程序代写代做代考 interpreter algorithm html clock graph C javascript Haskell Java go file system Elm » Assignments » Assignment 1: Shapes

» Assignments » Assignment 1: Shapes
In this assignment, you will build a Haskell program that uses the CodeWorld API to draw colourful shapes on the screen, including lines, polygons, rectangles, circles, ellipses, and parallelograms.
This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade.
Part A: Sunday August 23, 2020, at 11:00pm Canberra time sharp Part B: Sunday September 6, 2020, at 11:00pm Canberra time sharp
Indicative marks and feedback for Part A will be returned in week 6.
Required Knowledge
If you have finished the Week 3 Lab, you should be able to complete Part A.
If you have finished the Week 4 Lab, you should be able to complete the majority of the assignment. Some parts require recursion over lists, which is covered in the Week 5 Lab.
Overview of Tasks
Part A of the assignment requires you to complete Task A1.
Part B of the assignment requires you to complete all tasks.
As you complete each task (or even each function within a task), you should commit and push your work with a sensible commit message.
The purpose of Part A is to give you an opportunity to collect feedback on your code and your progress in the course, and for us to give you an indicative mark for your work so far. This will be returned to you before the census date. Part A will be re-marked alongside your Part B submission, giving you a final mark for the assignment.
Getting Started
1. Create a fork of the assignment repository for yourself from https://gitlab.cecs.anu.edu.au/comp1100/comp1100-assignment1 and clone a project for it in VSCodium, following the same steps as in Lab 2.
2. Add our version of the repository as a remote called upstream , using the following steps. This allows us (course staff) to provide updates to you if they are required.
Go to the command palette in VSCodium by pressing Ctrl + Shift + p Type git remote
Click Git: Add Remote
Enter upstream into the box for the remote name
Use the following URL as the remote: https://gitlab.cecs.anu.edu.au/comp1100/comp1100-assignment1.git . Overview of the Repository
Most of your code will be written in Haskell files in the src/ directory. We use the model-view-controller pattern to structure this assignment. Each file is called a module, and we use modules to group related code together and separate unrelated code.
The model is a data type that describes the state of the running program. The program will move to new states (new values of type Model ) in response to user actions, as defined by the controller.
The view turns the model into something that can be shown on the screen; in this project, that is a CodeWorld Picture . Controller.hs
The controller considers user input (and other events), along with the current model, and uses that to decide what the new model should be.
Other Files
Helper Functions
20 marks
Rendering Shapes
30 marks
Handling Events
25 marks
Calculating Areas
10 marks
Technical Report
15 marks
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contains some unit tests: simple checks that verify small parts of your program are working correctly. You are not required to write tests for this assignment, but you might find it useful to do so.
tests/Testing.hs is a small testing library used by tests/ShapesTest.hs . You are not required to understand it for this assignment.
ties all your functions together into the final program that runs. You are not required to understand it.
tells cabal tool how to build your assignment. You are not required to understand this file, and we
will discuss how to use cabal below.
Setup.hs tells cabal that this is a normal package with no unusual build steps. Some complex packages (that we won’t see in this
course) need to put more complex code here. You are not required to understand this file.
Overview of Cabal
cabal is the build tool for Haskell programs and libraries. It provides several useful commands:
: Compile your assignment.
: Build your assignment (if necessary), and run the shapes program.
: Run the GHCi interpreter over your project. This gives you the same ghci environment you use in labs, but with the assignment code loaded. (Aside: REPL is the name for interactive sessions like GHCi — it stands for read-
eval-print loop. Many modern languages have REPLs.)
cabal v2-test : Build and run the tests. Tests will abort on the first failure, or the first call to a function that is still undefined .
You should execute these cabal commands in the top-level directory of your project: ~/comp1100/assignments/comp1100- assignment1 (i.e., the directory you are in when you launch the VSCodium Terminal for your project).
Overview of the Program
You use a web browser to interact with the shapes program that you launched with cabal v2-run shapes . Once you have completed the assignment, it will respond to the following actions:
cabal v2-build
cabal v2-run shapes
cabal v2-repl comp1100-assignment1
Clear the canvas
M (key)
Display a mystery image
C (key)
Cycle colour (of shape to draw)
T (key)
Cycle tool (type of shape to draw)
Backspace /
Remove the last added shape
(arrow) (key)
If the last drawn shape was either a rectangle or an ellipse, rotate it about its centre by 1 degree anticlockwise. Otherwise, do nothing
(arrow) (key)
As with
, but rotate clockwise.
D (key)
Print the current
to the terminal (useful for testing)
Click-drag-release (mouse)
When not drawing polygons, draw a shape between the click-point and release-point
Click (mouse)
When drawing polygons, add a point to the polygon
Finish drawing a polygon, adding it to the canvas.
Task A1: Helper Functions (20 marks)
One way to solve a large problem is to break it into smaller, easier problems. This also works for programming. In this task you will write some
helper functions that will make future tasks easier. You can test your implementations by running cabal v2-test . The functions you need to write for this task are:
toolToLabel in src/View.hs . This function should return instructions for the user on how to use each Tool , according to the following table:
“Line… click-drag-release”
“Polygon… click 3 or more times then spacebar”
“Rectangle… click-drag-release”
“Circle… click-drag-release”
“Ellipse… click-drag-release”
“Parallelogram… click two opposite vertices, then a third”
Note: At the time this assignment is released, the course will have only briefly covered lists. You do not need to manipulate lists to write toolToLabel ; you can use a blank pattern ( _ ) to ignore them.
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nextColour in src/Controller.hs . This function should return the next colour in our set of ColourName s:

nextTool in src/Controller.hs . This function implements tool-switching, but should not change Tool if the user is halfway through an operation:
If the tool is not holding a point (that is, a non- PolygonTool holding (in all fields) or a holding the empty list ), select the next tool in the following sequence: Line -> -> -> -> ->
-> Line -> ….
If there is a stored in the given tool (because it’s holding a Just value or the list in PolygonTool is non-empty), return the argument unchanged.
If this is unclear, study the nextToolTests in test/ShapesTest.hs .
Note: At the time this assignment is released, the course will have only briefly covered lists. You can write the PolygonTool case for nextTool without using list recursion. Use [] to match an empty list. In a subsequent case, give the entire list a name like points
to match any nonempty list (or you can find a way to use the blank pattern).
Submitting Part A
Your submission for Part A should include implementations of toolToLabel , nextColour and nextTool that compile without warnings and pass the tests run by cabal v2-test . You are welcome to continue working on Part B of your assignment and committing and pushing changes, so long as the code continues to compile and the tests continue to pass.
Task B2: Rendering Shapes (30 marks)
In src/View.hs ,
currently does not work, because function to convert the
launching the program with
for this task are all in :
converts your
type into a CodeWorld Picture , so that it can be displayed on the screen. It is . In this task you will fill in that missing piece, building up a into a . You can test these functions individually by using cabal v2-
to show small pictures on the screen. You can also test everything as a whole by and pressing the M key to show the mystery image. The functions you need to write
colourNameToColour : This function turns a ColourName from the model into a CodeWorld Colour . You should check the CodeWorld documentation for information on colours.
: This function turns your Shape into a CodeWorld . You will need to consider the constructors for individually, and work out the best way to turn each one into a Here are some hints to help you along:
CodeWorld has no function to draw a single line segment. It does have a function to draw a line made of multiple segments:
polyline .
Polygons, rectangles, circles, ellipses, and parallelograms should be drawn as solid (filled) Picture s.
Rectangles and ellipses should also be rotated about their centre by their angle of rotation (in radians).
