程序代写代做代考 computer architecture graph compiler mips RISC-V Compilers and computer architecture Code-generation (3): accumulator-machines

Compilers and computer architecture Code-generation (3): accumulator-machines
Martin Berger 1 November 2019
1Email: M.F.Berger@sussex.ac.uk, Office hours: Wed 12-13 in Chi-2R312

Recall the function of compilers

The accumulator machine
This machine has a stack, and just one register, the accumulator.
􏰀 Forunaryoperationsworkslikearegistermachine,e.g. Acc := negate Acc
􏰀 Forbinaryoperations,firstargumentinaccumulator, second argument on the stack, e.g.
Acc := Acc + Store[SP]
SP := SP+1
For simplicity we are ignoring underflowing the stack.

Commands for accumulator machines
As with the stack machine, we have PC, SP, IR. In addition we have the “accumulator” (accu) which is a register (i.e. fast).
Nop Pop
Push Load x
LoadImm n Store x
Does nothing
removes the top of the stack and stores it
in the accumulator
Pushes the content of the accumulator on stack
Loads the content of memory location x into accumulator
Loads integer n into accumulator
Stores the content of accumulator in memory location x
Compares the accumulator with the top of the stack, stores 1 in accumulator if former
is bigger than latter otherwise stores 0 there, cleans up stack (i.e. removes top element)

Commands for accumulator machines
CompEq Jump l JumpTrue l Plus

Like CompGreaterThan but compares for equality Jumps to l
Jumps to address/label l if accumulator is not 0 Adds the content of the accumulator with the
top of stack storing result in accu, cleans up stack

Semantics of accumulator machine
Add does
accu := accu + mem (SP); SP:=SP+1
Push does
SP := SP-1; mem ( SP ) := accu
Pop does
accu := mem ( SP ); SP := SP+1
Load x does
accu := mem ( x )
Store x does
mem ( x ) := accu
Etc. 6/1

Source language
Our source language is unchanged: a really simple imperative language.
M ::= M;M|forx=EtoE{M}|x:=E
E ::= n|x|E+E|E−E|E∗E|E/E|−E
Everything that’s difficult to compile, e.g. procedures, objects, is left out. We come to that soon.

Code generation for the accumulator machine
Code generator for statements looks familiar. Overall structure:
def codegen ( s : AST ) =
if s is of form
Sequence ( lhs, rhs ) then …
Assign ( x, rhs ) then …
For ( loopVar, from, to, body ) then …

Translation of Sequencing
def codegen ( s : AST ) =
if s is of form
Sequence ( lhs, rhs ) then
codegen ( lhs ) ++ codegen ( rhs )

Note that ++ is list concatenation

Translation of Assignment x := E
The code generation for assignment is similar to its translation
to the stack machine:
def codegen ( s : AST ) =
if s is of form
Assign ( x, rhs ) then
codegenExpr ( rhs ) ++
List ( I_Store, I_ConstInt ( x ) )

As before we assume (for now) that we have a code generator for expressions.
def codegenExpr ( exp : Expr ) : List [ Instruction ]
What is the semantics of the code for expressions? The result of computing the translated expression at run-time is left in the accumulator.

Translation of expressions
def codegenExpr ( exp : Expr ) =
if exp is of form
Binop ( lhs, op, rhs ) then {
codegenExpr ( rhs ) ++
List ( I_Push ) ++
codegenExpr ( lhs ) ++
codegenBinop ( op ) }
Ident ( x ) then List ( I_Load ( x ) )
Const ( n ) then List ( I_LoadImm ( n ) )
Here translations of binary operations is as follows.
def codegenBinop ( op : Op ) =
if op is of form
Plus then List ( I_Plus )
Minus then List ( I_Minus )


Two-phase strategy translation
Now we do what we promised earlier.
􏰀 Whilefreeregistersremain,usetheregistermachine strategy for compilation.
􏰀 Whenthelimitisreached(ie.whenthereisoneregister left), revert to the accumulator strategy, using the last register as the accumulator.
For this to be workable, we need a register machine with one register that can act as the accumulator. On all popular CPUs (x86, ARM, RISC-V, MIPS), any of the general purpose registers (i.e. not SP, PC) can serve as accumulator.

Code generator with limited registers
The translation for expressions has the following signature:
def codegenExp( e : Expr, target : Register )
: List [ Instructions ] = …
The result of evaluating e should be left in register target, and all registers below target must be unchanged.
Check that this is in fact the case.

Code generator with limited registers
def codegenExp( e : Expr, target : Register ) =
if e is of form
Ident( x ) then List ( I_Load ( target, x ) )
Const( n ) then List ( I_LoadImm ( target, n ) )
Binop( lhs, op, rhs ) then
if ( target < maxRegs-1 ) // > 1 registers left
codegenExp ( rhs, target ) ++
codegenExp ( lhs, target+1 ) ++
codegenBinop ( op, target, target+1 )
else // 1 register left, use as accumulator
codegenExp ( rhs, target ) ++
List ( I_Push ( target ) ) ++
codegenExp ( lhs, target ) ++
codegenBinopStack ( op, target )

Here maxRegs is the number of registers. Question: Which register is used as accumulator? Answer: register maxRegs-1

Code generator with limited register
def codegenBinop( op : Op, r1 : Register, r2 : Register
if match is of form
Plus then List ( I_Plus ( r1, r2 ) )
Minus then List ( I_Minus ( r1, r2 ) )

def codegenBinopStack( op : Op, r : Register ) =
if match is of form
Plus then List ( I_PlusStack ( r ) )
Minus then List ( I_MinusStack ( r ) )

Note that this ’merges’ the machine language of the register machine (e.g. I_Plus) with the language of the accumulator machine (e.g. I_PlusStack). In the tutorials, you will be asked to make this precise.

Semantics of the new commands (example)
For example the new command
PlusStack r
simply does
r := r + mem ( SP );
SP := ( SP + 1 )
For simplicity we are ignoring under/overflowing the stack.

We saw a simple code generator for a simple language of statements and expressions, targeting a simple stack machine. This week we looked at ways of improving code for expressions. This involved register machines and accumulator machines, and other addressing modes.
Using just one register (accumulator) reduces the amount of memory accesses.
With a large number of registers, the situation gets even better.
If you run out out of registers, we can revert to the accumulator scheme.
For more sophisticated source languages (if/then/else, while, procedures) this is more tricky. Other approaches to registers are needed (e.g. graph colouring).

The material in the textbooks
Sorry, but the material I’ve presented is not discussed in the form I have used here in the textbooks. Of course all textbooks discuss code generation.