程序代写代做代考 graph algorithm chain data structure c++ ASSIGNMENT #5: ADVANCED C++ AND DESIGN PATTERNS CS246, SPRING 2020

Assignment #5: Advanced C++ and Design Patterns
Due Date 1: Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 5:00 pm Due Date 2: Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 5:00 pm Online Quiz: Friday, July 31, 2020, 5:00 pm
Topics that must have been completed before starting Due Date 1: 1. Advanced C++: Unique and shared pointers (smart pointers) 2. Advanced C++: RAII: Resource Acquisition Is Initialization 3. Advanced C++: Exception Safety
Topics that must have been completed before starting Due Date 2: 1. Advanced C++: Template Functions
2. Advanced C++: Function Objects and Lambdas
3. Advanced C++: STL Algorithms
Learning objectives:
• Advanced C++: Smart pointers and RAII • Advanced C++: Exception Safety
• Advanced C++: STL Templates
• Questions 1, 2a, 3a are due on Due Date 1; questions 2b and 3b are due on Due Date 2. You must submit the online quiz on Learn by the Quiz date.
• You must use the C++ I/O streaming and memory management facilities on this assignment. Marmoset will be programmed to reject submissions that use C-style I/O or memory management.
• You may include the headers , , , , , , , ,

, , and .
• You are not allowed to use delete. You must manage memory with smart pointers only.
• For question 2, you are additionally allowed to include , for the pow function.
• Each question on this assignment asks you to write a C++ program, and the programs you write on this assignment each span multiple files. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you develop your solution for each question in a separate directory. Just remember that, for each question, you should be in that directory when you create your ZIP file, so that it does not contain any extra directory structure.
• You are required to submit a Makefile along with every code submission (except question 1). Marmoset will use this Makefile to build your submission.
Question 1
We have provided the code for a small banking application in the folder codeForStudents, which keeps track of accounts and balances and can transfer balances between accounts. Please check the files bank_app.{h,cc}, bank.{h,cc}, and account.{h,cc} to understand how it works.
The file main.cc provides a simple test and expected.out provides the expected output from main. However, the current implementation has an issue that prevents it from generating the correct output: methods Bank::transferBalance
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and Bank::transferToNewAccount are not exception safe. Therefore, if an exception occurs, the data is left at an in- consistent state. Additionally, the implementation currently does not delete any of the heap-allocated memory.
Your task is to make two changes to this program:
1. Use smart pointers and/or RAII principles to fix the memory leaks. For this assignment, you are not allowed to use delete to free memory. If you implement everything corretly with smart pointers, your program won’t have any delete statement but won’t leak any memory.
2. FixthemethodsBank::transferBalanceandBank::transferToNewAccounttobeexceptionsafe(strong guarantee): if any exception happens, the program’s state after the method execution ends should be as if the method had never been called. For this assignment, you are not allowed to try and avoid the exceptions. You must change the methods so that the exceptions are still raised, but the program state is consistent after that.
Implementation Notes:
• Your solution should only modify the files bank_app.{h,cc} and bank.{h,cc}. None of the other files need to be modified.
• main.cc is only for testing the solution. For this question, you don’t need to create a test suite, but feel free to create one for your own use if you wish. You don’t need to submit main.cc. If you do, it will be ignored and we will test your solution with our own main program. If you wish, feel free to modify main.cc or create alternative test programs for your own use.
1. Due on Due Date 1: Make the required changes in the implementation. Submit your bank_app.{h,cc} and bank.{h,cc} files.
Note: we will test your implementation with our version of account.{h,cc} and *_exception.h (identical to the ones we provided to you) and our versions of main.cc (which can be different than the example provided to you). This question will also be hand-marked to ensure that you followed the requirements in your implementation.
2. Due on Due Date 2: Nothing.
Question 2
In this question, you will write a simple flight planning library. Note that no code is provided as a baseline: You must create all headers and implementations. You must use smart pointers and RAII principles throughout your code. You should never directly use new or delete.
The purpose of this library is to suggest flight plans, given a list of airports and flights between them. A flight plan is a list of flights connecting two airports. Each airport is a node in a graph, and each flight connects two airports. Each flight has a duration in hours, a price in dollars, and a name (e.g. Dominion Air Flight 123). For the purposes of this library, we aren’t concerned with flight schedules (i.e., all layovers are possible), and it is assumed that all flights have an equivalent return flight (that is, if there’s a flight from airport A to airport B, then there is an equivalent flight, taking the same amount of time, at the same price, with the same name, from B to A). There may be multiple flights between the same two airports, but no two flights from or to any airport may have the same name.
In a file flight.h, you should expose a class FlightPlanner, class FlightPlan, class Flight, and class FlightNameException. Although you must maintain a graph of airports to implement this problem, the API of the graph itself and airports is not specified. You may implement them in any way you please. The API of FlightPlanner, FlightPlan, Flight, and FlightNameException will be defined, but in each case, you will likely need additional, internal methods for your own implementation. FlightPlanner should have the following API:
• The constructor should initialize an empty flight planner, i.e., with no airports or flights.
• There should be no explicit destructor, but all memory used by the flight planner should nonetheless be freed correctly
when the flight planner and all other smart pointers to its internal resources are destroyed. Page 2 of 6

• The method void addAirport(const std::string &name) adds an airport to the graph. If an airport already exists with the given name, a FlightNameException is thrown.
• The method
void addFlight(const std::string &from, const std::string &to, int duration,
int price, const std::string &name)
adds a flight to the graph, between airports from and to, with the given duration, price, and name. If a flight al- ready exists at either of these two airports with the given name, or if one or the other named airport does not exist, a FlightNameException is thrown. Since flights always have return flights, this method should additionally add an equivalent flight from to to from.
• The method
std::vector> planTrip(const std::string &from,
const std::string &to)
should return every possible flight plan from the airport named by from, to the airport named by to. FlightPlan itself is described below. No flight plan should loop, i.e., no plan should visit an airport twice. The vector should be sorted by pain (see below), from least to most pain. If the from or to airport does not exist, a FlightNameException is thrown. If no flight plans are possible between the two given airports, an empty vector should be returned.
FlightPlan is a particular flight plan. A flight plan is a list (implemented as a vector) of steps, where each step is a flight. If the FlightPlan describes a trip from airport A to airport B, then the “from” airport of the first step should be A, the “to” airport of the last step should be B, and the “to” airport of each non-final step should be the “from” airport of the following step. That is, the steps form a chain of flights. The API of FlightPlan is:
• You may design the constructor(s) in any way.
• There should be no explicit destructor.
• The method std::vector> getSteps() should return the vector of flights in this flight plan.
• The method int getDuration() should return the total duration of this plan, assuming a 1 hour layover between each pair of flights. That is, the duration is the sum of the durations of each step, plus the number of steps, minus one.
• The method int getPrice() should return the total price for this trip, which is simply the sum of the price of each step. (In real flight planning, of course, this is not how price is calculated.)
• The method int getPain() should return the “pain” for this trip. As the experience of commercial flight gets exponentially more awful the longer it lasts, we define pain as 1.2d ∗ p, rounded down, where d is the total duration as returned by getDuration, and p is the total price as returned by getPrice. For instance, a plan with a duration of 2 hours costing $800 has pain 1,152, while a plan with a duration of 12 hours costing $200 has pain 1,783.
Flight is a particular flight, with the following API: • You may design the constructor(s) in any way.
• There should be no explicit destructor.
• The method std::string getFrom() returns the airport this flight leaves from. • The method std::string getTo() returns the airport this flight goes to.
• The method int getDuration() returns the duration of this flight.
• The method int getPrice() returns the price of this flight.
• The method std::string getName() returns the name of this flight.
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Finally, FlightNameException has no specific API, but must exist. You may want to add a message method to it for your own debugging purposes, and create FlightNameExceptions with messages.
The recommended algorithm for finding paths through the graph is simply to recurse over every possible flight, keeping track of which airports you’ve already traversed so you can avoid loops.
Many, many components of this problem are made simpler by available algorithms in the STL! Your grade will depend on not just a correct implementation, but good use of the STL. Further, you must not use any explicit destructors for the entire implementation, but must, of course, still properly clean up memory.
A sample test harness is provided in codeForStudents directory, in flight_planner.cc. A compiled version is also provided, named flight_planner, to test against. Compile flight_planner.cc along with your own code to create your own flight_planner, which is a simple command-line application which creates a single FlightPlanner and handles simple commands. Because of the simplicity of the command-line interface, it supports only airport and flight names with no spaces, but your library must support any characters in names. The commands are:
a name
Adds an airport with the given name.
f from to duration price name
Adds a flight from and to the given airports, with the given duration, price, and name.
p from to
Plans a trip from the given airport, to the given airport, and displays all possible flight plans.
Enables or disables a memory testing mode, in which p deletes the flight planner be- fore outputting flight plans. This allows you to test that nothing is incorrectly deleted, but valgrind is recommended to verify that nothing is leaked.
a) Due on Due Date 1: Design a test suite for this program, using the main function provided in the test harness. Submit a file called a5q2a.zip that contains the test suite you designed, called suiteq2.txt, and all of the .in and .out files.
b) Due on Due Date 2: Write the library in C++. Save your solution in a file named a5q2b.zip. It must con- tain a Makefile that creates an executable named a5q2 when the command make is given, and must include the flight_planner.cc test harness, unmodified.
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Question 3
Some early handheld calculators, as well as several programming languages, use a system for describing arithmetic expres- sions called reverse Polish notation. Reverse Polish notation is easiest thought of as describing a mathematical expression in a sequence of steps that use a stack. For instance, you might push 5 to the stack, push 3 to the stack, then perform the “add” step, which pops the top two elements from the stack and adds them together, then pushes the result to the stack. In reverse Polish notation,thissequenceofactionsiswrittenas“5 3 +”.Allstepsareeitherpushinganumberontothestack,orpoppingtwo numbers to perform an operation, pushing the result. These sequences can be arbitrarily long, and because of the stack-like action of pushing and popping. A valid reverse Polish notation expression always results in exactly one element on the stack.
For instance, the mathematical expression “(5+2)/(4-1)+7” can be rewritten as “5 2 + 4 1 – / 7 +”. Since the + and – each pop their respective two numbers and push one, the / operates over the results of the + and -. Here are the steps in evaluating that expression, one by one, assuming / is int division:
Current operation
Stack after operation

