程序代写 COMP 3430 – Operating Systems

COMP 3430 – Operating Systems
Virtual Memory 1

March 28th, 2022

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

By the end of today’s lecture, you should be able to:
▶ Describe the concept of virtual memory. ▶ Describe how memory is or can be organized, physically and virtually.
The Woggle-Bug Book (Public Domain)

Poor me. (Pixabay License)
With your new team:
1. Introduce yourself !
2. Nominate someone to create a shared
space for taking notes .
3. Choose a team name (share in chat on
your return).
4. Answer the question: How much physical
memory is in your system?

Address spaces
A running program’s memory is (apparently) laid out in a certain way.
▶ Can we observe this?
▶ Let’s look at addresses.c.
▶ Let’s look at /proc/$PID/maps.
An address space (©RH & AC Arpaci-Dusseau)

Based on what you do know about address spaces (and what you’ve learned in other courses like COMP 2280), who or what has the responsibility of managing the contents of:
1. The code segment? 2. The stack?
3. The heap?
Pixabay License

Managing the heap
Let’s try to experimentally determine if the OS manages the heap.
▶ Check out allocate.c.
▶ Use strace to see what system calls are
A heap. (Pixabay License)

▶ Memory has a certain layout from the perspective of a process.
▶ The OS enables this layout.
▶ … but maybe manages less than we originally thought.
▶ … or manages different parts than we originally thought.

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com