multiple returns, error codes • Structured types
– structures,arrays,slices
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms