留学生辅导 Week 1: Preliminary

Week 1: Preliminary
Definition of stochastic process: a stochastic process is a collection of random variables
(Xt,t ∈ T) = (Xt(ω),t ∈ T,ω ∈ Ω).
The finite-dimensional distributions (fdds) of the stochastic pro- cess Xt determine many (but not all) important properties of a stochastic process, describing the relationships among the random variables, Xt, t ∈ T.

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Important concepts: Stationarity, stationary increments, independent increments, …
We have introduced: conditional expectation E(X | Y) (conditional prob P(A | Y)); probability generating function (pgf); random sum and Wald’s identity.

Weeks 2-3: Markov Chain: basic concepts
1. Markov property: the probability distribution of future state of the process conditional on both the past and present states depends only on the present state. Note that (Adv tutorial 5):
P(Xn+1 = j|Xn = i,Xn−1 ∈ An−1,…) = P(Xn+1 = j|Xn = i) rather than
P(Xn+1 = j|Xn ∈ A,Xn−1 ∈ An−1,…) = P(Xn+1 = j|Xn ∈ A).
2. Transition matrix and state transition diagram: it is vital to understand the concepts for one step transition matrix and state tran- sition diagram. They have one to one relationship.
Example: A MC has a state transition diagram:
This MC must have the transition probability matrix:
1 1 1 424
P =  13 0 23  . 

State transition diagram provides good techniques for solving some problems about Markov chains, particularly for finite state MC.
provides useful ideas for how to use TRANSITION DIAGRAMS in calculating n-step transition probability, probability of visiting a state for the first time, and mean recurrence time, etc.
3. Chapman-Kolmogorov equation:
p(m+n) = P (Xm+n = j|X0 = i)
= 􏰂 p(m)p(n). k∈S ik kj
The n-step transition matrix is given by
P(n) = Pn, for n = 1,2,3,··· .
4. Communicating classes: for any MC Xk,k ≥ 0, its state space S can be partitioned into disjoint communicating classes.
Two states i and j are said to communicate, written as i ←→ j, if they are accessible from each other, i.e., there exist m ≥ 0 and n ≥ 0 such that
p(m) =P(Xm =j|X0 =i)>0, p(n) =P(Xn =i|X0 =j)>0. ij ji
Irreducible MC: the MC has only one class;
Closed class C: no state outside C can be reached from any state
in C, i.e. pij = 0 whenever i ∈ C and j ∈/ C. Absorbing state j: {j} is a closed class, i.e., pjj = 1.

Aperiodic (periodic) state, class and chain:
• a state j is called aperiodic (periodic) if dj = 1 (dj > 1), where
dj =gcd{n: p(n) >0}; jj
• states in a class share the same period, i.e., if i ←→ j, then di =dj;
• an irreducible MC is aperiodic if one of its states is aperiodic.

5. Recurrence (positive and null) and transience We make use of the following notation.
Ni = E(Ni|X0=i) =
p(0) ii f(1)
= P(Xn =j|X0 =i), pij =p(1), ij
= prob of return to i in n transitions not necessarily first return),
= 1, =p(1)=pij,
f (n) = ij
f (n) = ii
P(Xn =j,Xn−1 ̸=j,…,X1 ̸=j |X0 =i), n≥2,
the prob of first arrive at j from i in n transitions
P(Tj =n|X0 =i), where
Tj = min{n ≥ 1 : Xn = j}, the first visit time to state j ;
prob of return to i for the first time after n transitions,
the prob that the chain eventually arrives at state j from i,
E(Ti |X0 =i)=􏰃nf(n),
the mean recurrence (return) time, ∞
the average (total) number of returns to the state i.

• Positive recurrent: μi = 􏰂∞ n f (n) < ∞ and E(Ni |X0 =i)=􏰃p(n) =∞; • Null recurrent: μi = 􏰂∞ nf(n) = ∞ and n=1 ii E(Ni |X0 =i)=􏰃p(n) =∞; • Transient: μi = 􏰂∞ nf(n) = ∞ and n=1 ii E(Ni |X0 =i)=􏰃p(n) = ii <∞. ii 1−fii i=1 • For a MC with finite states, at least one state is recurrent, and all recurrent states are positive recurrent, and a class is a recurrent class iff it is closed. • Infinite closed class can be either transient or recurrent. • For an irreducible MC, it follows that – all states are transient; or – all states are positive recurrent; or – all states are null recurrent. Week 4: Limit distribution, Stationary distribution, Absorp- tion probability and Mean Hitting Time Let {Xn, n ≥ 0} be a MC with state space S and transition matrix P . 1. Stationary distribution: π = {πj,j ∈ S} is a probability distribu- tion satisfying π = π P, i.e., πj = 􏰃πkpkj, forallj∈S. 2. Limiting distribution: π = {πj,j ∈ S} is a probability distribution πj = lim P(Xn = j|X0 = i) n→∞ for all i,j ∈ S. 3. MC with finite state space: • has at least one stationary distribution; if the chain is irreducible (must be a positive recurrent chain), then the stationary distri- bution is unique; • if the chain is irreducible and aperiodic, then a limit distribution π = {πj,j ∈ S} exists so that πj = lim P(Xn =j)= lim p(n) =1/μj >0, n→∞ n→∞ ij
where μj = 􏰂∞ nf(n), the mean recurrence time of state j, and n=1 jj
the limit distribution π is the unique solution to the equations: πj =􏰃πkpkj, j∈S, 􏰃πj=1,
k∈S j∈S orπ=πP and􏰂j∈Sπj =1.
Note: For an irreducible and aperiodic MC with finite state space, its limit distribution and stationary dist are the same, which is given byπ={πj,j∈S},whereπj =1/μj.
In this case, you can use the def of stationary distribution to find the mean recurrence time, the limit of Pn, etc .