You will write a reverse Polish notation calculator, which additionally reformats reverse Polish notation expressions to standard mathematical expressions, also called infix notation. For instance, the sequence “5 3 +” from above is written as “5+3” in infix notation, and evaluates to 8. Your calculator must support the standard four arithmetic operators: +, -, *, and /, operating over ints. Please note that no base code at all is provided. You must write the entire solution from scratch.
Your program will read lines in reverse Polish notation from standard input, and output lines containing both the infix ex- pression and its solution. Correctly placing parentheses in infix expression is complex, so simply parenthesize every operator withitsoperands.Forinstance,iftheuserinputs5 2 + 4 1 – / 7 +,theprogramshouldoutput(((5+2)/(4-1))+7) = 9. Note that in our reverse Polish notation, all operations must be separated by spaces, but our infix notation will never use spaces.
A demonstration of an interaction with the program (lines in reverse Polish notation are input, and lines with infix notation and solution are program output):
(((5+2)/(4-1))+7) = 9
(5+3) = 8
(1-(2+(3/(4*(5-(6+7)))))) = -1 12+3-4*5/6+7-
((((((1+2)-3)*4)/5)+6)-7) = -1
49 8 * 1000 * 3 100 * 5 12 * 7 + – 3 * + 8 * ((((49*8)*1000)+(((3*100)-((5*12)+7))*3))*8) = 3141592
To do this, you will have to create a tree from the reverse Polish notation input, then traverse the tree. You are expected to use the visitor pattern to traverse the tree, as this will make it easy to write one visitor that creates the infix notation expression, and another that gets the solution. Note that it is possible to solve reverse Polish notation expressions with no data structures, but not to rewrite them in infix notation, so you will need to create a tree.
To build a tree from a reverse Polish notation expression, simply follow the same stack operations as described above, but pushing or popping trees instead of pushing or popping values. For an operation, rather than actually performing the operation, makeanewtreewiththetwotreesyoupoppedasitschildren.Herearethestepsofconverting“5 2 + 4 1 – /”toatree, visually:
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Current operation
Stack after operation


You will likely want a subclass of your tree class for numbers, and subclasses for each of the valid operations. To solve, the visitor of an operation should call the visitor of each child, and return the result of the operation as performed on the returns from the visitor calls to each child. To create an infix notation expression, visitors should instead return strings, and concatenate them as appropriate.
You will need to check that the input uses the stack correctly (i.e., it never attempts to use an operation with only one element on the stack, and ends with exactly one element on the stack), but exactly what to do in this case is not specified.
a) Due on Due Date 1: Design a test suite for this program. Submit a file called a5q3a.zip that contains the test suite you designed, called suiteq3.txt, and all of the .in and .out files.
b) Due on Due Date 2: Write the program in C++. Save your solution in a file named a5q3b.zip. It must contain a Makefile that creates an executable named a5q3 when the command make is given.
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