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Programming Paradigms CSI2120
Jochen Lang
EECS, University of Ottawa Canada

Course Syllabus
• Complete syllabus at http://www.eecs.uottawa.ca/~jlang/csi2120.html
• Course notes, laboratory exercises and assignments will be made available through Virtual Campus.
• Labs in six sessions plus one tutorial
– Make sure to attend your session
– Academicregulations:“Attendanceatcoursesofinstruction, laboratory periods and discussion groups is mandatory. To be admitted to the final examination in a subject, a student must attend a minimum of 80% of classes”
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Summary of Topics
• An introduction to programming paradigms
• Object-oriented paradigm: Self-review with Java
• Imperative and concurrent programming paradigm: Go.
• Logic paradigm: Prolog. Syntax and lists, satisfying goals and backtracking, arithmetic, structures, and recursion, input/output, trees and databases, the cut operator, built- ins, grammars and parsing
• Functional paradigm: Scheme. Simple expressions, evaluation, arithmetic, lists, conditional expressions, simple recursion, I/O, assignment, vectors, trees, functions as first- class data values
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Student Evaluation
• Midterm exam, March 3rd (in class) 26 marks
• Final exam 38 marks
• 4 Assignments 30 marks
• Lab Quizzes 6 marks (8 Quizzes in total, best 6 count)
– You must be present in the lab to receive a lab quiz mark.
*) If the student’s grade in the exam component (midterm and final) is less than 50% then the student’s marks for the assignments will be zero. The mark will then be (Midterm + Final) / 64.
**) A student who has an official medical certificate (from the University Health Services) for the absence on the day of the midterm will have the final exam mark scaled up accordingly. In those cases the student will not receive 25% of the marks before the drop-date.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Assignments and Academic Fraud
• Assignments
– There will be four programming assignments which must be submitted via Virtual Campus. No other form of submission will be accepted.
– Late hand-ins will NOT be accepted.
– All assignments and labs will be posted on Virtual Campus. • Academic Fraud and Plagiarism
– Anycopyinginanassignmentwillresultinanautomaticzero for the assignment (we will check with a software tool).
– For any plagiarism or fraud possible university sanctions still apply.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Recommended Textbooks
• Allen B. Tucker and Robert E. Noonan, Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms, McGraw Hill, 2nd ed., 2007.
• Maurizio Gabbrielli and Simone Martini, Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms, Springer, 2010.
• William F. Clocksin and Christopher S. Mellish, Programming in Prolog, Springer, 5th ed., 2003.
• Patrick Blackburn, Johan Bos, and Kristina Striegnitz, Learn Prolog Now!, College Publications, 2006. on-line .
• R. Kent Dybvig, The Scheme Programming Language, MIT Press, 4th ed., 2009. on-line.
• Ivo Balbaert, The Way T o Go: A Thorough Introduction T o The Go Programming Language, iUniverse, 2012.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

On-Line Resources
• Go concurrent programming language. Open source with binary distributions for Linux, MacOS and Windows.
• SWI Prolog Open source prolog compiler available for all major platforms.
• MIT/GNU Scheme Full scheme system for Linux, MacOS and Windows but the dedicated emacs editor is broken on Windows. Use racket instead.
• Racket Racket is an extension of Lisp and Scheme with a decent IDE.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Student Participation
• Mandatory attendance of and participation in lectures, labs and tutorials
• Group work and interactive feedback
– Using web clicker.
– You must register for an account (details on Virtual Campus)
– No marks but there to help with learning and retention
– AlsousedtodetermineifyoucompliedwiththeFacultyof Engineering rule of minimum attendance of 80% of lectures.
• First discussion in groups of 4
– What is a programming paradigm?
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Paradigms and Programming
• Paradigm:
“a theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about” (Merriam-Webster, accessed Jan, 2014).
• Computer Programming:
” Computer programming … is a process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable computer programs. (Wikipedia, accessed Jan, 2018).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

More Comprehensive View of Programming
• Programming
“… involves activities such as analysis, developing understanding, generating algorithms, verification of requirements of algorithms including their correctness and resources consumption, and implementation (commonly referred to as coding) of algorithms in a target programming language. (Wikipedia, accessed Jan, 2018).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Programming Language
• A Programming Language
” is a formal language that specifies a set of instructions that can be used to produce various kinds of output. Programming languages generally consist of instructions for a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs that implement specific algorithms. “(Wikipedia, accessed Jan, 2018).
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Programmer (Software Engineer)
• A Programmer,
– computer programmer, developer, coder, or software engineer is a person who writes computer software. ” (Wikipedia, accessed Jan, 2018).
Source: US Army
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms
Source: German Bundesarchiv

