代写代考 CMPEN 331 – Computer Organization and Design, Exam 1 Review Questions

CMPEN 331 – Computer Organization and Design, Exam 1 Review Questions
True or False. 17 points, 1 each. Circle T or F.
1. The MIPS architecture has only 32 registers.
2. The MIPS add instruction operates on register values as if they were signed integers in 2’s complement format.

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3. The MIPS procedure call conventions require the first five arguments to be placed in registers $a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, and any remaining arguments to be placed on the stack.
4. The acronym ISA is short for Instruction Set Architecture.
5. The acronym PC is short for Program Counter.
For the MIPS R-format instructions, what are the field names, and how many bits do they contain?

Name ____________________________________________________________________________
op, rs, rt, rd, shamt, funct
6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6
C. Multiple choice. Circle only one of A, B, C, D in each part
1. The ________ specifies the operation to be performed.
A. source operand reference B. opcode
C. next instruction reference D. processor register
2. A(n) _________ expresses operations in a concise algebraic form using variables.
A. opcode B. high-level language
C. machine language D. register
3. _________ instructions provide computational capabilities for processing number data.
A. Boolean B. Logic
C. Memory D. Arithmetic
4. Which of the following is a true statement?
A. B. C. D.
5. The entire invocation
a procedure can be called from more than one location
a procedure call can appear in a procedure
each procedure call is matched by a return in the called program all of the above
set of parameters, including return address, which is stored for a procedure is referred to as a _________.
A. branch B. stack frame C. pop D. push
D. Provide the type, assembly language instruction, and binary representation of instruction described by the following MIPS fields: (5 points)
op = 0, rs = 3, rt = 2, rd = 3, shamt = 0, funct = 34
E. Computer A has an overall CPI of 1.3 and can be run at a clock rate of 600MHz. Computer B has a CPI of 2.5 and can be run at a clock rate of 750 Mhz. We have a particular program we wish to run. When compiled for computer A, this program has exactly 100,000 instructions. How many instructions would the program need to have when compiled for Computer B, in order for the two computers to have exactly the same execution time for this program? (6 points)

Name ____________________________________________________________________________
F. Assume the following register contents:
$t0 = 0xAAAAAAAA, $t1 = 0x12345678
i. For the register values shown above, what is the value of $t2 for the following sequence of instructions? (4 points)
sll $t2, $t0, 4 or $t2, $t2, $t1
G. Short answer.
write one MIPS assembler instruction; avoid pseudoinstructions. Underline the part of the instruction that indicates the addressing mode that you are illustrating.
The intent was, one complete instruction, not just the name of an instruction. The addressing mode refers to the operands, but we gave credit to underlined instruction names that were of the correct variety.
i. Give an example of an instruction that uses PC-Relative Addressing.
ii. Give an example of an instruction that uses Register Addressing.
iii. Which instruction should be used to load a single byte from memory to a register? (name of the instruction is sufficient)
H. Using 32-bit IEEE 754 single precision floating point with one (1) sign bit, eight (8) exponent bits and twenty three (23) mantissa bits, show the representation of -11/16 (-0.6875).
I. What decimal number does the bit pattern 0X0C000000 represent if it is a floating point number? Use the IEEE 754 standard single precision format.

Name ____________________________________________________________________________
A. True or False. 17 points, 1 each. Circle T or F.
1. The MIPS architecture has only 32 registers.
False. There are 32 general registers, plus PC, HI, LO, and some others we haven’t discussed yet, such as the floating-point registers in Coprocessor 1, and the interrupt-related registers in Coprocessor 0.
2. The MIPS add instruction operates on register values as if they were signed integers in 2’s complement format.
3. The MIPS procedure call conventions require the first five arguments to be placed in registers $a0,
$a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, and any remaining arguments to be placed on the stack.
False. Only four. The first argument must go into $a0, 4. The acronym ISA is short for Instruction Set Architecture.
5. The acronym PC is short for Program Counter.

Name ____________________________________________________________________________
B. For the MIPS R-format instructions, what are the field names, and how many bits do they contain?
op, rs, rt, rd, shamt, funct
6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6
C. Multiple choice. Circle only one of A, B, C, D in each part
1. The ________ specifies the operation to be performed.
A. source operand reference B. opcode
C. next instruction reference D. processor register B
2. A(n) _________ expresses operations in a concise algebraic form using variables.
A. opcode B. high-level language C. machine language D. register
3. _________ instructions provide computational capabilities for processing number data.
A. Boolean B. Logic
C. Memory D. Arithmetic D
4. Which of the following is a true statement?
E. a procedure can be called from more than one location
F. a procedure call can appear in a procedure
G. each procedure call is matched by a return in the called program H. all of the above
5. The entire set of parameters, including return address, which is stored for a procedure invocation is referred to as a _________.
A. branch B. stack frame C. pop D. push
D. Provide the type, assembly language instruction, and binary representation of instruction described by the following MIPS fields: (5 points)
op = 0, rs = 3, rt = 2, rd = 3, shamt = 0, funct = 34