Most of CodeWorld’s functions draw individual shapes centred on the origin: (0, 0) . You will need to figure out how to slide (translate) the generated Picture so it lands where it’s supposed to go. Drawing some pictures by hand will help you to think about this. The function will also help: it computes the absolute value of its argument (i.e., abs x == x if x > 0 , and
Ellipses are specified as two opposite coordinates for a bounding box that wraps the ellipse. CodeWorld has no primitive that draws an ellipse, but an ellipse is a stretched circle. Does CodeWorld have a function to stretch (scale) a Picture ?
While CodeWorld has no primitive for parallelograms, it does have a primitive that can draw parallelograms.
You do not have to completely implement this function for all of the shapes before moving onto other functions. If you have written code to render Rectangle s but nothing else, you can create a drawing out of Rectangle s only, and check that your other functions work, before returning to finish .
: This function should render the and colour it using the Colour that corresponds to the given
Picture .
from your
repl comp1100-assignment1
, using
cabal v2-run shapes
abs x == negate x
over the input list. If you have not yet completed Lab 5, you may want to work on other parts of the assignment and come back to this.
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: This function should turn every ColourShape in a list into a single Picture . You will need to recurse

Here is an example of the mystery image for you to test yours against:
Task B3: Handling Events (25 marks)
Now it is time to tackle handleEvent in src/Controller.hs . CodeWorld calls this function whenever something interesting happens (like a key press, a pointer press, or a pointer release). This function is called with two arguments:
The Event that just happened, and
The current Model at the time the Event happened.
handleEvent then returns a new Model describing the new the state of the picture.
Aside: Elm is a functional programming language that uses a similar pattern to build front-end web applications that are compiled to
Let’s trace a simple interaction. Suppose that the user wants to draw a red line by clicking on the screen at coordinates (1, 1) and releasing
the mouse at coordinates (2, 2). Starting at a blank canvas, the state would transition as follows, with the initial model:
1. Model [] (LineTool Nothing) Black
2. The user presses “C” to change the colour from black to red:
3. The user presses the mouse button at (1, 1) changing the state to
4. The user releases the mouse button at (2, 2) changing the state to
Nothing) Red
Note that the Tool and the do not reset to the default values after a shape has been drawn. However, the Maybe Point
inside the tool reverts to .
Task B3.1: Handling Mouse Input
CodeWorld provides a few different event constructors for mouse input, but the ones we’re interested in are PointerPress for when the user clicks, and PointerRelease for when the user releases the mouse button.
When a event arrives, you will need to store it in the current Tool . For everything except PolygonTool , you will store it in the argument. For PolygonTool , you will add it to the list of vertices.
When a event arrives, we can ignore it for PolygonTool because we’ll finish polygons using the spacebar in Task B3.2.
For everything else, a means the end of a click-drag-release action, so you should construct the appropriate shape and
add it to the [Shape] in the Model . You should also remove the starting point from the current Tool , so that future shapes draw properly Loading [MathJax]/jax/output/CommonHTML/fonts/TeX/fontdata.js
Model [] (LineTool Nothing) Red
Model [] (LineTool (Just (1.0,1.0))) Red
Model [(Red,Line (1.0,1.0) (2.0,2.0))] (LineTool
Maybe Point

Task B3.2: Handling Key Presses
To handle keyboard input, CodeWorld provides a KeyPress event. This case is already present in the assignment skeleton, because we have implemented some keyboard functionality already. In the “Overview of the Program” section, we listed the full set of keyboard commands that your program will respond to. You need to implement the missing functionality for these keys:
Cycle colour (of shape to draw)
Cycle tool (type of shape to draw)
Backspace /
Remove the last added shape
Finish drawing a polygon, adding it to the canvas.
Rotate last drawn shape about its centre by 1 degree anticlockwise if applicable.
As with left, but clockwise.
If you have made it this far, you should not need to write a lot of code to implement these. A few hints: Think back to Task A1.
with no shapes drawn should not crash the program. Nor should any other unexpected input. Try to test all unexpected cases.
