CS代考 EE450: Computer Networks Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet

EE450: Computer Networks Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
Overview…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Objectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Lab settings………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Lab roadmap………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Introduction to Mininet………………………………………………………………………………….3
Invoking Mininet using the CLI ……………………………………………………………………….. 5
2.1 Invoking Mininet using the default topology………………………………………………. 5
2.2 Testing connectivity ………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Building and emulating a network in Mininet using the GUI ………………………………. 9
3.1 Building the network topology …………………………………………………………………. 9
3.2 Testing connectivity ………………………………………………………………………………. 11
3.3 Automatic assignment of IP addresses …………………………………………………….. 13
3.4 Saving and loading a Mininet topology…………………………………………………….. 15
References ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
This lab provides an introduction to Mininet, a virtual testbed used for testing network tools and protocols. It demonstrates how to invoke Mininet from the command-line interface (CLI) utility and how to build and emulate topologies using a graphical user interface (GUI) application.
By the end of this lab, students should be able to:
1. Understand what Mininet is and why it is useful for testing network topologies.
2. Invoke Mininet from the CLI.
3. Construct network topologies using theGUI.
4. Save/load Mininet topologies using theGUI.
Lab settings
The information in Table 1 provides the credentials of the machine containing Mininet. Table 1. Credentials to access Client1 machine.
Device Account Password
Lab roadmap
This lab is organized as follows:
1. Section 1: Introduction to Mininet.
2. Section 2: Invoking Mininet using the CLI.
3. Section 3: Building and emulating a network in Mininet using the GUI.
1 Introduction to is a virtual testbed enabling the development and testing of network tools and protocols. With a single command, Mininet can create a realistic virtual network on any type of machine (Virtual Machine (VM), cloud-hosted, or native). Therefore, it provides an inexpensive solution and streamlined development running in line with production networks1. Mininet offers the following features:
• Fast prototyping for new networking protocols.

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
• Simplified testing for complex topologies without the need of buying expensive hardware.
• Realistic execution as it runs real code on the Unix and Linux kernels.
• Open source environment backed by a large community contributing extensive
h1 s1 s2 h2
Mininet Emulated Network Hardware Network
Figure 1. Hardware network vs. Mininet emulated network.
Mininet is useful for development, teaching, and research as it is easy to customize and interact with it through the CLI or the GUI. Mininet was originally designed to experiment with OpenFlow2 and Software-Defined Networking (SDN)3. This lab, however, only focuses on emulating a simple network environment without SDN-based devices.
Mininet’s logical nodes can be connected into networks. These nodes are sometimes called containers, or more accurately, network namespaces. Containers consume sufficiently few resources that networks of over a thousand nodes have created, running on a single laptop. A Mininet container is a process (or group of processes) that no longer has access to all the host system’s native network interfaces. Containers are then assigned virtual Ethernet interfaces, which are connected to other containers through a virtual switch4. Mininet connects a host and a switch using a virtual Ethernet (veth) link. The veth link is analogous to a wire connecting two virtual interfaces, as illustratedbelow.
Figure 2. Network namespaces and virtual Ethernet links.
Each container is an independent network namespace, a lightweight virtualization feature that provides individual processes with separate network interfaces, routing tables, and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) tables.
Mininet provides network emulation opposed to simulation, allowing all network software at any layer to be simply run as is; i.e. nodes run the native network software of

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
the physical machine. In a simulator environment on the other hand, applications and protocol implementations need to be ported to run within the simulator before they can be used4.
2 Invoking Mininet using the CLI
The first step to start Mininet using the CLI is to start a Linux terminal.
2.1 Invoking Mininet using the default topology
Step 1. Launch a Linux terminal by holding the Ctrl+Alt+T keys or by clicking on the Linux terminal icon.
Figure 3. Shortcut to open a Linux terminal.
The Linux terminal is a program that opens a window and permits you to interact with a command-line interface (CLI). A CLI is a program that takes commands from the keyboard and sends them to the operating system for execution.
Step 2. To start a minimal topology, enter the command sudo mn at the CLI. When prompted for a password, type password and hit enter. Note that the password will not be visible as you type it.
Figure 4. Starting Mininet using the CLI.

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
The above command starts Mininet with a minimal topology, which consists of a switch connected to two hosts as shown below.
Figure 5. Mininet’s default minimal topology.
When issuing the sudo mn command, Mininet initializes the topology and launches its command line interface which looks like this:
Step 3. To display the list of Mininet CLI commands and examples on their usage, type the command help in the Mininet CLI:
Figure 6. Mininet’s help command. Step 4. To display the available nodes, type the command nodes:
Figure 7. Mininet’s nodes command.

