留学生作业代写 module Verify (Disk, Peg, Move, verify) where

module Verify (Disk, Peg, Move, verify) where

*DO NOT* load any modules.

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Recall the towers of Hanoi game:

n disks of increasing size are stacked on one of three Pegs. This is called a
“tower of disks” or simply “tower”.

The objective of the game is to move the tower to another Peg while abiding by
the following rules:
1/ Move one disk at a time from peg to peg.
2/ Larger disks cannot stack on top of smaller disks.
3/ A disk that is underneath a disk cannot be moved.

We wrote a program to solve this problem that encoded the solution as a list
of tuples (d, p) where each tuple was interpreted as “Move disk d to Peg p”.

The disks are numbered 1, 2,…,n

The Pegs are numbered 0, 1, 2.

Write a function that, given a LIST OF MOVES comprised of tuples representing
a (supposed) solution to the Towers of Hanoi Problem, VERIFIES that the solution

Here “solution” means moving an n-disk tower from Peg 0 to Peg 2 without
viloating conditions.

REJECT ANYTHING ELSE including moving the tower from Peg 0 to Peg 1.


When given
moves :: [(Integer, Integer)]
you may assume

1/ The input is well-formed. That is,
all [d > 0 && (p==0 || p==1 || p==2) | (d,p) <- moves] 2/ The number of disks in play is presumed to be maximum [d | (d,_) <- moves] > verify []

> verify [(1,2)]

> verify [(1,1),(1,0),(1,2)]
True — Not optimal, but still valid.

> verify [(1,1),(1,1),(1,2)]
True — Nothing prohibits moving a disk to the same peg.

> [(1,1),(2,2),(1,2)]

> [(2,2),(1,2)]
False — Because Disk 2 was moved while underneath Disk 1.

type Disk = Integer
type Peg = Integer
type Move = (Disk, Peg)

verify :: [Move] -> Bool
verify = undefined

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com