CS代写 ACM 23, 2 (Feb. 1980), pp 105-117. An earlier version was presented at the

Experience with Processes and Monitors in Mesa1
Butler W. Lampson
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
. Business Systems

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

The use of monitors for describing concurrency has been much discussed in the literature. When monitors are used in real systems of any size, however, a number of problems arise which have not been adequately dealt with: the semantics of nested monitor calls; the various ways of defining the meaning of WAIT; priority scheduling; handling of timeouts, aborts and other exceptional conditions; interactions with process creation and destruction; monitoring large numbers of small objects. These problems are addressed by the facilities described here for concurrent programming in Mesa. Experience with several substantial applications gives us some confidence in the validity of our solutions.
Key Words and Phrases: concurrency, condition variable, deadlock, module, monitor, operating system, process, synchronization, task
CR Categories: 4.32, 4.35, 5.24 1. Introduction
In early 1977 we began to design the concurrent programming facilities of Pilot, a new operating system for a personal computer [18]. Pilot is a fairly large program itself (24,000 lines of Mesa code). In addition, it must support a variety of quite large application programs, ranging from database management to inter-network message transmission, which are heavy users of concurrency; our experience with some of these applications is discussed later in the paper. We intended the new facilities to be used at least for the following purposes:
Local concurrent programming. An individual application can be implemented as a tightly coupled group of synchronized processes to express the concurrency inherent in the application.
1 This paper appeared in Communications of the ACM 23, 2 (Feb. 1980), pp 105-117. An earlier version was presented at the 7th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Pacific Grove, CA, Dec. 1979. This version was created from the published version by scanning and OCR; it may have errors.
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Experience with Processes and Monitors in Mesa 1

Global resource sharing. Independent applications can run together on the same machine, cooperatively sharing the resources; in particular, their processes can share the processor.
Replacing interrupts. A request for software attention to a device can be handled directly by waking up an appropriate process, without going through a separate interrupt mechanism (for example, a forced branch).
Pilot is closely coupled to the Mesa language [17], which is used to write both Pilot itself and the applications programs it supports. Hence it was natural to design these facilities as part of Mesa; this makes them easier to use, and also allows the compiler to detect many kinds of errors in their use. The idea of integrating such facilities into a language is certainly not new; it goes back at least as far as PL/1 [1]. Furthermore, the invention of monitors by Dijkstra, Hoare, and Brinch Hansen [3, 5, 8] provided a very attractive framework for reliable concurrent programming. There followed a number of papers on the integration of concurrency into programming languages, and at least one implementation [4].
We therefore thought that our task would be an easy one: read the literature, compare the alternatives offered there, and pick the one most suitable for our needs. This expectation proved to be naive. Because of the large size and wide variety of our applications, we had to address a number of issues which were not clearly resolved in the published work on monitors. The most notable among these are listed below, with the sections in which they are discussed.
(a) Program structure. Mesa has facilities for organizing programs into modules which communicate through well-defined interfaces. Processes must fit into this scheme (see Section 3.1).
(b) Creating processes. A set of processes fixed at compile-time is unacceptable in such a general-purpose system (See Section 2). Existing proposals for varying the amount of concurrency were limited to concurrent elaboration of the statements in a block, in the style of Algol 68 (except for the rather complex mechanism in PL/1).
(c) Creating monitors. A fixed number of monitors is also unacceptable, since the number of synchronizers should be a function of the amount of data, but many of the details of existing proposals depended on a fixed association of a monitor with a block of the program text (see Section 3.2).
(d) WAIT in a nested monitor call. This issue had been (and has continued to be) the source of a considerable amount of confusion, which we had to resolve in an acceptable manner before we could proceed (see Section 3.1).
(e) Exceptions. A realistic system must have timeouts, and it must have a way to abort a process (see Section 4.1). Mesa has an UNWIND mechanism for abandoning part of a sequential computation in an orderly way, and this must interact properly with monitors (see Section 3.3).
(f) Scheduling. The precise semantics of waiting on a condition variable had been discussed [10] but not agreed upon, and the reasons for making any particular choice had not been articulated (see Section 4). No attention had been paid to the interaction between monitors and priority scheduling of processes (see Section 4.3).
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(g) Input-Output. The details of fitting I/O devices into the framework of monitors and condition variables had not been fully worked out (see Section 4.2).
Some of these points have also been made by Keedy [12], who discusses the usefulness of monitors in a modern general-purpose mainframe operating system. The Modula language [21] addresses (b) and (g), but in a more limited context than ours.
Before settling on the monitor scheme described below, we considered other possibilities. We felt that our first task was to choose either shared memory (that is, monitors) or message passing as our basic interprocess communication paradigm.
Message passing has been used (without language support) in a number of operating systems; for a recent proposal to embed messages in a language, see [9]. An analysis of the differences between such schemes and those based on monitors was made by Lauer and Needham [14]. They conclude that, given certain mild restrictions on programming style, the two schemes are duals under the transformation
message process send/reply
Since our work is based on a language whose main tool of program structuring is the procedure, it was considerably easier to use a monitor scheme than to devise a message-passing scheme properly integrated with the type system and control structures of the language.
Within the shared memory paradigm, we considered the possibility of adopting a simpler primitive synchronization facility than monitors. Assuming the absence of multiple processors, the simplest form of mutual exclusion appears to be a non-preemptive scheduler; if processes only yield the processor voluntarily, then mutual exclusion is insured between yield points. In its simplest form, this approach tends to produce very delicate programs, since the insertion of a yield in a random place can introduce a subtle bug in a previously correct program. This danger can be alleviated by the addition of a modest amount of “syntactic sugar” to delineate critical sections within which the processor must not be yielded (for example, pseudo monitors). This sugared form of non-preemptive scheduling can provide extremely efficient solutions to simple problems, but was nonetheless rejected for four reasons:
(1) While we were willing to accept an implementation that would not work on multiple processors, we did not want to embed this restriction in our basic semantics.
(2) A separate preemptive mechanism is needed anyway, since the processor must respond to time-critical events (for example, I/O interrupts) for which voluntary process switching is clearly too sluggish. With preemptive process scheduling, interrupts can be treated as ordinary process wakeups, which reduces the total amount of machinery needed and eliminates the awkward situations that tend to occur at the boundary between two scheduling regimes.
(3) The use of non-preemption as mutual exclusion restricts programming generality within critical sections; in particular, a procedure that happens to yield the processor cannot be called. In large systems where modularity is essential, such restrictions are intolerable.
Experience with Processes and Monitors in Mesa 3