Best Programming Language Implementing the Best Paradigm
• There is no single best paradigm for all applications.
• Problems can be solved based on one or the other
• Many Paradigms exist:
– object-orientedprogramming, – logic programming,
– functional programming,
– imperative programming,
– scripting or dynamic programming,
– declarative programming,
– aspect-orientedprogramming,
– concurrentprogramming,andothers…
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Familiar Programming Paradigms
• Imperative paradigm
– views program as a sequence of commands which change
the state of the program
– Prominent example language: C
• Object-oriented paradigm
– Solution is described by a set of classes providing
– Class relationships include inheritance and message passing.
– Polymorphism
– Prominent example language: Java
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Logic Programming Paradigm
• Describes the facts and rules about a problem and the desired program outcome and not the individual steps of the solution.
• Logic programming paradigm
– views programs as a set of constraints,
– requires programs to produce different (or even all) solutions,
– and considers programs non-deterministic
• Prominent example language covered in this course
– Prolog
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Functional Programming Paradigm
• Functional programming is inspired by mathematical functions as a mapping from an input domain to an output range.
• Functional paradigm
– compose different functions to achieve a solution – uses often recursive solutions
– functions without side effects
• Prominent example language covered in this course: – Scheme
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Functional Programming
• The following definitions can be found on Bill Kinnersley language list site:
– “Functional Language: In the narrow sense, a functional language is one that operates by use of higher-order functions, building operators that manipulate functions directly without ever appearing to manipulate data.”
– “Applicative Language: A language that operates by application of functions to values, with no side effects. A functional language in the broad sense.”
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Why study different paradigms?
• Understanding programming at the abstract level will lead to a better overall understanding of programming
• Different problems, different challenges benefit from different approaches
• Knowing many languages helps to learn new languages
• To be able to chose the best paradigm and language for a
new task
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Some History
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Influential Programming Languages (until 1990, according to Bill Kinnersley)
1957 FORTRAN 1958 ALGOL 1960 LISP
1960 COBOL 1962 APL
1977 OPS5
1978 CSP
1978 FP
1980 dBASE II 1983 Smalltalk-80 1983 Ada
1988 Oberon 1989 HTML 1990 Haskell
1962 SIMULA 1964 BASIC 1964 PL/I 1966 ISWIM 1970 Prolog 1972 C
1983 Parlog
1984 Standard ML 1986 C++
1986 CLP(R)
1986 Eiffel
1988 CLOS
1988 Mathematica
1975 Pascal 1975 Scheme
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Alphabetical High-level Language Overview
• ADA: created at Honeywell Bell for the American DoD, supports concurrency, synchronous message passing
• Algol: close to mathematical notation, machine-independent description of algorithms
• ANSI C: standardized C increasing portability and prototyping
• APL: K. Iverson, mathematical programming (matrices,
vectors) but difficult to read
• B: K. Thompson, simple compilation, original language for UNIX
• BASIC: J. Kemeny, T. Kurtz, Simple language, made programming widely accessible to engineering
• C: B.W. Kernigham, D.M. Ritchie, system programming, non- restrictive language, close to machine instructions
• C++: B. Stroustrup, object-oriented C, hybrid language, abstract data types, templates.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Alphabetical High-level Language Overview
• C#: hybrid between C++ and Java, used for Microsoft platform .Net
• COBOL: COmmon Business-Oriented Language (created by Grace Hopper), business, finance, management; verbose to ease general understanding.
• COMMONLISP: LISP dialect that unifies the different LISP dialects, tentative standard.
• CPL: North American equivalent of Algol, but closer to machine instructions.
• Eiffel: B. Meyer, object-oriented language, created to support “design by contract”
• FORTRAN: created by J. Backus for the IBM704, effective coding.
• Go: Created by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google. Compiled and statically typed language with garbage collection and concurrent programming features.
• Java: designed as a “better” C++ with closer adherence to OO paradigm; created by J. Gosling at Sun.
• JavaScript:
• LISP: J. McCarthy, artificial intelligence, theorem proving, (emacs); based
on a single data structure, lists.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

Alphabetical High-level Language Overview
• Miranda: D. Turner: first commercial purely functional language, lazy evaluation.
• ML: R. Milner, strongly typed, functional language with inference
• Pascal: functional, originally created by N. Wirth for teaching.
• PL/I: IBM and Share 3by3, universal language, originally developed for mainframe computers.
• Prolog: Created by Alain Colmerauer with Philippe Roussel, mainly expert systems, artificial intelligence and data bases, now ISO standard.
• Python: Created by Guido van Rossum (1991), interpreted, dynamic type system and automatic memory management. Multiple programming paradigms.
• R: For statistical data analysis with graphics. Simple, effective and extensible programming language.
• Scheme: MIT, LISP dialect, originally created for teaching.
• Simula: K. Nygaard, O.J. Dahl, simulation, introduced the notion of a class.
• SmallTalk: A. Kay, first object-oriented language, objects, message passing. Designed for graphical environments (windows).
• Swift: Apple’s successor to Objective-C. Multi-paradigm.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms

• Why are there so many similar languages? • Isn’t Java (or C++, or your favorite) a
programming language for everything? Analyze new programming paradigms Learn new languages
Get an overview of other paradigms.
CSI2120: Programming Paradigms