程序代写代做代考 algorithm database King’s College London

King’s College London
This paper is part of an examination of the College counting towards the award of a degree. Examinations are governed by the College Regulations under the authority of the Academic Board.
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Format of Examination: Start time:
Time Allowed Instructions:
Summer (Period 2) 2020 7CCSMBDT
Big Data Technologies
Written questions
90 minutes
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ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Question 1 carries FORTY marks. Question 2 carries SIXTY marks.
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Submission Deadline: 12.30pm
Submission Process: Work must be submitted to the level 7 Informatics As-
sessments KEATS page.
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 2020 King’s College London

Summer (Period 2) 2020 7CCSMBDT
Please answer Questions 1–2.
1. Auserwantstoperformaggregatestatisticscomputationssuchascounting certain values or computing the average of certain numbers in a very large file. The user is not willing to use a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), due to performance issues, and is also not willing to program using the MapReduce framework (e.g., using mrjob).
a. Describe two Big Data technologies the user can use and justify why. [15 marks]
b. Describe one similarity among the two Big Data technologies of Question 1a.
[10 marks]
c. Describe two differences among the two Big Data technologies of Ques- tion 1a.
[15 marks]
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Summer (Period 2) 2020 7CCSMBDT
a. Consider a stream of integers D = [7, 4, 3, 2] and the hash functions h1(x) = (2x)mod3+1 and h2(x) = (3x)mod5. We apply the FM-sketch algorithm on D using h1 and produce an estimate of the number of distinct values in D, denoted by e1. Then, we apply the same algorithm on D using h2 and produce an estimate of the number of distinct values in D, denoted by e2. Assuming the most basic type of estimate (no improvements to the estimate that is output by a single Flajolet-Martin (FM) sketch) and that the hash values (i.e., outputs of h1(x) and h2(x)) are stored using 4-bits, which estimate among e1 and e2 is the most accurate? Justify your answer, by explaining the computation of each estimate e1 and e2 in detail.
[40 marks]
b. Consider that the stream D = [7, 4, 3, 2] is held by a party A and another stream D′ = [7, 1, 5, 6] is held by a party B. Parties A and B are interested in estimating the number of distinct values in the union stream D ∪ D′. Briefly describe how this can be performed without A and B exchanging their streams.
[20 marks]
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