IT代写 COMP5426 Distributed

COMP5426 Distributed
Programming Shared Memory
(Pthread Basic

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my_cost < best_cost) best_cost = my_cost; Assume that there are two best_cost is 100, and the v 5 at threads t1 and t2. Depending on the schedule best_cost could be 50 or 7 When multiple threads attempt to manipulate the same data item, the results can often be incoherent if proper care is not taken to synchronize them. /* each thread trie follows */ s to update threads, t best_cost as he initial alues of my_cost are 50 and of the threads, the value of 5 - A race condition problem! Race Condition not assume a Any such order must be explicitly establis synchronization mechanisms. where the final result d ion of the processes. who finishes the race last. of execution. A race condition occurs when  Multiple processes or threads read and data items  Theydosoinaway the order of execut The output depends on "mutex", which is an abbreviation for "mutual exclusion". with synchronization r creating, destroyin They are also supplemented by mutex attribute or modify attributes associated with mutexes. When a process, or thread executes code that manipulates shared data, we say it is in its Critical Section. A general structure for critical section: ...lock mutex critical section unlock mutex noncritical s g, locking and Mutex must and must be be declared with type pthread_mutex_t initialized before they can be used. There are two ways to initialize a mutex variable:  Statically, when it is declared. For example: pthread_mutex_t mymutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;  Dynamically, with the pthread_mutex_init() routine. This method permits setting mutex object attributes, attr (which may be specified as NULL pthread_mutex_init (mutex,attr) pthread_mutex_destroy (mutex) pthread_mutexattr_init (attr) pthread_mutexattr_destroy (attr) The mutex is initially u cept defaults). pthread_mutex_trylock (mut pthread_mutex_lock (mutex) pthread_mutex_unlock (mutex) pthread_mutex_lock() is used by a thread to acquire a lock on the specified mutex variable. pthread_mutex_unlock() will unlock a mutex if called by the owning thread. An error will be returned if:  themutexwasalreadyunlocked  themutexisownedbyanotherthread pthread_mutex_tr ylock() will attemp the mutex is already locked, the routine with an “EBUSY" error code. This routin preventing deadlock conditions. t to lock a mutex. Howeve will return immediat e may be useful in write our previously inc pthread_mutex_t minimum_value_lock; int best_cost; //global variable! main() { pthread_mut ex_init(&minimu }void *find_min(void .... pthread_mutex_lock(&minimum if (my_cost < best_cost) best_cost = my_cost; *list_ptr) { hread_mutex_unlock(&minimum_value_l code segment The producer-consume constraints:  The producer buffer when the previous task by a consumer thread.  The consumer thr there is some structure.  Individual consumer r scenario im thread must eads must no thing present in the shared poses the following overwrite the shared has not been picked up pthread_mutex_t int task_available .... task_avai lable = 0; task_queue_lock; pthread_mutex_init(&task_qu eue_lock, NULL); *producer_thread_ void *producer(void .... while (!done()) { inserted = 0; create_task(&my_task); while (inserted == 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&task_queu if (task_available == 0) { insert_into_queue(my_task); task_available = 1; inserted = 1; }pthread_mutex_unlock(&task_queue_lock); ocess_task onsumer_thread void *consumer(void ... while (!done()) { extracted = 0; while (extracted == 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&task_qu if (task_available == 1) { extract_from_queue(&my_task); task_available = 0; extracted = 1; }pthread_mutex_unlock(&task_ queue_lock); Encapsulating within locks can degradation. ritical sections must be one after another. of Locking ocks represent serialization points since t is often possible to reduce the idling verhead associ thread_mutex_trylock. executed by ated with locks using significant performance Alleviating /* using pthread_mutex_trylock routine */ ...Pthread_mutax_t tryLock_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; ...lock_status=pthread_mutex_trylock(&tryLock_lock if (lock_status == EBUSY) { /* do something else */ ... }e l s e { /* d o one thing */ ead_mutex_u nlock(&tryLock_lock); Mutexs pr However,  One bad thread (or one pr can kill the whole system.  