CS代写 Introduction to Security: Week 2 – Networking

Introduction to Security: Week 2 – Networking

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Networking Basics

Network Protocols

The OSI Model


A unit of data in computer networking

What is a packet

It’s how the web works: a request-response protocol

What is the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Cables, repeaters, hubs, binary transmission

What is the Physical layer

The first part of the TCP handshake

What is SYN

The number of layers on the OSI model

A file containing many packets

What is a PCAP file

This is the “telephone book” of the Internet, translates domain names into IP addresses

What is DNS

This layer has all the things that you know and use: email, web browsing, file transfer

What is the Application layer

You use this protocol to securely connect to a remote server (e.g., homework.cs.tufts.edu)

What is SSH

The TCP handshake process is commonly known as this

What is the Three Way Handshake

This is the world’s largest computer network

What is the Internet

No handshaking, just throwing data at you

What is UDP

The layer that provides source and destination IPv4 address

What is the Internet layer

A computer that provides data to other computers

What is a server

The common port number for HTTP

What is 80

A famous graphical and extensive packet analyzer, formerly known as Ethereal

What is Wireshark

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is commonly known for this

What is ping

This is where the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) resides; providing source and destination ports, and data

What is the Transport layer

The layer on the OSI model that maintains connections

What is the Session layer

The common port number for SSH

What is 22

This is a series of organizational and technical documents containing specification and policies pertaining to the different aspects of the Internet.

What is Request for Comments (RFC)

Maps IP address to MAC address on a network, used for spoofing too

What is the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

Think MAC address, a unique identifier assigned to a network device

What is the Data Link layer

A software structure within a network node of a computer network that serves as an endpoint for sending and receiving data across the network

What is a socket

Because everyone got this wrong on Hacker Jeopardy at DEF CON: the commonly known port number for File Transfer Protocol (FTP) (https://twitter.com/defcon/status/1160056016148393984?lang=en)

What is 21

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Networking and Packets

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Original source: https://jeopardylabs.com/

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com