CS代考 ECE3375B: Microprocessors and Microcomputers Electrical and Computer Engine

Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Dr. )
Chapter 6 Flow Control in Assembly
ECE3375B: Microprocessors and Microcomputers Electrical and Computer Engineering Western University
Dr. Leod (Section 1, Dr. (Section 2,

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Three Control Structures
 Sequence Structure
Computer executes statements (instructions), one after another, in the order listed in the program
Sequence Structure
Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6
ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

Three Control Structures
 Selection Structure  If-then-else
 Loop Structure  while loop
 for loop
Sequence Structure
Selection Structure
Loop Structure
ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)
3 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6

Review: Condition Flags
Program Status Register (PSR)
ISR number
 Negative bit
 N = 1 if most significant bit of result is 1
 Zero bit
 Z=1 ifallbitsofresultare0
 Carry bit
 For unsigned addition, C = 1 if carry takes place
 For unsigned subtraction, C = 0 (carry = not borrow) if borrow takes place  For shift/rotation, C = last bit shifted out
 oVerflow bit
 V = 1 if adding 2 same-signed numbers produces a result with the opposite sign
 Positive + Positive = Negative, or
 Negative + negative = Positive
 Non-arithmetic operations does not touch V bit, such as MOV,AND,LSL,MUL
4 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6
ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

Updating Condition Flags
Method1: appendwith“S”
 ADD r0,r1,r2 → ADDS r0,r1,r2  SUB r0,r1,r2 → SUBS r0,r1,r2
 Method 2: using compare instructions
Instruction Brief description Flags
Compare N, Z, C, V
CompareNegative N,Z,C,V
Test Equivalence N,Z,C
Test N,Z,C
5 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6
ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

Updating Condition Flags
Instruction Operands
Brief description Flags
Compare N, Z, C, V
Rn,Op2 CompareNegative N,Z,C,V
Test Equivalence N,Z,C
Rn, Op2 Test N,Z,C
➢ Update the status flags
• No need to add S bit.
• No need to specify destination register.
➢ Operations are:
• CMP operand1 – operand2, but result not written
• CMN operand1 + operand2, but result not written
• TST operand1 & operand2, but result not written
• TEQ operand1 ^ operand2, but result not written
➢ Examples:
• CMP r0, r1
• TST r2, #5
Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6
ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

Updating Condition Flags: CMP and CMN
CMP Rn, Operand2
CMN Rn, Operand2
 Update N, Z, C and V according to the result  CMP subtracts Operand2 from Rn.
 Same as SUBS, except result is discarded.  CMN adds Operand2 to Rn.
 Same as ADDS, except result is discarded.
Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6
ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

Example of CMP
Area absolute, CODE, READONLY
EXPORT __main
__main PROC
CMP r1, #0
RSBLT r0, r1, #0 done B done ; deadloop
Note: RSB = Reverse SuBtract
8 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

Updating Condition Flags: TST and TEQ
TST Rn, Operand2 ; Bitwise AND
TEQ Rn, Operand2 ; Bitwise Exclusive OR
Update N and Z according to the result
Can update C during the calculation of Operand2
Do not affect V
TST performs bitwise AND on Rn and Operand2.  Same as ANDS, except result is discarded.
TEQ performs bitwise Exclusive OR on Rn and Operand2.  Same as EORS, except result is discarded.
Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6
ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

Unconditional Branch Instructions
Operands Brief description
Branch with Link
Branch indirect with Link
Branch indirect
 cause a branch to label.
 BL label
 copy the address of the next instruction into r14 (lr, the link register), and  cause a branch to label.
 branch to the address held in Rm
 copy the address of the next instruction into r14 (lr, the link register) and  branch to the address held in Rm
Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6
ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

Unconditional Branch Instructions: A Simple Example
MOVS r1, #1
B target ; Branch to target MOVS r2, #2 ; Not executed MOVS r3, #3 ; Not executed MOVS r4, #4 ; Not executed
target MOVS r5, #5
 A label marks the location of an instruction
 Labels helps human to read the code
 In machine program, labels are converted to numeric offsets by assembler
11 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

Condition Codes
Flags tested
Unsigned Higher or Same
Unsigned LOwer
MInus (Negative)
PLus (Positive or Zero)
oVerflow Set
oVerflow Clear
Unsigned HIgher
Unsigned Lower or Same
Signed Greater or Equal
Signed Less Than
Signed Greater Than
Signed Less than or Equal
Note AL is the default and does not need to be specified
12 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

Condition Codes
 The possible condition codes are listed below:
Flags tested
Unsigned Higher or Same
Unsigned LOwer
MInus (Negative)
PLus (Positive or Zero)
oVerflow Set
oVerflow Clear
Unsigned HIgher
C==1 and Z==0
Unsigned Lower or Same
C==0 or Z==1
Signed Greater or Equal
Signed Less Than
Signed Greater Than
Z==0 and N==V
Signed Less than or Equal
Z==1 or N!=V
Note AL is the default and does not need to be specified
13 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