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
The output of this command shows that there are two hosts (host h1 and host h2) and a switch (s1).
Step 5. It is useful sometimes to display the links between the devices in Mininet to understand the topology. Issue the command net in the Mininet CLI to see the available links.
Figure 8. Mininet’s net command. The output of this command shows that:
1. Host h1 is connected using its network interface h1-eth0 to the switch on interface s1-eth1.
2. Host h2 is connected using its network interface h2-eth0 to the switch on interface s1-eth2.
3. Switch s1:
a. has a loopback interface lo.
b. connects to h1-eth0 through interfaces1-eth1.
c. connects to h2-eth0 through interfaces1-eth2.
Mininet allows you to execute commands at a specific device. To issue a command for a specific node, you must specify the device first, followed by the command.
Step 6. Issue the command h1 ifconfig.
Figure 9. Output of h1 ifconfig command.

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
This command executes the ifconfig Linux command on host h1. The command shows host h1’s interfaces. The display indicates that host h1 has an interface h1-eth0 configured with IP address, and another interface lo configured with IP address (loopback interface).
2.2 Testing connectivity
Mininet’s default topology assigns the IP addresses and to host h1 and host h2 respectively. To test connectivity between them, you can use the command ping. The ping command operates by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request messages to the remote computer and waiting for a response. Information available includes how many responses are returned and how long it takes for them to return.
Step 1. On the CLI, type h1 ping This command tests the connectivity between host h1 and host h2. To stop the test, press Ctrl+c. The figure below shows a successful connectivity test. Host h1 ( sent four packets to host h2 ( and successfully received the expected responses.
Figure 10. Connectivity test between host h1 and host h2. Step 2. Stop the emulation by typing exit.
Figure 11. Stopping the emulation using exit.

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
The command
sudo mn -c
is often used on the Linux terminal (not on the Mininet CLI)
to clean a previous instance of Mininet (e.g., after a crash).
3 Building and emulating a network in Mininet using the GUI
In this section, you will use the application MiniEdit5 to deploy the topology illustrated below. MiniEdit is a simple GUI network editor for Mininet.
Figure 12. Lab topology.
3.1 Building the network topology
Step 1. A shortcut to MiniEdit is located on the machine’s Desktop. Start MiniEdit by clicking on MiniEdit’s shortcut. When prompted for a password, type password.
Figure 13. MiniEdit Desktop shortcut. MiniEdit will start, as illustrated below.
Figure 14. MiniEdit Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
The main buttons are:
1. Select: allows selection/movement of the devices. Pressing Del on the keyboard after selecting the device removes it from the topology.
2. Host: allows addition of a new host to the topology. After clicking this button, click anywhere in the blank canvas to insert a new host.
3. Switch: allows addition of a new switch to the topology. After clicking this button, click anywhere in the blank canvas to insert the switch.
4. Link: connects devices in the topology (mainly switches and hosts). After clicking this button, click on a device and drag to the second device to which the link is to be established.
5. Run: starts the emulation. After designing and configuring the topology, click the run button.
6. Stop: stops the emulation.
Step 2. To build the topology of Figure 12, two hosts and one switch must be deployed.
Deploy these devices in MiniEdit, as shown below.
Figure 15. MiniEdit’s topology.
Use the buttons described in the previous step to add and connect devices. The configuration of IP addresses is described in Step 3.
Step 3. Configure the IP addresses at host h1 and host h2. Host h1’s IP address is and host h2’s IP address is A host can be configured by holding the right click and selecting properties on the device. For example, host h2 is assigned the IP address in the figure below.

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
Figure 16. Configuration of a host’s properties.
3.2 Testing connectivity
Before testing the connection between host h1 and host h2, the emulation must be started.
Step 1. Click on the Run button to start the emulation. The emulation will start and the buttons of the MiniEdit panel will gray out, indicating that they are currently disabled.
Figure 17. Starting the emulation.
Step 2. Open a terminal on host h1 by holding the right click on host h1 and selecting Terminal. This opens a terminal on host h1 and allows the execution of commands on the host h1. Repeat the procedure on host h2.
Figure 18. Opening a terminal on host h1.

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
The network and terminals at host h1 and host h2 will be available for testing.
Figure 19. Terminals at host h1 and host h2.
Step 3. On host h1’s terminal, type the command ifconfig to display its assigned IP addresses. The interface h1-eth0 at host h1 should be configured with the IP address and subnet mask
Figure 20. Output of ifconfig command on host h1.
Repeat Step 3 on host h2. Its interface h2-eth0 should be configured with IP address and subnet mask

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
Step 4. On host h1’s terminal, type the command ping This command tests the connectivity between host h1 and host h2. To stop the test, press Ctrl+c. The figure below shows a successful connectivity test. Host h1 ( sent six packets to host h2 ( and successfully received the expected responses.
Figure 21. Connectivity test using ping command. Step 5. Stop the emulation by clicking on the Stop button.
Figure 22. Stopping theemulation.
3.3 Automatic assignment of IPaddresses
In the previous section, you manually assigned IP addresses to host h1 and host h2. An alternative is to rely on Mininet for an automatic assignment of IP addresses (by default, Mininet uses automatic assignment), which is described in this section.
Step 1. Remove the manually assigned IP address from host h1. Hold right click on host h1, Properties. Delete the IP address, leaving it unassigned, and press the OK button as shown below. Repeat the procedure on host h2.

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
Figure 23. Host h1 properties.
Step 2. Click on Edit, Preferences button. The default IP base is Modify this
value to, and then press the OK button.
Figure 24. Modification of the IP Base (network address and prefix length).
Step 3. Run the emulation again by clicking on the Run button. The emulation will start and the buttons of the MiniEdit panel will be disabled.
Step 4. Open a terminal on host h1 by holding the right click on host h1 and selecting Terminal.

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
Figure 25. Opening a terminal on host h1.
Step 5. Type the command ifconfig to display the IP addresses assigned to host h1. The
interface h1-eth0 at host h1 now has the IP address and subnet mask
Figure 26. Output of ifconfig command on host h1.
You can also verify the IP address assigned to host h2 by repeating Steps 4 and 5 on host h2’s terminal. The corresponding interface h2-eth0 at host h2 has now the IP address and subnet mask
Step 6. Stop the emulation by clicking on Stop button. 3.4 Saving and loading a Mininet topology
It is often useful to save the network topology, particularly when its complexity increases. MiniEdit enables you to save the topology to a file.

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
Step 1. To save your topology, click on File then Save. Provide a name for the topology and save on your machine.
Figure 27. Saving the topology.
Step 2. To load the topology, click on File then Open. Locate the topology file and click on
Open. The topology will be loaded again to MiniEdit.
Figure 28. Opening a topology.
The upcoming labs’ topologies are already built and stored in the folder /home/admin/lab_topologies located in the Client’s home directory. The Open dialog is used to avoid manually rebuilding each lab’s topology.
This concludes Lab 1. Stop the emulation and then exit out of MiniEdit and Linux terminal.
1. Mininet walkthrough. [Online]. Available: http://Mininet.org.

Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet
2. N. Mckeown, T. Anderson, H. Balakrishnan, G. Parulkar, L. Peterson, J. Rexford, S. Shenker, and J. Turner, “OpenFlow,” ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 38, no. 2, p. 69, 2008.
3. J. Esch, “Prolog to, software-defined networking: a comprehensive survey,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 10–13, 2015.
4. P. Dordal, “An Introduction to computer networks,” [Online]. Available: https://intronetworks.cs.luc.edu/.
5. B. Lantz, G. Gee, “MiniEdit: a simple network editor for Mininet,” 2013. [Online]. Available: https://github.com/Mininet/Mininet/blob/master/examples.

Lab 2: Introduction to Iperf3
EE450: Computer Networks Lab 2: Introduction to iPerf3

Lab 2: Introduction to Iperf3
Overview…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Objectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Lab settings………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Lab roadmap………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Introduction to iPerf ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Lab topology ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 2.1 Starting host h1 and host h2……………………………………………………………………..6 Using iPerf3 (client and server commands) ……………………………………………………… 6
3.1 Starting client and server …………………………………………………………………………. 7
3.2 Setting transmitting time period ………………………………………………………………. 8
3.3 Setting time interval ……………………………………………………………………………….. 9
3.4 Changing the number of bytes to transmit……………………………………………….. 10
3.5 Specifying the transport-layer protocol……………………………………………………. 11
3.6 Changing port number …………………………………………………………………………… 13
3.7 Export results to JSON file………………………………………………………………………. 13
3.8 Handle one client ………………………………………………………………………………….. 14
Plotting iPerf3 results ………………………………………………………………………………….. 15 References ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17

Lab 2: Introduction to Iperf3
This lab briefly introduces iPerf3 and explains how it can be used to measure and test network throughput in a designed network topology. It demonstrates how to invoke both client-side and server-side options from thecommand line utility.
By the end of this lab, students should be able to:
1. Understand throughput and how it differs from bandwidth in network systems.
2. Create iPerf3 tests with various settings on a designed network topology.
3. Understand and analyze iPerf3’s test output.
4. Visualize iPerf3’s output using a custom plotting script.
Lab settings
The information in Table 1 provides the credentials of the machine containing Mininet. Table 1. Credentials to access Client1 machine.
Client1 admin password
Lab roadmap
This lab is organized as follows:
1. Section 1: Introduction to iPerf3.
2. Section 2: Lab topology.
3. Section 3: Using iPerf3 (client and server commands).
4. Section 4: Plotting iPerf3’s results.
1 Introduction to iPerf
Bandwidth is a physical property of a transmission media that depends on factors such as the construction and length of wire or fiber. To network engineers, bandwidth is the maximum data rate of a channel, a quantity measured in bits per second (bps)1. Having a high-bandwidth link does not always guarantee high network performance. In fact, several factors may affect the performance such as latency, packet loss

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com