Task B4: An Area Problem (10 marks)
The text at the bottom of the screen should (for anything but lines and parallelograms) display the total area of all the shapes you have drawn using that tool.
Your task is to fix the function in src/View.hs , areaShapes to have this behaviour, rather than returning 0 on all input. That is, areaShapes should calculate the following depending on the tool:
Backspace /
0 (which so happens to be the area of any number of lines you may draw.)
The total area of all rectangles in the list of shapes.
The total area of all circles in the list of shapes.
The total area of all ellipses in the list of shapes.
The total area of all parallelograms in the list of shapes.
0. If you wish, you may try to calculate the area of polygons drawn but this will not be marked.
A hint to get you started: The other tasks have been broken down into smaller pieces. Try and break this problem down in a similar way. Task B5: Technical Report (15 marks)
You should write a concise technical report of no more than 1000 words explaining your design choices in implementing your program. The word count maximum is a limit, not a quota; concise presentation is a virtue. If you can write a coherent report in fewer words then please do so.
Your report must be in PDF format, located at the root of your assignment repository on GitLab and named Report.pdf . Otherwise, it may not be marked.
The report must have a title page with the following items:
Your name
Your laboratory time and tutor Your university UID number
Contents and Structure
Your audience is the tutors and lecturers, who are proficient at programming and understand most concepts. Therefore you should not, for example, waste words describing the syntax of Haskell or how recursion works. After reading your technical report, the reader should thoroughly understand what problem your program is trying to solve, the reasons behind major design choices in it, as well as how it was tested. Your report should give a broad overview of your program, but focus on the specifics of what you did and why.
Remember that the tutors have access to this assignment specification, and if your report only contains details from here then you will receive minimal marks. Below is a potential outline for the structure of your report and some things you might discuss in it.
If you wish to do so you can write an introduction. In it, give:
A brief overview of your program:
how it works; and
what it is designed to do.
If you have changed the way the controls work, or added something that may make your program behave unexpectedly then it would
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This section is particularly relevant to more complicated programs.
Talk about why you structured the program the way you did. You might consider the following sections:
Program design
Describe what each relevant function does conceptually. (i.e. how does it get you closer to solving the problems outlined in this assignment spec?)
How do these functions piece together to make the finished program? Why did you design and implement it this way?
What major design choices did you make regarding the functions that you’ve written, and the overall structure of your program?
Describe assumptions you have made about how a user might use the program, and how this has influenced your design decisions.
How did you test individual functions?
Be specific about this — the tutors know that you have tested your program, but they want to know how.
Describe the tests that prove individual functions on their own behave as expected (i.e. testing a function with different inputs and doing a calculation by hand to check that the outputs are correct).
How did you test the entire program? What tests did you perform to show that the program behaves as expected in all (even unexpected) cases?
Again, be specific: did you check that you can draw shapes from left to right? What about right to left? An ellipse is defined by the two opposite corners of a bounding box — did you check that it fits perfectly within a rectangle drawn from the same two input points?
Have you checked edge cases (this is a computer science term that refers to unexpected or unlikely inputs that may cause a program to crash or behave in strange ways)? It is not likely that someone would try to change the tool halfway through drawing a shape, but it is essential that it has behaviour defined for that scenario. Describe similar tests that you have done to ensure the program can handle all inputs.
Inspiration / external content
What resources did you use when writing your program (e.g., published algorithms)?
If you have used resources such as a Web page describing an algorithm, be sure to cite it properly at the end of your report in a ‘References’ section. References do not count to the maximum word limit.
Discuss the reasoning behind your decisions, rather than what the decisions were. You can reflect on not only the decisions you made, but the process through which you developed the final program:
Did you encounter any conceptual or technical issues?
If you solved them, describe the relevant details of what happened and how you overcame them.