Unnecessary busy-waiting  Lock() and unlock() are scattered among Monitor is a high-level abstraction that may provide a convenient and effective mechanism or thread synchronization several threads. Therefore, it is difficult to understand their effects  Usage must be correct in all the thre synchronization Local data variables are accessible only thread enters monitor by invoking procedures Only one thread may be executing the monitor at a time Monitor does not need to code certain constraints explicitly. However, it is not sufficiently powerful for modeling some other synchronizatio An additional synchronization mechanism, i.e., condition variable, required. The third class of between threads t  A condition variable has a queue for those thre waiting the corresponding event to occur to wait on.  If another signals the functions address communications hat share a mutex. A condition variable allows a thread to block specified data reaches a predefined state. A condition variable indicates an event and has no value.  One cannot store a value into nor retrieve a value from a condition variable.  If a thread must wait for an event to occur, on the corresponding condition variable. thread causes the event to occur, that thread simp corresponding condition v thread waits This class and signal includ based to set/que also included. A condition variable is mutex lock. es functions to upon specified create, dest variable valu e attributes are n conjunction with a Creating & Destroyin Condition variables must be declared with type pthread_cond_t, and must be initialized before they can be used. There are two w  Statically, when pthread_cond_t  Dynamically, with the pthread_cond_init() routine. This method permits setting condition variable object attributes, attr (which may be specified as NULL pthread_cond_init (condition, attr) pthread_cond_destroy (condition) pthread_condattr_init (attr) pthread_condattr ays to initialize a condition varia it is declared. For example: myconvar = PTHREAD_CON accept defaults). D_INITIALIZER; Waiting and Signali pthread_cond_ pthread_cond_ pthread_cond_ wait (condition, m signal (condition) pthread_cond_wait() blocks the specified condition is signalled. This routine should be called while mutex is locked, and it will automatically release the mutex while it waits. After signal is received and thread is awakened, mutex will be automatically locked for use by the thread. The programmer is then responsible for unlocking mutex when the thread is finished with it. thread until Waiting and Signali pthread_cond_signal() is used another thread which is waiti  It should be called after mutex is locked, and  must unlock mutex in order for pthread_cond_wait() routine to complete. thread_con ds blocked d_broadcast() routine unlocks all on the condition to signal (or wake u ng on the condition Waiting and Signali Proper locking and unlocking of variable is essential when using the associated m these routines. F  Failing to lock the mutex before calling pthread_cond_wait() may cause it NOT to  Failing to unlock the mutex after calling pthread_cond_signal() may not allow a match pthread_cond_wait() routine to complete (it remain blocked). Producer-Consumer pthread_con ion Variables d_t cond_que pthread_mutex_t task_queue_c int task_available; /* other data structu res here */ /* declarations and task_available = 0; pthread_cond_init(&cond_queue_empty, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&cond_queue_full, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&tas /* create and initializations join producer nd_queue_full; ond_lock, NULL); mer thread Producer-Consumer *producer(void ion Variables create_task(); pthread_con pthread_mutex_unlo *producer_thread_ d_signal(&cond_qu ck(&task_que eue_full); ue_cond_lock pthread_mutex_lock(&task_queue_cond_lock); if (task_available == 1) pthread_cond_wait(&cond_queue_empty &task_queue_cond_lock); insert_into_queue(); task_available = 1; Producer-Consumer void *consume ion Variables my_task = e while (!done()) { pthread_mutex_lock(&task_queue_cond_lock); if (task_available == 0) pthread_cond_wait(&cond_queue_f &task_queue_c task_available = 0; pthread_con act_from_queue d_signal(&cond_qu pthread_mutex_unlock(&task_queue_cond_lock process_task(my_task); mer_thread_data) ond_lock); eue_empty); 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: