Assignment 2 Marking Guideline – S1 2020 Weight: 25% of overall grade
High Quality (75%+)
Standard Quality (50%-74%)
Poor Quality (<50%)
Part 1 – 15 marks
Text-to-speech: Conversion and playback
(4 marks) Text-to-speech: Speech rate and stop playback (3 marks)
Text-to-speech conversion and playback are working properly in emulator or real device
Functionalities are attempted with proper plugin and injectable with some problems while running in emulator or real device
Not attempted or poorly attempted (e.g., plugins not installed, improper use of injectable)
(4 marks)
Calling a number working properly in emulator or real device
Functionality is attempted with proper plugin and injectable with some problem while running in emulator or real device Functionalities are attempted with proper plugin and injectable with some problem while running in emulator or real device
Not attempted or poorly attempted (e.g., plugins not installed, improper use of injectable)
Battery status: charge level and plugged-in status (4 marks)
Charge level and plugged-in status are working properly in emulator or real device
Not attempted or poorly attempted (e.g., plugins not installed, improper use of injectable)
Part 2 – 10 marks
Injectable service (4 marks)
The injectable service is implemented with add, update, search features and uses a separate TypeScript class to represent and store the data
The injectable service is implemented properly without a separate TypeScript class for data representation
There are errors in the injectable service and/or the TypeScript class
(2 marks)
Adding record is working properly and reflects upon the display of all records; checks for null value for each field; uses a list for ‘Type’; uses Ionic UIs
Working with very minor issue regarding (e.g., Ionic UIs, null value check)
Not attempted or very poorly attempted (lots of errors)
Speech rate and stop functionalities are working properly in emulator or real device
Functionalities are attempted with proper plugin and injectable with some problem while running in emulator or real device
Not attempted or poorly attempted (e.g., plugins not installed, improper use of injectable)
(2 marks)
Edit/updating record using ‘Id’ is working properly and reflects upon the display of all records; checks for null value for each field; uses a list for ‘Type’; uses Ionic UIs Searching record using ‘Name’ and/or ‘Type’ is working properly and search result is displayed with all details; uses Ionic UIs
Working with very minor issue regarding (e.g., Ionic UIs, null value check)
Not attempted or very poorly attempted (lots of errors)
(2 marks)
Working with very minor issue regarding (e.g., Ionic UIs, searching with one field only)
Not attempted or very poorly attempted (lots of errors)