程序代写代做代考 C data structure graph go Programming Paradigms CSI2120

Programming Paradigms CSI2120
Jochen Lang
EECS, University of Ottawa Canada

Logic Programming in Prolog
• Data structures • Trees
– Representation
– Examples
– Binary search tree
• Graphs
– Representation – Graphproblems
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Binary Trees
• Tree where each element has one parent and up to two children
– Common data structure
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Binary Trees in Prolog
• Define a fact for a node in the data structure t(element, left, right)
– element is the value stored at the node
– left is the left subtree
– right is the right subtree
– an empty subtree can be marked with a ‘nil’
• A tree with only the root node is t(1,nil,nil)
• A balanced binary tree with three nodes
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

A Binary Tree
treeA(X) :- X=
t(101, 5 t(83,nil
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Inorder Traversal
inorder(t(Root,Left,Right)) :-
write(‘ ‘),
?- treeB(X), inorder(X).
5 31 73 83 97 101
X = t(73, t(31, t(5, nil, nil), nil),
t(101, t(83, nil, t(97, nil, nil)),
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Binary Search Tree
• Sort predicate (assuming no duplicates) precedes(Key1, Key2) :- Key1 < Key2. • Boundary case: Searched for node found binarySearch(Key, t(Key, _, _)). • Search in left subtree binarySearch(Key, t(Root, Left, _)) :- precedes(Key, Root), binarySearch(Key, Left). • Search in right subtree binarySearch(Key, t(Root, _, Right)) :- precedes(Root, Key), binarySearch(Key, Right). CSI2120: Programming Paradigms Element Insertion in a BST • Boundary case insert new leaf node insert(Key, nil, t(Key, nil, nil)). • Insert new node on the left insert(Key, t(Root, Left, Right), t(Root, LeftPlus, Right)) :- precedes(Key, Root), insert(Key, Left, LeftPlus). • Insert new node on the right insert(Key, t(Root, Left, Right), t(Root, Left, RightPlus)) :- precedes(Root, Key), insert(Key, Right, RightPlus). CSI2120: Programming Paradigms Deleting a Key at the Root • Boundary case replace key with the right subtree deleteBST(Key, t(Key, nil, Right), Right). • Boundary case replace key with the left subtree deleteBST(Key, t(Key, Left, nil), Left). • Delete root and replace with maximum left key deleteBST(Key, t(Key, Left, Right), t(NewRoot, NewLeft, Right)) :- removeMax(Left, NewLeft, NewRoot). – arguments of removeMax % removeMax(Tree,NewTree,Max) CSI2120: Programming Paradigms Deleting any Key • Search on the left subtree for key to delete deleteBST(Key, t(Root, Left, Right), t(Root, LeftSmaller, Right)) :- precedes(Key, Root), deleteBST(Key, Left, LeftSmaller). • Search on the right subtree for key to delete deleteBST(Key, t(Root, Left, Right), t(Root, Left, RightSmaller)) :- precedes(Root, Key), deleteBST(Key, Right, RightSmaller). CSI2120: Programming Paradigms Deleting the Maximum Element • boundary case right-most node is maximum removeMax(t(Max, Left, nil), Left, Max). • recursion on the right of the root node (for tree nodes sorted with less than). removeMax(t(Root, Left, Right), t(Root, Left, RightSmaller), Max) :- removeMax(Right, RightSmaller, Max). CSI2120: Programming Paradigms General Graphs • A binary tree is a tree, and a tree is a (restricted) graph • Graph representation g([Node,...],[edge(Node1,Node2,Weight),...]). – directed edge edge(g(Ns,Edges),N1,N2,Weight):- member(edge(N1,N2,Weight),Edges). – undirectededge edge(g(Ns,Edges),N1,N2,Weight):- member(edge(N1,N2,Weight),Edges); CSI2120: Programming Paradigms member(edge(N2,N1,Weight),Edges). Neighbors of a Node • Find all neighboring nodes and the connecting edge (use with edge/4 predicate). neighbors(Graph,Node,Neighbors):- setof((N,Edge),edge(Graph,Node,N,Edge),Neighbors). – Define a graph graphA(X) :- X=g([a,b,c,d,e,f], [edge(a,b,3), edge(a,c,5), edge(a,d,7), – Example queries 5 ?- graphA(X), neighbors(X,c,V). V = [ (a, 5)]. 3 a c ?- graphA(X), neighbors(X,a,V). V = [ (b, 3), (c, 5), (d, 7)]. b e 7 CSI2120: Programming Paradigms edge(e,f,1), edge(d,f,6)]). 6 d 1 f Graph Coloring color(g(Ns,Edges),Colors,GC):- generate(Ns,Colors,GC), test(Edges,GC). generate([],_,[]). generate([N|Ns],Colors,[(N,C)|Q]):- member(C,Colors), generate(Ns,Colors,Q). test([],_). test([edge(N1,N2,_)|Ns],GC):- member((N1,C1),GC), member((N2,C2),GC), C1\=C2, test(Ns,GC). CSI2120: Programming Paradigms Graph Coloring Queries ?- graphA(X), color(X,[red,blue,white,green],V). X = g([a, b, c, d, e, f], [edge(a, b, 3), edge(a, c, 5), edge(a, d, 7), edge(e, f, 1), edge(d, f, 6)]), V = [ (a, red), (b, blue), (c, blue), (d, blue), (e, red), (f, white)] ; X = ..., V = [ (a, red), (b, blue), (c, blue), (d, blue), (e, red), (f, green)] ; X = ..., V = [ (a, red), (b, blue), (c, blue), (d, blue), (e, blue), (f, red)] ; ... CSI2120: Programming Paradigms Graph Problem: Labyrinth link(0,1). % start = 0 link(1,2). link(2,6). link(6,5). 0123 link(6,7). 4567 link(5,4). link(5,9). link(9,8). link(8,12). link(9,10). link(10,11). link(9,13). link(13,14). link(14,15). % finish = 15 8 9 10 11 CSI2120: Programming Paradigms 12 13 14 15 Labyrinth Solution • Predicate generating undirected edges successor(A,B) :- link(A,B). successor(A,B) :- link(B,A). • Define the finish node finish(15). • Boundary case if finish is reached pathFinder([Last|Path],[Last|Path]) :- finish(Last). • Go to the next node in a depth first manner unless it is a loop pathFinder([Curr|Path],Solution) :- successor(Curr,Next), \+member(Next,Path),write(Next),nl, pathFinder([Next,Curr|Path],Solution). CSI2120: Programming Paradigms Example: Labyrinth ?- pathFinder([0],S). 1 2 6 5 4 9 8 12 10 11 13 14 15 S = [15, 14, 13, 9, 5, 6, 2, 1, 0] ; 7 false. CSI2120: Programming Paradigms Summary • Binary tree – tree representation – binary search tree – insert an element – delete an element • Graphs – graph representation – graph search – graph coloring – labyrinth CSI2120: Programming Paradigms