CS代写 Parallelism

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• Introduction to parallelism § Software development
§ Hardware development
• Forms of parallelism § Task-parallelism
§ Data-parallelism

Early Practices for Writing software
1960s and 1970s
§ Hard coded instructions (machine language) is too difficult
§ Abstract software constructs makes for easier development
(hex codes -> C/Fortran)
§ Creates portability, without losing performance.
§ Abstractions assume uni-processor view
• One flow of control
• One memory image
• Compiler does the work to allocate of abstract operations to low level hardware capabilities

2nd Iteration: Complex software 1980s and 1990s
§ Millions of lines of code
§ Large software teams
§ Higher levels of abstraction for composability, malleability and maintainability.
• OO Design, IDE, Components, Frameworks, languages C++, C#,
10.2 Classes Diagram
The Classes diagram defines the constructs for class-based modeling.
§ Trade a little performance for these levels of abstraction
OMG UML Class Diagram
+ isOrdered : Boolean = false
+ isUnique : Boolean = true
+ lower : Integer [0..1] = 1
+ upper : UnlimitedNatural [0..1] = 1
+ isReadOnly : Boolean = false + default : String [0..1]
+ isComposite : Boolean = false + isDerived : Boolean = false
+ isID : Boolean = false
+ isAbstract : Boolean = false
+ opposite
{ordered} + ownedParameter
+ raisedException
+ superClass
{ordered} + ownedAttribute
{ordered} + ownedOperation
Figure 10.3 – The classes defined in the Classes diagram

The Parallel Programming Gap
• Time frame: 2005 to 20??
• Problem: no more performance gains for sequential programs. (see next slides).
• We need continuous and reasonable performance improvements
§ to support new software features § to process larger data-sets
parallel, but…
Ø We need to keep portability, malleability and maintainability.
Ø We do not want to increase complexity faced by the programmer.

Moore’s Law
• Moore, co-founder of Intel Cooperation, stated in an article published in Electronics Magazine in 1965, that
“the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit is doubling approximately every two years”.
Wirth’s law: software becomes slower faster than hardware becomes faster.

Bottleneck: Power density

Bottleneck: Wire Delays
1 clock cycle: 1.4ns = 1.4×10-9s
1 clock cycle: 0.8ns = 0.8×10-9s
• Range that electrons can travel in one clock cycle decreases with higher clock frequencies.
1 clock cycle: 0.17ns = 0.17×10-9s

Bottleneck: DRAM Access Latency
• CPU’s performance increases faster than DRAM.
• Memory hierarchies increasingly complex
§ L1,L2, L3 caches
• Power efficiency also becomes an issue.

The Future (Itanium 2)
§ Historically: use transistors to boost performance of single instruction streams (faster CPUs, ILP, caches).
§ Now: deliver more cores per chip (multicores, GPUs).
§ “Every year we get faster more processors.”

Moore’s Law
• “the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit is doubling approximately every two years”.

The Future
• The free performance lunch is over for sequential applications.
• Transistors on a chip double every 18 months (Moore’s Law),
§ Power consumption proportional to clock-frequency^2
§ Wire delays
§ Diminishing returns from instruction-level parallelism (ILP)
§ DRAM access latency
à No substantial performance improvement of single core CPUs in sight. à No more speed-ups for sequential applications (see next slides).
• Hardware solution:
§ increase the number of cores per processor
§ new parallel computer architectures
• Cell architecture (heterogeneous multicore)

• Introduction to parallelismü § Software developmentü
§ Hardware developmentü
• Forms of parallelism § Task-parallelism
§ Data-parallelism
• Examples

Example: preparing a salad
Tasks to do:
§ tear leaves § wash leaves § chop leaves
§ wash § slice
§ apply dressing § mix

execution time (seconds)
Single Chef Salad (sequential)
tear leaves T1 wash leaves T2
chop leaves T3
wash tomatoes T4
slice tomatoes T5
apply dressing T6 mix T7
§ Preparing a salad consists of 7 tasks (T1- T7).
§ A single chef prepares a salad in processing the 7 tasks sequentially (one after the other).
§ It takes a single chef 142 seconds to prepare a salad.
§ We can speed up the process by making the chef work faster.