Signed Greater or Equal (N == V) CMP r0, r1
perform subtraction r0 – r1, without saving the result
• No overflow, implying the result is correct.
• The result is non-negative,
• Thus r0 – r1 ≥ 0, i.e., r0 ≥ r1
• No overflow, implying the result is correct.
• The result is negative.
• Thusr0–r1<0,i.e.,r0 1).
19 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6
ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

Which is Greater: 0xFFFFFFFF or 0x00000001? It’s software’s responsibility to tell computer how to interpret data:
If written in C, declare the signed vs unsigned variable
If written in Assembly, use signed vs unsigned branch instructions
MOVS r5, #0xFFFFFFFF MOVS r6, #0x00000001 CMP r5, r6
BLE Then_Clause …
signed int x, y ; x = -1;
if (x > y)
BLE: Branch if less than or equal, signed ≤
MOVS r5, #0xFFFFFFFF MOVS r6, #0x00000001 CMP r5, r6
BLS Then_Clause
unsigned int x, y ; x = 4294967295;
if (x > y)
BLS: Branch if lower or same, unsigned ≤
20 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6
ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

If-then Statement
Implementation 1:
// a is signed integer
if (a < 0 ) { a = 0 – a; x = x + 1; ; r1 = a (signed integer), r2 = x CMP r1, #0 then RSB r1, r1, #0 ; Compare a with 0 ; Go to endif if a ≥ 0 ; reverse subtract, a = 0 - a endif ADDr2,r2,#1 ;x=x+1 21 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) If-then Statement Implementation 2: // a is signed integer if (a < 0 ) { a = 0 – a; x = x + 1; ; r1 = a, r2 = x CMP r1, #0 ; Compare a with 0 RSBLTr1,r1,#0 ;a=0-aifa<0 ADD r2, r2, #1 ; x = x + 1 22 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) Compound Boolean Expression x > 20 && x < 25 x == 20 || x == 25 !(x == 20 || x == 25) Assembly Program // x is a signed integer if(x <= 20 || x >= 25){ a=1
CMP r0, #20
CMP r0, #25
; compare x and 20 ;gotothenifx≤20 ; compare x and 25 ;gotoendififx<25 then MOV r1,#1 ;a=1 endif 23 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) If-then-else if (a == 1) ; r1 = a, r2 = b CMP r1, #1 BNEelse then MOVr2,#3 ; compare a and 1 ;gotoelseifa≠1 ;b=3 ; go to endif else MOVr2,#4 ;b=4 24 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) int sum = 0; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ sum += i; } Implementation 1: MOVr0,#0 ;i MOVr1,#0 ;sum loop ADDr1,r1,r0 ;sum+=i ADDr0,r0,#1 ;i++ check CMP r0, #10 ; check whether i < 10 BLT loop ; loop if signed less than 25 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) int sum = 0; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ sum += i; } Implementation 2: MOVr0,#0 ;i MOVr1,#0 ;sum loop CMP r0, #10 ; check whether i < 10 BGE endloop ; skip if ≥ ADDr1,r1,r0 ;sum+=i ADD r0, r0, #1 ; i++ 26 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) Combined Program Status Registers (xPSR) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Interrupt/Exception Number Thumb state flag Stick saturation flag for SSAT and USAT Overflow flag Carry/Borrow flag Negative or less than flag IT[7:0]: If-Then bits Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) Condition Codes  The possible condition codes are listed below: Description Flags tested Unsigned higher or same Unsigned lower Positive or Zero No overflow Unsigned higher Unsigned lower or same C=0 or Z=1 Signed Greater or equal Signed Less than Signed Greater than Signed Less than or equal Z=1 or N!=V Note AL is the default and does not need to be specified 28 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) Conditional Execution Add instruction Flag tested ADDEQ r3, r2, r1 Add if EQual Add if Z = 1 ADDNE r3, r2, r1 Add if Not Equal Add if Z = 0 ADDHS r3, r2, r1 Add if Unsigned Higher or Same Add if C = 1 ADDLO r3, r2, r1 Add if Unsigned LOwer Add if C = 0 ADDMI r3, r2, r1 Add if Minus (Negative) Add if N = 1 ADDPL r3, r2, r1 Add if PLus (Positive or Zero) Add if N = 0 ADDVS r3, r2, r1 Add if oVerflow Set Add if V = 1 ADDVC r3, r2, r1 Add if oVerflow Clear Add if V = 0 ADDHI r3, r2, r1 Add if Unsigned HIgher Add if C = 1 & Z = 0 ADDLS r3, r2, r1 Add if Unsigned Lower or Same Add if C = 0 or Z = 1 ADDGE r3, r2, r1 Add if Signed Greater or Equal Add if N = V ADDLT r3, r2, r1 Add if Signed Less Than Add if N != V ADDGT r3, r2, r1 Add if Signed Greater Than Add if Z = 0 & N = V ADDLE r3, r2, r1 Add if Signed Less than or Equal Add if Z = 1 or N = !V 29 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) Conditional Execution a ⟶ r0 y ⟶ r1 if (a <= 0) CMP r0, #0 MOVLE r1, #-1 ; executed if LE MOVGT r1, #1 ; executed if GT 30 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) LE: Signed Less than or Equal GT: Signed Greater Than Conditional Execution a ⟶ r0 y ⟶ r1 CMP r0, #1 CMPNE r0, #7 ; executed if r0 != 1 CMPNE r0, #11 ; executed if r0 != 7 MOVEQ r1, #1 MOVNE r1, #-1 if (a==1 || a==7 || a==11) y = 1; NE: Not Equal EQ: Equal 31 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) Compound Boolean Expression Assembly Program // x is a signed integer if(x <= 20 || x >= 25){
; r0 = x, r1 = a
CMP r0, #20 ; compare x and 20
MOVLE r1, #1 ; a=1 if less or equal CMP r0, #25 ; CMP if greater than MOVGE r1, #1 ; a=1 if greater or equal
32 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)