(4) The Mesa concurrency facilities function in a virtual memory environment. The use of non- preemption as mutual exclusion forbids multiprogramming across page faults, since that would effectively insert preemptions at arbitrary points in the program.
For mutual exclusion with a preemptive scheduler, it is necessary to introduce explicit locks, and machinery that makes requesting processes wait when a lock is unavailable. We considered casting our locks as semaphores, but decided that, compared with monitors, they exert too little structuring discipline on concurrent programs. Semaphores do solve several different problems with a single mechanism (for example, mutual exclusion, producer/consumer) but we found similar economies in our implementation of monitors and condition variables (see Section 5.1).
We have not associated any protection mechanism with processes in Mesa, except what is implicit in the type system of the language. Since the system supports only one user, we feel that the considerable protection offered by the strong typing of the language is sufficient. This fact contributes substantially to the low cost of process operations.
2. Processes
Mesa casts the creation of a new process as a special procedure activation that executes concurrently with its caller. Mesa allows any procedure (except an internal procedure of a monitor; see Section 3.1) to be invoked in this way, at the caller’s discretion. It is possible to later retrieve the results returned by the procedure. For example, a keyboard input routine might be invoked as a normal procedure by writing:
buffer ReadLine[terminal]
but since ReadLine is likely to wait for input, its caller might wish instead to compute
p FORK ReadLine[terminal]; … … buffer JOIN p;
Here the types are
ReadLine: PROCEDURE [Device] RETURNS [Line];
The rendezvous between the return from ReadLine that terminates the new process and the join
in the old process is provided automatically. ReadLine is the root procedure of the new process.
This scheme has a number of important properties.
(h) It treats a process as a first class value in the language, which can be assigned to a variable or an array element, passed as a parameter, and in general treated exactly like any other value. A process value is like a pointer value or a procedure value that refers to a nested procedure, in that it can become a dangling reference if the process to which it refers goes away.
(i) Themethodforpassingparameterstoanewprocessandretrievingitsresultsisexactlythe same as the corresponding method for procedures, and is subject to the same strict type
Experience with Processes and Monitors in Mesa 4