Name ____________________________________________________________________________
rs = $v1, rt = $v0 -> sub $v1, $v1, $v0
000000 00011 00010 00011 00000 100010
E. Computer A has an overall CPI of 1.3 and can be run at a clock rate of 600MHz. Computer B has a CPI of 2.5 and can be run at a clock rate of 750 Mhz. We have a particular program we wish to run. When compiled for computer A, this program has exactly 100,000 instructions. How many instructions would the program need to have when compiled for Computer B, in order for the two computers to have exactly the same execution time for this program? (6 points)
(CPUTime)A = (Instruction count)A * (CPI)A * (Clock cycle Time)A = (100,000)*(1.3)/(600*106) ns
(CPUTime)B = (Instruction count)B * (CPI)B * (Clock cycle Time)B
= (I)B *(2.5)/(750*106) ns Since (CPUTime)A = (CPUTime)B,
we have to solve for (I)B and get 65000
F. Assume the following register contents:
$t0 = 0xAAAAAAAA, $t1 = 0x12345678
ii. For the register values shown above, what is the value of $t2 for the following sequence of instructions? (4 points)
sll $t2, $t0, 4 or $t2, $t2, $t1
$t0 = 0xAAAAAAAA
$t0 = 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 $t2 = sll $t0 by 4 = 0xAAAAAAA0
= 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 0000 or $t2, $t1
$t1 new $t2
=1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 0000 =0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 = 1011 1010 1011 1110 1111 1110 1111 1000 = 0xBABEFEF8

Name ____________________________________________________________________________
G. Short answer.
write one MIPS assembler instruction; avoid pseudoinstructions. Underline the part of the instruction that indicates the addressing mode that you are illustrating.
The intent was, one complete instruction, not just the name of an instruction. The addressing mode refers to the operands, but we gave credit to underlined instruction names that were of the correct variety.
iv. Give an example of an instruction that uses PC-Relative Addressing.
bne $t0, $t1, Label
Jump is not correct example
v. Give an example of an instruction that uses Register Addressing.
add $t0, $t1, $t2
In general, any R-format instruction (all three operands) or I-format instruction (two operands).
vi. Which instruction should be used to load a single byte from memory to a register? (name of the instruction is sufficient)
lb, or lbu
H. Using 32-bit IEEE 754 single precision floating point with one (1) sign bit, eight (8) exponent bits and twenty three (23) mantissa bits, show the representation of -11/16 (-0.6875).
The representation of -0.6875 is:
1 01111110 01100000000000000000000000

Name ____________________________________________________________________________
I. What decimal number does the bit pattern 0X0C000000 represent if it is a floating-point number? Use the IEEE 754 standard single precision format.
0X0C000000 = 0000 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0 0001 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000
sign is positive
exp = 0X18 = 24 – 127 = -103
there is a hidden 1 mantissa = 0 answer = 1.0 X 2-103
Some reminders about MIPS instructions, derived from P&H COD and the MARS help information. The first column is the op value, the second is the funct value if needed; both are in decimal. None of these are pseudoinstructions.

Penn State University
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Page 9 of 9
0 33 0 34 0 35
28 2 0 24 0 25 0 26 0 27 0 36
0 0 0 3 0 2
$t1, $t2, $t3 $t1, $t2, -100 $t1, $t2, -100 $t1, $t2, $t3 $t1, $t2, $t3 $t1, $t2, $t3 $t1, $t2, $t3 $t1, $t2
$t1, $t2, $t3 $t1, $t2, 100 $t1, $t2, $t3 $t1, $t2, $t3 $t1, $t2, 100 $t1, $t2, $t3 $t1, $t2, 100 $t1, $t2, 10 $t1, $t2, 10 $t1, $t2, 10 $t1, -100($t2) $t1, -100($t2) $t1, -100($t2) $t1, -100($t2) $t1, 100
$t1, -100($t2) $t1, -100($t2) $t1, -100($t2) $t1, -100($t2) $t1, $t2, $t3 $t1, $t2, -100 $t1, $t2, -100 $t1, $t2, $t3 $t1, $t2, label $t1, $t2, label target
Memory addresses 0x7ffffffc
$gp 0x10000000 0x0ffffffc $pc 0x00400000 0x003ffffc
Stack frame Stack top
Dynamic Data Static Data Text Reserved
Predetermined (word) address boundaries are indicated.
The boundary between Dynamic Data and Static Data is fixed, but its location depends on the program.
$gp is set to 0x10008000, and does not change.
$pc is initialized to 0x00400000.
target $t1
$v0, $v1 $a0 – $a3 $t0 – $t7 $s0 – $s7 $t8, $t9 $k0, $k1 $gp
$sp $fp $ra
2,3 4–7 8–15 16–23 24, 25 26, 27 28
Constant 0
Reserved for assembler Function return values Function argument values Temporary (caller saved) Temporary (callee saved) Temporary (caller saved) Reserved for OS Kernel Pointer to Global Area Stack Pointer
Frame Pointer
Return Address

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