CSC348/M48 Web Application Development Assessment
The aim of the assessment is primarily to ensure you have met the learning outcomes which can be found in the module description. In addition, the coursework has been designed to achieve the following objectives:
• To provide evidence that you can work effectively with Laravel.
• To encourage you to independently research the concepts relating to web application
• To enable you to produce a web application you could use in a portfolio when applying for
• To give you the opportunity to stretch yourself and produce a high-quality web application
to be proud of.
You will be given a project brief to design and implement a small web application. There will then be two pieces of coursework: a code review and the application itself. These components will all be submitted via blackboard. By submitting this coursework, electronically and/or hardcopy, you state that you fully understand and are complying with the university’s policy on Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct. The policy can be found at services/academic-guide/assessment-issues/academic-integrity-academic-misconduct. Handing in your coursework after the deadline will result in a mark of zero.
Project Brief
Your task is to plan and create a simple web application, using Laravel, which has the following basic functionality:
1. Users can create posts and comment on their own and other users’ posts.
2. (Masters only) Basic analytics is displayed for posts, for example number of unique views.
For example, you could create a simple blog where the admin can post articles which users can comment on, or a simple version of blackboard where admin (or lecturers) can post lecture slides and students can comment on them. This is the basic functionality only, it is up to you to look at the mark scheme and add functionality to evidence various skills. Do this before you start.
You will be required to hand in various pieces of coursework throughout the semester. This will require good time management to balance it with other modules, if this is something you struggle with watch the video I made about how I manage my own time.
Coursework 1a
Code Submission
11th November
Coursework 1b
Code Review
18th November
Coursework 3
20th December
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Coursework 1 – Code Submission and Review (30% total weighting)
An important part of working in a software engineering organisation is code reviews. In this process engineers look at each other’s code to spot bugs and ensure standards are being adhered to.
You must first submit all the source code relevant to setting up your database relationships and seeding. This should be submitted as a pdf which includes syntax colouring.
• You will then be assigned to review and mark another student’s code (within one week)
• I will mark both your code and your review
Coursework 2 – Implementation (70% weighting)
This is the implementation of your web application using Laravel. There are several elements for you to submit. These are all done as answers to a blackboard test.
(1) You are required to submit a .zip file containing all your source files, the .zip file is required to be titled as your student number – failing to do this will be considered not meeting basic requirements. Ensure that your project works on multiple machines. If your application does not meet these basic requirements it will be considered not working code. Submitting code which works on multiple machines shows you understand the framework you are using and following guidelines to the letter is an essential skill for a web developer and software engineer. Source files alone will not be assessed, you must also submit (2) and (3).
(2) Youarerequiredtosubmitanupto120secondvideowhichevidencestherubricrows “Progress”, “User Presence” and “Working with Data”. If aspects are not shown in the video, you will not receive marks for them.
(3) You are required to answer several short questions to show that you understand the framework. This will require you to identify where in your code you have evidenced good practice.
You should ensure you understand the marking method/scheme you start working and design your implementation to clearly show me the skills. I will only give marks for what is shown in the video and questions you have answered yourself, I will check that you are correct before giving the mark.
Getting Support
At any time if you are feeling worried or stuck with your project ask for support. This can be done in several ways:
• Google it – this should always be the first thing you do
• Slack:
• I will leave time at the end of each lecture for you to ask questions
• Attend the timetabled lab classes
• Ask each other for help on slack or in real life
• Send me an e-mail (I work 9-5 Mon-Fri)
• Come to my office hour (this is a specific time I will be in my office; you can come outside of
this time, but I may not be in my office)
• Engage with me, suggest topics I should go over in more detail in lectures or could make a
video tutorial about. If it is possible I’ll do it. Asking for support will in no way effect your final mark.
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