checking. Just as PROCEDURE is a generator for a family of types (depending on the argument and result types), so PROCESS is a similar generator, slightly simpler since it depends only on result types.
(j) Nospecialdeclarationisneededforaprocedurethatisinvokedasaprocess.Becauseofthe implementation of procedure calls and other global control transfers in Mesa [13], there is no extra execution cost for this generality.
(k) The cost of creating and destroying a process is moderate, and the cost in storage is only twice the minimum cost of a procedure instance. It is therefore feasible to program with a large number of processes, and to vary the number quite rapidly. As Lauer and Needham [14] point out, there are many synchronization problems that have straightforward solutions using monitors only when obtaining a new process is cheap.
Many patterns of process creation are possible. A common one is to create a detached process that never returns a result to its creator, but instead functions quite independently. When the root procedure p of a detached process returns, the process is destroyed without any fuss. The fact that no one intends to wait for a result from p can be expressed by executing:
From the point of view of the caller, this is similar to freeing a dynamic variable—it is generally an error to make any further use of the current value of p, since the process, running asynchronously, may complete its work and be destroyed at any time. Of course the design of the program may be such that this cannot happen, and in this case the value of p can still be useful as a parameter to the Abort operation (see Section 4.1).
This remark illustrates a general point: Processes offer some new opportunities to create dangling references. A process variable itself is a kind of pointer, and must not be used after the process is destroyed. Furthermore, parameters passed by reference to a process are pointers, and if they happen to be local variables of a procedure, that procedure must not return until the process is destroyed. Like most implementation languages, Mesa does not provide any protection against dangling references, whether connected with processes or not.
The ordinary Mesa facility for exception handling uses the ordering established by procedure calls to control the processing of exceptions. Any block may have an attached exception handler. The block containing the statement that causes the exception is given the first chance to handle it, then its enclosing block, and so forth until a procedure body is reached. Then the caller of the procedure is given a chance in the same way. Since the root procedure of a process has no caller, it must be prepared to handle any exceptions that can be generated in the process, including exceptions generated by the procedure itself. If it fails to do so, the resulting error sends control to the debugger, where the identity of the procedure and the exception can easily be determined by a programmer. This is not much comfort, however, when a system is in operational use. The practical consequence is that while any procedure suitable for forking can also be called sequentially, the converse is not generally true.
Experience with Processes and Monitors in Mesa 5

3. Monitors
When several processes interact by sharing data, care must be taken to properly synchronize access to the data. The idea behind monitors is that a proper vehicle for this interaction is one that unifies
• the synchronization,
• the shared data,
• the body of code which performs the accesses.
The data is protected by a monitor, and can only be accessed within the body of a monitor procedure. There are two kinds of monitor procedures: entry procedures, which can be called from outside the monitor, and internal procedures, which can only be called from monitor procedures. Processes can only perform operations on the data by calling entry procedures. The monitor ensures that at most one process is executing a monitor procedure at a time; this process is said to be in the monitor. If a process is in the monitor, any other process that calls an entry procedure will be delayed. The monitor procedures are written textually next to each other, and next to the declaration of the protected data, so that a reader can conveniently survey all the references to the data.
As long as any order of calling the entry procedures produces meaningful results, no additional synchronization is needed among the processes sharing the monitor. If a random order is not acceptable, other provisions must be made in the program outside the monitor. For example, an unbounded buffer with Put and Get procedures imposes no constraints (of course a Get may have to wait, but this is taken care of within the monitor, as described in the next section). On the other hand, a tape unit with Reserve, Read, Write, and Release operations requires that each process execute a Reserve first and a Release last. A second process executing a Reserve will be delayed by the monitor, but another process doing a Read without a prior Reserve will produce chaos. Thus monitors do not solve all the problems of concurrent programming; they are intended, in part, as primitive building blocks for more complex scheduling policies. A discussion of such policies and how to implement them using monitors is beyond the scope of this paper.
3.1 Monitor modules
In Mesa the simplest monitor is an instance of a module, which is the basic unit of global program structuring. A Mesa module consists of a collection of procedures and their global data, and in sequential programming is used to implement a data abstraction. Such a module has PUBLIC procedures that constitute the external interface to the abstraction, and PRIVATE proce- dures that are internal to the implementation and cannot be called from outside the module; its data is normally entirely private. A MONITOR module differs only slightly. It has three kinds of procedures: entry, internal (private), and external (non-monitor procedures). The first two are the monitor procedures, and execute with the monitor lock held. For example, consider a simple storage allocator with two entry procedures, Allocate and Free, and an external procedure Expand that increases the size of a block.
Experience with Processes and Monitors in Mesa 6

StorageAllocator: MONITOR = BEGIN availableStorage: INTEGER: moreAvailable: CONDITION:
UNTIL availableStorage 􏲳 size
DO WAIT moreAvailable ENDLOOP;
p 􏲴remove chunk of size words & update availableStorage> END;
NOTIFY moreAvailable END;
; Free[pOld] END;
A Mesa module is normally used to package a collection of related procedures and protect their private data from external access. In order to avoid introducing a new lexical structuring mechanism, we chose LO make the scope of a monitor identical to a module. Sometimes, however, procedures that belong in an abstraction do not need access to any shared data, and hence need not be entry procedures of the monitor; these must be distinguished somehow.
For example, two asynchronous processes clearly must not execute in the Allocate or Free procedures at the same time; hence, these must be entry procedures. On the other hand, it is unnecessary to hold the monitor lock during the copy in Expand, even though this procedure logically belongs in the storage allocator module; it is thus written as an external procedure. A more complex monitor might also have internal procedures, which are used to structure its computations, but which are inaccessible from outside the monitor. These do not acquire and release the lock on call and return, since they can only be called when the lock is already held.
If no suitable block is available, Allocate makes its caller wait on the condition variable moreAvailable. Free does a NOTIFY to this variable whenever a new block becomes available; this causes some process waiting on the variabl

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