程序代写代做代考 compiler assembly assembler graph Java Operating Systems

Operating Systems
Lab Class 1 – Exercises Low-level programming
This lab will show you how it feels to program without the abstractions provided by an operating system (and a high-level programming language).
1 Getting Started
The command prompt is our cockpit. You can open the command prompt of Windows by click- ing on the search (magnifying glass) icon next to the start button and typing cmd; then select Command prompt.
The command prompt shows your current directory followed by >. It executes the commands that you type after pressing the Enter key.
The most important commands are:
• dir shows the files in the current directory
• N: changes to the current drive to N
• cd some directory changes the current directory to some directory
• cd .. changes to the parent directory (denoted by ..)
• notepad++ some file opens the file some file in a text editor
• Pressing the → | (tabulator) key suggests a completion of the command while you are typing; you can avoid fully typing directory and filenames that way.
• Use double quotes to delimit directory or filenames that contain spaces.
• Pressing the ↑ key allows you to select commands that you have typed previously, modify
them and execute them again.
If you are unfamiliar with this environment please try these commands.
We will use QEMU, a virtual machine that simulates various CPUs and hardware devices. This is a great tool for learning about operating systems because we can do whatever we want in software without risking damage to the hardware (if it breaks, we can just reset the virtual machine). That said, you could run the code that you are going to write in this lab on a ’real’ PC, provided that it is well-tested—a stray bug in your code could damage your computer, e.g. corrupt your hard disk.
1. We can get QEMU to simulate a PC with an x86-compatible CPU. Open Software Hub on your Lab PC and find QEMU. Once found, start the application – a console window will appear. You will see that QEMU runs the BIOS program. This program in turn tries to run a bootloader, but cannot find one. The first task below will solve this problem and implement a boadloader program.

The BIOS offers us a number of basic functions like checking hardware facilities, reading key- board input and displaying text. Operating system usually implement their own drivers for these functions, but for us they are useful in this exercise as they allow us to access and communicate with the hardware more easily.
2. Download the os-lab1.zip file from Canvas and unzip the content into your N: drive. There should be a directory os-lab1 after unzipping. In the command prompt change the direc-tory into that folder:
cd os-lab1
2 Bootloader
3. Open the file boot1.asm in a text editor program of your choice, e.g. notepad boot1.asm
The file contains the following assembly program: org 0x7c00
start :
; move 0x0e into the ah register
; numbers starting with 0x are hexadecimal
; this is a parameter for the interrupt service routine that ; tells it we want to print a character
mov ah, 0x0e
; move ’a’ into the al register
; this is the character we want to print
moval, ’a’
; call the BIOS routine to print the character by ; sending interrupt number 0x10
int 0x10
; jump to the current memory location
; i.e. loop forever
jmp $
; fill the rest of our program with zeros,
; a boot loader needs to be 512 bytes long. times 510−($−$$) db 0
; this identifies the program as a bootloader
dw 0xaa55
This program simply writes the character ’a’ on the screen. Read the comments in the program
carefully to understand how it works.
4. Then compile the program by running:
“C:\Program Files\NASM\nasm.exe” boot1.asm -f bin -o boot.bin

The NASM compiler translates the assembler program into the machine-executable binary file boot.bin.
(You may have to start NASM on Software Hub as well before you can do that.)
5. We can now run the program as bootloader in the virtual machine:
“C:\Program Files\QEmu\qemu-system-i386.exe” boot.bin
6. Modify the program to print a character other than ’a’ and run it again.
7. Next we will use the stack to print a message on the screen. To this end, open the file boot2.asm in the editor. It looks as follows:
org 0x7c00 start :
; move 0x0e into the ah register
; numbers starting with 0x are hexadecimal
; this is a parameter for the interrupt service routine that ; tells it we want to print a character
mov ah, 0x0e marker :
; f i l l
; push the character ’a ’ into the stack
push ’a’
;pop the top of the stack into the ax register
pop ax
; print the character
mov ah, 0x0e int 0x10
; jump to the current memory location
; i.e. loop forever
jmp $
the rest of our program with zeros
times 510−($−$$) db 0
;this identifies the program as a bootloader
dw 0xaa55
The program in its current form prints just the character ’a’. Modify it so that you first push the characters of a short message onto the stack (by calling push for each character) and then popping the values from the stack and calling the BIOS print routine. Compile and run the program to test whether it works correctly.
8. We can program loops with the help of jmp. Modify the line jmp $
to say
jmp marker

