GN-model based automatic network configuration and optimization
Step 1: Develop network auto-configuration based on GN model. Consider the link distance, fiber type, span loss, total channel allocation and channel number, to configure EDFA gains, launch power
Step 2: Develop a network automation tool to setup the link automatically. Configure EDFAs, Polaris Switches, and WSSes.
Step 3: Final Demonstration over NDFIS.
[1] oopt-gnpy: Optical Route Planning Tool, Based on a Gaussian Noise Model. Telecom Infra Project, 2018.
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[3] M. Filer, M. Cantono, A. Ferrari, G. Grammel, G. Galimberti, and V. Curri, “Multi-Vendor Experimental Validation of an Open Source QoT Estimator for Optical Networks,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 36, no. 15, pp. 3073–3082, Aug. 2018.