程序代写代做代考 mips assembly algorithm OS161 exercises (from old exams)

OS161 exercises (from old exams)
NOTE: the text includes comments on exam correction criteria and/or possible/frequent errors (they were deliberately left)
1. Function as_define_region (file dumbvm.c) is partially shown in the figure below. Suppose that parameters as and vaddr reveive (hexadecimal) values 0x80048720 and 0x412370, respectively, and sz value (decimal) 4128. PAGE_SIZE is defined as 4096, and PAGE_FRAME as 0xfffff000. Simulate the instructions shown by showing, for each of them, (hexadecimal) values of operand(s) and result (the value assigned to a variable).
as_define_region(struct addrspace *as, vaddr_t vaddr, size_t sz, int readable, int writeable, int executable) {
size_t npages;
/* Align the region. First, the base… */ sz += vaddr & ~(vaddr_t)PAGE_FRAME;
vaddr &= PAGE_FRAME;
/* …and now the length. */
sz = (sz + PAGE_SIZE – 1) & PAGE_FRAME; npages = sz / PAGE_SIZE;

sz += vaddr & ~(vaddr_t)PAGE_FRAME; vaddr &= PAGE_FRAME;
sz = (sz + PAGE_SIZE – 1) & PAGE_FRAME; npages = sz / PAGE_SIZE;
4096 = 0x1000 4128 = 0x1020
0x1020 += 0x412370 & 0x000FFF sz <- 0x1020+0x370 = 0x1390 0x412370 &= 0xFFF000 vaddr <- 0x412000 sz <- (0x1390+0xFFF) & 0xFFF000 = 0x2000 npages <- 0x2000 / 0x1000 = 2 Now suppose that the value received by sz be smaller than the page size (e.g. 4090). Is it possible to obtain value 2 for npages? (motivate the answer) 2. The figure below shows function getfreeppages, that allocates an interval of npages contiguous free pages in physical memory. Yes. It is indeed possible, as the segment is aligned to a page multiple/boundary, both for its start and end positions. As a matter of fact, we have internal fragmentation at both sides of the segment (first and last page). With value 4090 = 0xFFA, sz would first get value 0xFFA+0x370 = 0x126A, then 0x2000. static paddr_t getfreeppages(unsigned long npages) { paddr_t addr = 0; long i, first, found, np = (long)npages; if (found>=0) {
for (i=found; i= np)
found = first;
/* first-fit */
/* best-fit */

Which allocation policy is implemented by the function? Choose among best-fit, worst-fit, first-fit or other (motivate the answer) ?
None of the three proposed.
First-fit NO because iterations don’t stop with the first solution found
Best-fit and Worst fit NO as no search for minimum/maximum is implemented/operated
The returned solution is the last one among those that are (possibly) found. One could name the policy “last-fit”.
FREQUENT/POSSIBLE ERROR: consider the proposed solution as implementing a first-fit policy COMMENT (for the next question, modifying the program): most of the students that were able to notice the last-fit policy were also able to correct it and transform it to first-fit.
Fewer students were able to face the search problem: finding the “minimum among the intervals of length >= np” (or npages).
Notice that the proposed algorithm is O(nRamFrames) and that the original/given code checks the interval length (for sake of simplicity) at each intermediate entry within an interval.
If worst-fit (searching a maximum) was the goal, the patch could be simpler: just checking the length at each iteration and possibly updating a max variable.
On the other hand, best-fit needs to check against the minimum just at the end of an interval (not in the middle)
I’ve seen solutions with complexity O(nRamFrames*npages) based on a double iteration; though ness efficient, they can be considered as correct, whereas I don’t consider as acceptable any solution based on an “existing” auxiliary array filled with interval lengths: such an array would partly solve the problem, but (beyond the memory cost) it would require an extra cost in order to keep it up-to-date at each allocation/freeing (or one should show how to fill the array when needed, as a preprocessing step of getfreeppages).
Modify the function (filling the empty frame with your modifications/patches, limited to instructions in grey background) in order to implement a first-fit policy, as well as a best-fit one.
static paddr_t
getfreeppages(unsigned long npages) {
paddr_t addr = 0;
long i, first, found, np = (long)npages;
if (!isTableActive()) return 0; spinlock_acquire(&freemem_lock);
for (i=0,first=found=-1;i= np) found = first;
} }
if (found>=0) {
for (i=found; i= found = first; break;
} …
found<0; i++) { structured loop */ np) { /* best fit: search the minimum (by chacking length just at the end of a free interval) */ int min; ... /* multiple nested if statements could be replaced by a single if with a condition obtained by AND-ing all sub-conditions */ /* if if last frame in an interval */ (i==nRamFrames-1 || !freeRamFrames[i+1]) /* if size OK */ if (i-first+1 >= np)
/* if better than temporary best(min) */ if (found<0 || i-first+1 < min) { found = first; min = i-first+1; } ... 3. Explain, within the framework of function syscall(), the role of variable callno, that is assigned value tf- >tf_v0.
Discuss/comment the following instructions, located at the end of function syscall() (specify the meaning/content of the tf_v0 e tf_a3 within the trapframe)
The variable works as the selector of the system call to be executed, used in function syscall in order the drive the switch-case statement. The tf->tf_v0 field in the trapframe is assigned by the (assembly) instructions that handle the trap and call mips_trap and syscall.
if (err) {
tf->tf_v0 = err;
tf->tf_a3 = 1;
else {
tf->tf_v0 = retval;
tf->tf_a3 = 0;
The instructions handle the return value status:
• v0 holds the return value of the system call (equal to the
error code in case of error)
• a3 holds the error status success(0)/error(1)
4. Consider the implementation of a lock in OS161. Which thread should be considered as the owner of the lock?
• The thread that created the lock?
NO. Creating the lock doesn’t mean to be the owner.
• The last thread calling function lock_acquire?
• other…(complete)
Consider the implementation of functions lock_release and lock_do_i_hold shown in the figure below. The function contain errors: identify them and provide a possible correction/patch (motivation/explanation needed)
NOT necessarily. Just in case the lock_acquire was done on the lock that we are considering (so not another one) and the thread actually acquired the lock (so not still waiting)
See previous answer: the owner of a lock is the thread that called lock_acquire on that lock and passed the possible wait (for the lock to become available).
void loc_release(struct lock *lock) { KASSERT(lock != NULL); spinlock_acquire(&lock->lk_lock); KASSERT(lock_do_i_hold(lock)); lock->lk_owner=NULL; wchan_wakeone(lock->lk_wchan, &lock->lk_lock); spinlock_release(&lock->lk_lock);
lock_do_i_hold(struct lock *lock) {
spinlock_acquire(&lock->lk_lock); if (lock->lk_owner==curthread)
return true; spinlock_release(&lock->lk_lock); return false;
lock_do_i_hold is wrongly handling the “return true” without releasing the spinlock. A possible correct version of the function can be obtained by usong a Boolean flag (ret) and a unified return statement (as an alternative, one could explicitly add spinlock_release before returning true):
bool lock_do_i_hold(struct lock *lock) { bool ret; spinlock_acquire(&lock->lk_lock);
ret = lock->lk_owner==curthread; spinlock_release(&lock->lk_lock); return ret;
lock_release is wrongly acquiring the spinlock before calling lock_do_i_hold, that will internally try to acquire the same spinlock. So this would be a deadlock problem. Moving spinlock_acquire after calling lock_do_i_hold is a possible solution.