Example 1: Greatest Common Divider (GCD)
Euclid’s Algorithm
uint32_t a, b; while (a != b ) {
if (a > b)
a = a – b;
b = b – a;
; suppose r0 = a and r1 = b gcd CMPr0,r1 ;a>b?
SUB r0, r0, r1
; if a = b, done
; a = a – b
less SUBr1,r1,r0 ;b=b–a B gcd
33 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani)
gcd CMP r0, r1
SUBHI r0, r0, r1
SUBLO r1, r1, r0 BNE gcd

// x in r0, y in r1
if ( x + y < 0 ) x = 0; ADDS r0, r0, r1 BPL PosOrZ MOV r0, #0 PosOrZ MOV r0, #1 done ADDS r0,r0,r1 ; r0=x+y, settingCCs MOVMI r0,#0 ; return0ifnbit=1 MOVPL r0,#1 ; return1ifnbit=0 34 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) Summary: Condition Codes Description Flags tested Unsigned Higher or Same Unsigned LOwer MInus (Negative) PLus (Positive or Zero) oVerflow Set oVerflow Cleared Unsigned HIgher Unsigned Lower or Same C=0 or Z=1 Signed Greater or Equal Signed Less Than Signed Greater Than Signed Less than or Equal Z=1 or N!=V Note AL is the default and does not need to be specified 35 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) Branch Instructions Instruction Description Flags tested Unconditional Branch Branch to label Conditional Branch Branch if EQual Branch if Not Equal BCS/BHS label Branch if unsigned Higher or Same BCC/BLO label Branch if unsigned LOwer Branch if MInus (Negative) Branch if PLus (Positive or Zero) Branch if oVerflow Set Branch if oVerflow Clear Branch if unsigned HIgher Branch if unsigned Lower or Same C = 0 or Z = 1 Branch if signed Greater or Equal Branch if signed Less Than Branch if signed Greater Than Branch if signed Less than or Equal Z = 1 or N = !V 36 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) Summary: Conditionally Executed Add instruction Flag tested ADDEQ r3, r2, r1 Add if EQual Add if Z = 1 ADDNE r3, r2, r1 Add if Not Equal Add if Z = 0 ADDHS r3, r2, r1 Add if Unsigned Higher or Same Add if C = 1 ADDLO r3, r2, r1 Add if Unsigned LOwer Add if C = 0 ADDMI r3, r2, r1 Add if Minus (Negative) Add if N = 1 ADDPL r3, r2, r1 Add if PLus (Positive or Zero) Add if N = 0 ADDVS r3, r2, r1 Add if oVerflow Set Add if V = 1 ADDVC r3, r2, r1 Add if oVerflow Clear Add if V = 0 ADDHI r3, r2, r1 Add if Unsigned HIgher Add if C = 1 & Z = 0 ADDLS r3, r2, r1 Add if Unsigned Lower or Same Add if C = 0 or Z = 1 ADDGE r3, r2, r1 Add if Signed Greater or Equal Add if N = V ADDLT r3, r2, r1 Add if Signed Less Than Add if N != V ADDGT r3, r2, r1 Add if Signed Greater Than Add if Z = 0 & N = V ADDLE r3, r2, r1 Add if Signed Less than or Equal Add if Z = 1 or N = !V 37 Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers (Dr. Y. Zhu): Chapter 6 ECE 3375b (A.Reyhani) 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com