execution time (seconds)
40 chop leaves T3
Fast Single Chef Salad (sequential)
tear leaves T1
If we can convince the Chef to finish every task in 18
instead of 20 seconds, we will reduce the process to 7×18=126 seconds.
The chef agrees for Tasks T1-T6.
However, he cannot speed up Task T7 without spoiling the entire kitchen.
He refuses to work any faster than that.
We can speed up the process by bringing in an additional Chef that works in parallel to Chef 1.
wash leaves T2
80 apply dressing
wash tomatoes T4 slice tomatoes T5

execution time (seconds)
Two Chefs in Parallel Salad
Chef 2 washes the tomatoes (Task T4) while Chef 1 tears the lettuce (Task T1).
Task T1 is processed in parallel to Task T4. Processing tasks in parallel is called task-parallelism.
Another form of task- parallelism occurs between tasks T2 and T5.
There exist dependencies between tasks:
§ Vegetables must be washed before they are chopped/sliced.
§ Mixing (T7) can only be done after the dressing has been applied (T6).

Task-dependency graph
execution time (seconds)
Two Chefs in Parallel Salad
Dependencies between tasks do not allow further task-parallelism with this example.
A task-dependency graph shows dependencies between tasks.
§ directed acyclic graph (DAG)
§ graph nodes represent tasks
§ directed edge
indicates that Tb can only be processed after Ta has completed.
§ See example graph to the left. 19

execution time (seconds)
Two Chefs in Parallel (task and data parallelism)
§ Dependencies between tasks do not allow further task-parallelism with this example.
§ However, we can have several Chefs work in parallel on the “data” of a task.
§ This form of parallelism is called data-parallelism.
§ Example1: Chef 1 and Chef 2 chop one half of the lettuce each (Tasks T3a and T3b).
§ Example2: On the next slide more data-parallelism is introduced. 20

T1b T2b T3b
T1 || T4 means: Task T1 executes in parallel to Task T4.
execution time (seconds)
The final outcome:
§ Task parallelism: T1 || T4, T2 || T5
§ Data parallelism: T2a || T2b, T5a || T5b, T3a||T3b||T3c||T3d
§ We can still increase data parallelism with the lettuce by bringing in more Chefs. What about limits?

Task: a computation that consists of a sequence of instructions. The computation is a distinct part of a program or algorithm. (That is, programs and algorithms can be de-composed into tasks).
Examples: “washing lettuce”, “initialize data-structures”, “sort array”, …
Task-parallelism: parallelism achieved from executing different tasks at the same time (i.e., in parallel).
Data-parallelism: performing the same task to different data-items at the same time.
Example: 2 Chefs slicing 1 tomato each. (tomato = data, slicing ~ task).

Definitions (cont.)
Dependencies: an execution order between two tasks Ta and Tb. Ta must complete before Tb can execute. Notation: TaàTb. Dependencies limit the amount of parallelism in an application.
Example task dependency graphs:
dependencies, no parallelism possible:
no dependencies, maximum parallelism:

Definitions (cont. cont.) Dependencies impose a partial ordering on the tasks:
Two tasks Ta and Tb can execute in parallel iff
1) there is no path in the dependence graph from Ta to Tb 2) there is no path in the dependence graph from Tb to Ta
Dependency is transitive:
TaàTb and TbàTc implies TaàTc
Say: Ta has to complete befor Tb, and Tb has to complete before Tc, therefore Ta has to complete before Tc.
What about this?

Who will do the actual parallelization ?
• The compiler?
§ Would be nice. Programmers could continue writing high-level language programs
§ The compiler would find a task-decomposition for a given multicore processor.
§ Unfortunately this approach does not work (yet).
• Esp. heterogeneous multiprocessors are difficult to program
• The speed-up gained from automatic parallelization is limited.
§ Parallelism from automatic parallelization is called implicit parallelism.
• The programmer?
§ Yes! (contents of this course)
• Needs to understand the program to find a task-decomposition.
• Needs to understand the hardware to achieve a task-decomposition that fits the underlying hardware.
• Needs to take care of communication & coordination among tasks.
§ Parallelism done by the programmer (her/him)self is called explicit parallelism.
§ The research community is working on programming languages and tools that ease this task.