Sometimes limitations on time or technical skills can limit how much of the assignment can be completed. If you ran into a problem that you could not solve, then your report is the perfect place to describe them. Try to include details such as:
theories as to what caused the problem;
suggestions of things that might have fixed it; and
discussion about what you did try, and the results of these attempts.
What would you have done differently if you were to do it again
What changes to the design and structure you would make if you wrote the program again from scratch?
Are parts of the program confusing for the reader? You can explain them in the report (in this situation you should also make use of comments in your code).
If you collaborated with others, what was the nature of the collaboration? (Note that you are only allowed to collaborate by sharing ideas, not code.)
Collaborating is any discussion or work done together on planning or writing your assignment. Other information
You may like to briefly discuss details of events which were relevant to your process of design — strange or interesting things that you noticed and fixed along the way.
This is a list of suggestions, not requirements. You should only discuss items from this list if you have something interesting to write. Things to avoid in a technical report
Line by line explanations of large portions of code. (If you want to include a specific line of code, be sure to format as described in the “Format” section below.)
Pictures of code or VSCodium.
Content that is not your own, unless cited.
Grammatical errors or misspellings. Proof-read it before submission.
Informal language — a technical report is a professional document, and as such should avoid things such as:
Unnecessary abbreviations (atm, btw, ps, and so on), emojis, and emoticons; and
Stories / accounts of events not relevant to the development of the program.
Irrelevant diagrams, graphs, and charts. Unnecessary elements will distract from the important content. Keep it succinct and focused.
If you need additional help with report writing, the academic skills writing centre has a peer writing service and writing coaches.
You are not required to follow any specific style guide (such as APA or Harvard). However, here are some tips which will make your report more pleasant to read, and make more sense to someone with a computer science background.
Colours should be kept to a minimum. If you need to use colour, make sure it is absolutely necessary.
If you are using graphics, make sure they are vector graphics (that stay sharp even as the reader zooms in on them). Loading [MathJax]/jax/output/CommonHTML/fonts/TeX/fontdata.js

Any code, including type/function/module names or file names, that appears in your document should have a monospaced font (such as Consolas, Courier New, Lucida Console, or Monaco)
Other text should be set in serif fonts (popular choices are Times, Palatino, Sabon, Minion, or Caslon).
When available, automatic ligatures should be activated.
Do not use underscore to highlight your text. Text should be at least 1.5 spaced.
Do not post your code publicly, either on Piazza or via other forums. Posts on Piazza trigger emails to all students, so if by mistake you post your code publicly, others will have access to your code and you may be held responsible for plagiarism.
Once again, and we cannot stress this enough: do not post your code publicly . If you need help with your code, post it privately to the instructors.
When brainstorming with your friends, do not share code. There might be pressure from your friends, but this is for both your and their benefit. Anything that smells of plagiarism will be investigated and there may be serious consequences.
Sharing ideas and sketches is perfectly fine, but sharing should stop at ideas. Course staff will not look at assignment code unless it is posted privately in piazza.
Course staff will typically give assistance by asking questions, directing you to relevant exercises from the labs, or definitions and examples from the lectures.
Before the assignment is due, course staff will not give individual tips on writing functions for the assignment or how your code can be improved. We will help you get unstuck by asking questions and pointing you to relevant lecture and lab material. You will receive feedback on you work when marks are released.
Submission Checklist
Once you have finished your assignment, and preferably 24 hours prior to the deadline, you should make sure that:
You have fully read and understand the entire assignment specification.
Your work has been pushed to GitLab.
Your program compiles and runs, including the cabal v2-test test suite.
Your program works on the lab machines — if the program does not work on the lab machines, it might fail tests used by the instructors.
You have proof-read and spell-checked your report.
The report is in PDF format, located at the root of your project on GitLab and named Report.pdf . That capital R is important — Linux uses a case-sensitive file system. Otherwise, it may not be marked.
UPDATED: 28 Aug 2020 / RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Director, RSCS / PAGE CONTACT: Course Convenor
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