5. Consider a multi-core system (sys161 configured with multiple CPUs). Explain why mutual exclusion cannot be guaranteed by simple interrupt disabling/enabling.
Given the code below (reduced to essential parts) for semaphore functions P and V
Because the interrupt would be disabled just on the current CPU, which wouldn’t prevent the execution (and interruption) of other threads on other CPUs.
WARNING: Extending interrupt disabling to all CPUs would not be enough, as parallel threads could be already running on them, potentially competing for shared resources. So interrupt disabling only works on a single core platform, as the running thread is guaranteed to be the only one running at a given time.
void P(struct semaphore *sem) { spinlock_acquire(&sem->sem_lock); while (sem->sem_count == 0) {
wchan_sleep(sem->sem_wchan, &sem->sem_lock);
sem->sem_count–; spinlock_release(&sem->sem_lock);
void V(struct semaphore *sem) { spinlock_acquire(&sem->sem_lock); sem->sem_count++; KASSERT(sem->sem_count > 0); wchan_wakeone(sem->sem_wchan,
&sem->sem_lock); spinlock_release(&sem->sem_lock);
Answer the following questions:
• What is the role of the spinlock (in both functions)?
• Why does P wait on a while loop, instead of just adopting an if (sem->sem_count == 0), conditional statement, whereas no loop is present in the V function?
The spinlock is needed in order to allow using the wait-channel, and call functions wchan_sleep and wchan_wakeone an owned spinlock. The spinlock is mandatory. In practice, it has the role of providing mutual exclusion on sem->sem_count
WARNING: A “generic” answer, just explaining the role of spinlocks is considered just as a partially correct answer. The question is on the role of the spinlock within the given functions, not in general.
Because the synchronization scheme implemented between wchan_wakeone and wchan_sleep (waking up the waiting thread, implemented following the “Mesa” semantics, instead of the “Hoare” one) doesn’t guarantee that the condition, true when calling wchan_wakeone, still be true at the return from wchan_sleep. Other threads could modify it in the meanwhile.
FREQUENT ERROR: consider “spurious”/erroneous awakenings. NO ERRONEOUS AWAKENINGS OCCUR. The problem simply lies with the presence of multiple concurrent threads/processes that could be correctly working and modifying the observed condition. The threads could be for instance activated by other calls to V, and, without guaranteeing a chronology-based scheduling (Hoare semantics), they could modify the semaphore counter before the thread goes from READY to RUN status.
• Why does wchan_sleep receive a spinlock as parameter? Is it a reason/motivation holding for wchan_wakeone?
The wchan_sleep function needs to release the spinlock, before putting the thread on “wait” state. The spinlock has to be later acquired upon awakening (before returning to the caller). The wchan_wakeone function has nothing to do with the spinlock (the Unix/Linux versions of the function, for instance, have NO spinlock parameter): in OS161 is simply passed in order to be checked (by a KASSERT, to prevent potential errors by the programmer), as the thread is supposed to own the spinlock when calling wchan_wakeone. FREQUENT ERRORS: consider that the spinlock is necessary to guarantee mutual exclusion within either wchan_sleep or wchan_wakeone: NO. The functions do not internally need the spinlock as they do not have a critical section. Spinlock ownershiop is asserted in order to verify that the CALLING THREAD operates in a correct way, NOT to guarantee that the wait channel operates correctly (though obviously wchan_sleep needs to release and later acquire the spinlock).
Another (worse) error: think that the thread goes in wait state on the spinlock. This isn’t true: the spinlock just provides (fast) mutual exclusion, not wait/signal synchronization
• Can a call to wchan_wakeone wake up more than on thread waiting on wchan_sleep? If NO, why? If YES, how can we release just one among the threads waiting on function P?
NO. Function wchan_wakeone guarantees that just one thread is awakened, among all the ones waiting on wchan_sleep. The wchan_wakeall function is the one waking all waiting threads.