• Introduction to parallelismü § Software developmentü
§ Hardware developmentü
• Forms of parallelismü
§ Task-parallelismü
§ Data-parallelismü • Examples

Task Parallelism Example
Example: Assume we have a large data-set in an array and the task is to compute the minimum, average and maximum value. This task can be decomposed into 3 tasks: computing minimum (T1), average (T2), and maximum value (T3).
#define maxN 1000000000
int m[maxN];
int min = m[0]; int max = m[0]; double avrg = m[0];
for(i=1; i < maxN; i++) { if(m[i] < min) min = m[i]; avrg = avrg + m[i]; if(m[i] > max)
max = m[i]; }
avrg = avrg / maxN;
#define maxN 1000000000 int m[maxN];
int i; int min = m[0]; for(i=1; i < maxN; i++) { if(m[i] < min) min = m[i]; double avrg = m[0]; for(j=1; j < maxN; j++) { avrg = avrg + m[j]; avrg = avrg / maxN; int k; int max = m[0]; for(k=1; k < maxN; k++) { if(m[k] > max) max = m[k];
Dependence graph:
Note: if T1 – T3 should execute in parallel, then each task needs its own loop index variable (i, j, k)!

Task Parallelism Example (cont.)
§ The problem is now decomposed into three tasks T1, T2, T3.
§ However: still sequential (T1, then T2 then T3).
§ Need a way to tell the compiler that tasks T1, T2 and T3 shall be executed in parallel.
§ We will use POSIX threads to do that.
§ We will discuss other ways to express task parallelism in latter parts of the lecture.
#define maxN 1000000000 int m[maxN];
int i; int min = m[0]; for(i=1; i < maxN; i++) { if(m[i] < min) min = m[i]; double avrg = m[0]; for(j=1; j < maxN; j++) { avrg = avrg + m[j]; } avrg = avrg / maxN; int k; int max = m[0]; for(k=1; k < maxN; k++) { if(m[k] > max) max = m[k];

Data Parallelism Example Example 1: parallel sum computation on array.
Example 2: vector operations:
§ Assume two arrays of integers, compute the pair-wise sum.
§ A sequential version uses a for-loop to compute the sum.
§ Requires one loop iteration per array index.
§ A Streaming SIMD Extension (SSE) extension of the Intel processor can do this sum operation in one step.
§ See example on next slides.
float a[4] = {1,2,3,4}; float b[4] = {1,2,3,4}; float c[4];
for(i=0; i < 4; i++) { c[i] = a[i] + b[i]; SIMD Vectorization • To sum the values of 2 arrays, a conventional CPU needs one add operation (“+”) per array index: float a[4] = {1,2,3,4}; float b[4] = {1,2,3,4}; float c[4]; c[0] = a[0] c[1] = a[1] c[2] = a[2] c[3] = a[3] float a[4] = {1,2,3,4}; float b[4] = {1,2,3,4}; float c[4]; for(i=0; i < 4; i++) { c[i] = a[i] + b[i]; sequential array sum array sum using loop • Reason: a register of a conventional CPU can only hold only 1 data item at a time (such a register is called a scalar register): a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3] b[0] b[1] b[2] b[3] ++++ c[0] c[1] c[2] c[3] Data Parallelism Example (cont.) Vector processors have large registers that can hold multiple values of the same data type. The registers of the SSE extension of Intel’s CPUs are 128bit wide. § declares vector v, which consists of four fp numbers: v § The v4sf keyword is an extension to gcc. It takes a primitive data type (char, short, int, ...) and uses it across the whole SSE register. § assigns values to the elements of v. v The SSE can apply an operation to all elements of a vector at once. § See example on next slide. v = (v4sf) {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0}; Data Parallelism Example (cont.) • Example: adding two vectors of floats in one step. v4sf VA, VB, VC; VC = __builtin_ia32_addps(VA, VB); Data Parallelism Example (cont.) • Note: the vector instructions on the previous slides are specific to the SSE extensions of Intel processor. • Many of today’s mainstream CPU architectures support vector instructions. § Cell Processor (Playstation 3) § Architecture-specific § Intel x86: MMX-extensions § AMD: 3DNow! for floating-point numbersàIntel SSE § PowerPC: AltiVec • Introduction to parallelismü § Software developmentü § Hardware developmentü • Forms of parallelismü § Task-parallelismü § Data-parallelismü • Examples ü 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com