代写代考 COMP1212)

Coursework 2
Computer Processors (COMP1212)
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Submission You must submit your work via Gradescope.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Deadline Please see Gradescope for the deadline.
Weighting This piece of summative coursework is worth 25% of the module grade.
The transmission of information can be either serial or parallel. In parallel communica- tion multiple binary digits are transmitted simultaneously. In serial communication a word is transmitted as a sequence of binary digits, one after another. Both have advantages and disadvantages.
1. A shift register is a sequential logic circuit that has a single input and cascades the input across a set of outputs in order, that is, supposing we have a 4-bit shift register with input called in and output pins called w, x, y and z then the table below describes the behaviour.
Timein wxyz 000000 110000 201000 310100 411010 501101 600110 700011 800001 900000
The input at time t is at output w at time t+1, at output x at time t+2, at output y at time t + 3, and at z at time t + 4.
Produce an HDL file that contains the design of an 8-bit shift register. The chip should have the following preamble.
CHIP Shift8bit {
OUT out[8];

2. Produce an HDL file that contains the design of a circuit that implements the fol- lowing description.
The circuit should implement a parallel to serial converter. The circuit should store an 8-bit binary value from the 8-bit wide input bus called indata when the load input is asserted (has value 1). When the enable input is asserted (has the value 1) then the circuit, over the next 8 clock cycles, should output each of the bits of the stored 8-bit binary value, from bit 0 to bit 7, sequentially via sout. When the circuit has completed the transmission of the 8 bits then the complete output should be asserted (set to value 1) for 1 clock cycle.
The chip should have the following preamble.
CHIP cw2 {
IN indata[8], enable, load;
OUT sout, complete;
Question 1 is worth 10 marks, and Question 2 is worth 15 marks.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com