4. Irreducible and aperiodic MC with infinite state space
• positive recurrent: stationary dist π = {πj,j ∈ S} exists and is unique; all mean recurrence time μi = 1/πi are finite and limn→∞ P (Xn = i) = πi (i.e., the limit dist exists);
• null recurrent: all mean recurrence time are infinite; no stationary dist exists; limn→∞ P (Xn = i) = 0;
• transient: any particular state is eventually never visited; no sta- tionary dist exists; limn→∞ P (Xn = i) = 0.
5. Absorption probability and Mean Hitting Time
If Cm = {m} is absorbing, the absorption probabilities ai(m) = P (absorption in m | X0 = i) satisfy the equations: ai(m) = 1 if i = m, and for i ∈ T where T is a set of transient states,
ai(m) = pim+􏰃pikak(m), i∈T. k∈T
More general result exists. See Lect 12.
For all i ∈ S, define the mean hitting time: ti(A) = E[TA|X0 = i],
whereTA =min{n≥0:Xn ∈A}.Notethatti(A)=0foralli∈A and
ti(A) = E[TA|X0 = i] = E[TA|X0 = i] 􏰄
foralli̸∈A,whereTA =min{n≥1:Xn ∈A}.
The unknown values of ti(A)’s follows from the equations: ti(A) = 1 + 􏰂k∈S tk(A)pik = 1 + 􏰂k∈S−A tk(A)pik,
for i ∈ S − A.

Week 5: Random walks
Let Xk,k ≥ 1 be i.i.d r.vs only taking integer values. Let X0 = 0 or some i, Sn = 􏰂nk=0 Xk. The process {Sn, n ≥ 1} is called a Random walk (RW).
Unrestricted random walk: provide an example of null recurrent MC; the distribution of the first passage time Tk0 from the origin 0 to point k ≥ 0, where
Tk0 =inf{n≥1:Sn =k}.
If k = 0, T0 is also called the first time of return to 0.
Random walk with barriers (Gambler’s ruin problem):
LetX0 =m>0andSn =􏰂nk=0Xk,whereXk,k≥1arei.i.dr.vswith
P(X1 =1)=p, P(X1 =−1)=1−p, where0 m.
{Sn,n ≥ 1} is a simple Random walk with S = {0,1,2,…,k}. The
absorbing barriers are {0, k}.
Define the time of ruin N from the original capital X0 = m :
N = min{n ≥ 0 : Sn = 0 or Sn = k}, Probability of a Gambler’s ruin: If p = q, we have
P(SN = 0) = P(the gambler is ruined) = (k − m)/k; P (SN = k) = P (the gambler reaches k$) = m/k.
If p ̸= q, we have
P(SN =0) = 1−(1−θm)/(1−θk);
P(SN =k) = (1−θm)/(1−θk), whereθ=q/p. The expected duration of the game:
EN = m(k−m), ifp=q;
EN = 1 􏰀m−k(1−θm)/(1−θk)􏰁, whereθ=q/p. q−p

Week 6: Branching processes
Let ξjk, k ≥ 0, j ≥ 1, are iid random variables with distribution:
P(ξjk =i)=fi, i=0,1,2…, 􏰃fi =1, 0 1, then q < 1 and q is the unique non-negative solution to the equation: where F(s) = EsX1 = 􏰂∞k=0 skfk, which is the common pgf of ξjk; • X0 = i: P(ext.) = qi; • X0 isarvwithai =P(X0 =i): P(ext.)=􏰂∞i=0aiqi. Expectation and variance: E(Xn |X0 =i) = iE(Xn |X0 =1)=iμn var(Xn |X0 =i) = ivar(Xn |X0 =1). If X0 is a r.v. with distribution: P(X0 = i) = ai, i = 0,1,2,.. Let X0 = 1, i or a random variable, and Xn+1 = 􏰂Xn ξjnI(X ≥1), n ≥ 0. j=1 Extinction probability: P (ext.) = limn→∞ P (Xn = 0). where 􏰂∞i=0 ai = 1, then E(Xn) = μn EX0 . 10 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com