程序代写代做代考 graph Java concurrency go CSI2120 Programming Paradigms Jochen Lang

CSI2120 Programming Paradigms Jochen Lang
Faculté de génie | Faculty of Engineering
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

System Programming: Go
• Concurrency and Parallelism • Goroutines
• Channels
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Concurrent Programming
• An application is a process running on a machine
– A process is an independently executing entity that runs in its own address space.
• A process is composed of one or more operating system threads
– Threads are concurrently executing entities that share the same address space.
Process Process Process
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Execution Thread
• An execution thread is a sequence of executable statements and it may or may not interact with other threads
– Threads often share some variables (or resources) with other threads
– Threads often (but not necessarily) have a limited life-time within a program execution
• A thread can be blocked:
– Accessing a shared variable or resource used currently by another thread
– Waiting for the result or completion of another thread
• An application program can often be divided into multiple processes and potentially many threads
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Parallel Programming vs. Concurrent Programming
• Concurrent programming means expressing program structure such that is organized into independently executing actions
– Concurrent programming can also target a single processor
• The processes or threads then run in turn over time according to a schedule
• If processes or threads are running on different processors or cores simultaneously, we have a parallel program
• If a program is executed on multiple machines with loose interaction, it is commonly called distributed programming
• If a program is executed on a graphics card or a tightly integrated cluster, it is often called massively parallel programming (and is not considered concurrent)
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Concurrent Programming Languages
• A concurrent programming language must support:
– the creation and execution of processes and threads – data communication between threads and processes
• may use mechanisms using inter-process communication defined by the operating system
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Concurrent Programming Languages
• A concurrent programming language must also support synchronization operations
– Cooperative synchronization: A process waits for the execution of another before continuing its own execution.
• deterministic concurrency
– Competitive synchronization: Multiple processes use the same resource with some form of locking mechanism for mutual exclusion.
• non-deterministic concurrency
Figure 4.4 by Max Hailperin under CC BY-SA 3.0; converted from GitHub
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Reminder: Threads in Java
• Option implementing interface runnable
public class HelloRunnable
implements Runnable {
public void run() {
• Option subclassing Thread
public class HelloThread
extends Thread {
public void run() {
“Running in a
“Running in a
public static void
main( String args[]) {
(new Thread( new
public static void
main(String args[]) {
}} }
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Level of Concurrency
• At the (set of) statement level:
– Sets of statements are executed concurrently while the main process suspends its execution. All threads share the same data (OpenMP)
• At the sub-program level:
– New process is created for running a subroutine. Once the new process starts, the calling process continues its execution. Requires a synchronization mechanism.
• At the object level:
– Each object instance of a class competes for resources and methods on different objects run concurrently. Class variables (attributes) are not shared.
• At the program level:
– Parent process run one or more child processes. Child process Id must be known by parent. Data may be shared.
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Type of Concurrency
• Physical
– Multiple processes/threads share different processors or cores
• Logical
– Multiple processes/threads share execution time on a single processor.
• Distributed
– Processes/threads of an application share several machines over a network
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Concurrency in Go: Non-deterministic
Two mechanisms are provided
1. Non-deterministic Concurrency
– More traditional threads with low-level synchronization
– Mutex in synch package – Use is discouraged in Go
Gopher image by Renee French, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license.
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Concurrency in Go: Deterministic
2. Deterministic Concurrency
– Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) – Based on message passing between threads – goroutines and channels
– Recommended approach
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Concurrency in Go
– Based on the idea that avoiding data sharing will avoid the biggest problem in concurrent programming
– Threads in CSP do not communicate by sharing data
– Rather they share data by communicating
– Timing of threads is based on messaging between threads
Gopher image by Renee French, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license.
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

• Parts of a Go program that run concurrently are organized in goroutines
– goroutines can run in several threads
– several goroutines can run in one thread • no 1:1 correspondence to OS threads
• goroutines run in the same address space
– shared memory access can be used but is
• goroutines are designed to be light-weight
– inexpensive to create
– automatic (segmented) stack management
• A goroutine can be implemented as a function or method
• A goroutine is invoked using the keyword go
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Calling a Goroutine
• Goroutines are functions or methods called with go
– The default number of OS threads is one for all goroutines
– Can be changed with the environment variable GOMAXPROCS – Can also be changed with the runtime package
import “runtime”
func main() {
// change max number of OS threads to 3

go foo()
… }
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Example: Calling goroutines
func main() {
sTime := time.Now(); // time it
go letters() // goroutine A
go numbers() // goroutine B
fmt.Println(“Waiting …”)
eTime := time.Now();
fmt.Printf(“Run time: %s”, eTime.Sub(sTime))
Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca

Example: goroutines
func numbers() {
for number := 1; number < 27; number++ { // pause before every print time.Sleep(10*time.Millisecond) fmt.Printf("%d ", number) } } func letters() { for char := 'a'; char < 'a'+26; char++ { time.Sleep(10) fmt.Printf("%c ", char) } } Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca Example Execution Starting Waiting ... abcdefghij1klmnopqrst2uvwxyz 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Done Run time: 2s • Running it without goroutines (sequential) Starting abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Waiting ... Done Run time: 2.286s Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca Communication between goroutines • goroutines are designed to effectively communicate by message passing for – the exchange of information – for synchronizing the execution • Implemented in Go through channels – channels are similar to pipes Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca Concept of channels • Data is passed around through channels – only one goroutine has access to a channel at any given time – communication is synchronized by design • no race conditions can occur • Ownership of the data is passed around as well • A channel is a data queue (FIFO) • Channels are typed (only one data type can be passed around on a channel) Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca Channel Declaration • Declaring a channel only creates a reference – Use make to allocate space for the channel – Example: Channel for strings var ch chan string ch = make(chan string) – Or shorter with initializer declaration ch := make(chan string) – By default, a channel has a capacity of 1 element – Channels are first-class object – To send or receive, use the arrow operator ch <- str // send str = <- ch // receive Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca Example: Communicating goroutines through channels func main() { ch := make(chan string) go sendString(ch) go recieveString(ch) time.Sleep(1*time.Second) } func sendString(ch chan string) { ch <- "Ottawa" ch <- "Toronto" ch <- "Gatineau" ch <- "Casselman" } func recieveString (ch chan string) { var str string for {str= <-ch fmt.Printf("%s ", str) } } Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca Range Loop applied to a Channel • We can loop over the incoming elements • Loops over the channel until it is closed • Example uses a lambda as go routine func recieveString(ch chan string) { go func() { for str := range ch { fmt.Printf("%s ", str) } }() } Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca Closing channels • Channels may be explicitly closed func sendString(strArr []string ) chan string { ch := make(chan string) go func() { // start a lambda in a go routine for _,s := range strArr { } ch <- s close(ch) }() return ch } • We can test if the channel has been closed for {str, ok := <- ch if !ok { break; }fmt.Printf("%s ", str) } Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca Synchronization across Channels • We can use select for non-blocking channel i/o. Similar to a switch but depending on which channel receives or ready to send an element Forever: for { select { case str, ok := <- ch1: if !ok { break Forever } fmt.Printf("%s \n", str ) case str, ok := <- ch2: if !ok { break Forever } fmt.Printf("%s \n", str ) } } Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca Buffered Channels • Channels can be buffered – A buffered channel will not block a sender until the buffer is full – A receiver will always block until there is some data to receive • This can be used as a semaphore – E.g. limiting the number of Go routines at any one point by • Writing a global channel when a new routine is started • A full channel will block • Reading from a global channel when a routine finishes Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca Synchronization with a Semaphore • Example inspired by golang.org // Channel with buffer size 10 var sem = make(chan int, 10 ) func handle(r *Request) { process(r) // Process the request <-sem // Done, room for next request. } func MyServer(queue chan *Request) { for { req := <-queue // receive a new request sem <- 1 // Are we below 10, if not wait go handle(req) } } Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca Synchronization with a WaitGroup – Semaphore pattern is great to monitor the maximum number of go routines, it is not suitable to monitor when all go routines are done • Package sync provides WaitGroup which has – WaitGroup.Add(int) counting up the number of things to wait for – WaitGroup.Done() one less thing to wait for – WaitGroup.Wait() wait until all things done – Things can be distributed over multiple processes, useful for process synchronization • See sync/waitgroup.go Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca Timers in Go • A timer in Go has a channel • We can check its status or read from its channel outOfHere := time.NewTimer(time.Second * 2) Forever: for { select { } } ... \\ Omitted case <-outOfHere.C: fmt.Printf("Time is up\n" ) break Forever Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca Summary • Concurrency and Parallelism • Goroutines • Channels • Channel Synchronization • Timer Jochen Lang, EECS jlang@uOttawa.ca