Compile and run the program. It will now print your message in an infinite loop.
9. Next we will define a constant that holds the message we want to print and use the more high-level printing routine provided by the file printing.asm to display it on the screen. Open the program boot3.asm in your editor:
org 0x7c00 start :
;load the start address of msg into the source index register
mov si,msg
; call a function to print it.
; This is a bit like calling a function in Java,
;except that the function parameters are set up before the call call printstring
jmp $
%include ”printing.asm”
; this defines the message we want to print.
;13 and 10 are the codes for a new line at the end of the string ;0 marks the end of the string
msg db ”MyNewOS 0.1”,10,13,0 times 510−($−$$) db 0
dw 0xaa55
Read carefully the comments in this program to understand what the code is doing. Compile the program and run it.
If you are interested how this printing routine works then please have a look at the file printing.asm to work out how it does it.
10. Modify boot3.asm to print a different message. Compile it and run it. 3 Hardware check
When the OS starts up it will need to gather information about the hardware it is running on. One of the first things it might do is to check how much memory is available. At the moment, we are running in 16-bit mode, which means that we can only access a small amount of the machine’s total memory. To see how much we have available at this point, we can call another BIOS routine, which will store the answer (in kb) in a register.
11. Open the file boot4.asm in your editor:
org 0x7c00 start :
;load the start address of msg into the source index register
mov si,msg
; call a function to print it.
;This is a bit like calling a function in Java,

error :
;except that that function parameters are set up before the call
call printstring
;clear ax
xor ax,ax
; check the memory size
int 0x12
;show a message if there was an error jc error
; did the interrupt return a zero? test ax,ax
jz error
mov word [hex16], ax ;look at register call printhex16
call newline
jmp no error
mov si , errormsg call printstring
no error :
jmp $
%include ”printing.asm”
; this defines the message we want to print.
;13 and 10 are the codes for a new line at the end of the string ;0 marks the end of the string
msg db ”MyNewOS 0.1”,10,13,0 errormsg db ”Error” ,10 ,13 ,0
times 510−($−$$) db 0 dw 0xaa55
Read the code carefully to understand how it is doing it.
12. Compile and run the code. Look at the value that the program outputs and convert it to
decimal. It should be < 640kb. 4 User input 13. You can read a character from the keyboard by loading the value 0 into the ah register and calling routine 0x16. It returns the character in the al register. Write a program that reads a character from the keyboard and print it on the screen. 14. Now extend your code to read and print out characters in an infinite loop. 15. Modify the code to print out the hex value of each character. 5 Reflections Well done! You have now written some software in one of the most difficult programming envi- ronments and with one of the most difficult languages. If you were going to extend your small program into a basic operating system, consider the following: 16. How would you accept commands from the user? 17. How would you run a user program? 18. How would you manage access to resources for a user program? 6 Graphics BIOS routine 0x10 allows us to control the video mode. 19. Set al to 0x13 and ah to 0x00. Then call int 0x10. This switches to 300x200 graphics mode. To set a pixel, call int 0x10 with ah set to 0x0C, al to a colour value (see http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/BIOS_color_attributes). cx must contain the column and dx the row of the pixel. 20. Now draw an image on the screen: • Entire screen in blue • French flag • Chessboard • Gradient from lightgreen to darkgreen • ... You will find the following instructions useful to generate these (and other) images: jcxz, dec, jcc, inc, sub, add, div, mul. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_instruction_listings# Original_8086.2F8088_instructions to understand how you can use them. For more video functions see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INT_10H. Appendix General Registers (AX, BX, CX, and DX) • AX (Accumulator): This is the accumulator register. It gets used in arithmetic, logic and data transfer instructions. In manipulation and division, one of the numbers involved must be in AX or AL. AX means we are referring to the extended 16bit A register. Its upper and lower byte are separately accessible as AH (A high byte) and AL (A low byte). All general- purpose registers can be accessed as one 16bit register or as two 8bit registers. The two registers AH and AL are part of the big whole AX. Any change in AH or AL is reflected in AX as well. AX is a composite or extended register formed by gluing together the two parts AH and AL. AX: [ AH , AL ] • BX (Base Register), CX (Count register), DX (Data Register), SP (Stack Pointer), BP (Base Pointer), SI (Source Index), DI (Destination Index) , ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit). BIOS Functions BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) was created to offer generalised low-level services to early PC system programmers. The BIOS functions are organised by interrupt number: • INT 0x10 = Video display functions • INT 0x16 = keyboard functions • INT 0x13 = mass storage (disk, floppy) access • INT 0x15 = memory size functions Interrupt Jump Table See http://www.ctyme.com/intr/int.htm Examples: • VIDEO - TELETYPE OUTPUT (Int 10 / AH=0Eh) Inputs: AH = 0Eh (i.e. 0x0e) AL = character to write BH = page number BL = foreground colour (graphics modes only) Returns: Nothing Description: Display a character on the screen • KEYBOARD - GET KEYSTROKE (Int 16 / AH=00h) AH = 00h Returns: AH = BIOS scan code AL = ASCII character Getting Started + Bootloader Record http://goo.gl/5D6JMm