Programming Paradigms Week 5
Combinators Lambda Calculus
Faculty of Information Technology
Learning Outcomes
● Create interactive programs using Observable
● Create new functions from old functions using Combinators
● Relate the lambda calculus to functional programming
● Apply conversion and reduction rules to simplify lambda expressions
Observable Trees
The Observable o has three separate child subscriptions:
pos = document.getElementById(“pos”),
o = fromEvent
.pipe(map(({clientX, clientY})=>
({x: clientX, y: clientY})))
o.pipe(map(({x,y}) => `${x},${y}`))
.subscribe(s => pos.innerHTML = s)
o.pipe(filter(({x}) => x > 400))
.subscribe(_ =>
o.pipe(filter(({x}) => x <= 400))
.subscribe(_ =>
set text
filter x>400
add highlight
filter x<=400
remove highlight
Observer Chains
A separate observer chain is created for each subscribe, each with their own event listener:
set text
filter x>400
add highlight
filter x<=400
remove highlight
Beware of impurity in Observable chains with multiple subscribes
const pos = document.getElementById(“pos”)!,
o = fromEvent
.pipe(map(({clientX, clientY})=>{
console.log(`x=${clientX}, y=${clientY}`)
return ({x: clientX, y: clientY})
o.pipe(map(({x,y}) => `${x},${y}`))
.subscribe(s => pos.innerHTML = s)
o.pipe(filter(({x}) => x > 400))
.subscribe(_ => pos.classList.add(‘highlight’))
o.pipe(filter(({x}) => x <= 400))
.subscribe(_ => pos.classList.remove(‘highlight’))
<= side effect: print to console
Because the three subscribes cause three separate observer chains to be created, each mousedown event causes the effect to occur three times:
Cons Lists
Can we create lists with only lambda (anonymous) functions?
const cons = (x, y) => f => f(x, y)
const aList = cons(‘Lists’, cons(“don’t”, cons(“get”, cons(‘any’,
cons(‘simpler’, cons(‘than’, cons(‘this’,
const head = list => list((x, y)=> x)
const rest = list => list((x, y)=> y)
> “get”
Cons Lists – Curried
Can we create lists with only lambda (anonymous) functions?
const cons = x => y => f => f(x)(y)
const aList = cons(‘Lists’)(cons(“don’t”)(cons(“get”)(cons(‘any’)(
const head = list => list(x=> y=> x)
const rest = list => list(x=> y=> y)
Combinators are functions which are expressions of only their parameters They let us combine and transform other functions in various ways
I = x=> x
Identity: more useful than you might think! e.g. test map: == a
A function that ignores the second parameter. Where have we seen this before?
K = x=> y=> x
Cons list – with I and K combinators
cons = x=> y=> f=> f(x)(y)
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)( cons(3)(null))) f => f (3) (null)
I = i=> i,
K = x=> y=> x,
head = l=> l(K),
tail = l=> l(K(I))
K(I) ≡
≡ (x=> y=> x)(i=> i)
≡ y=> (i=> i) ≡ y=> x=> x
I := i=> i
K := x=> y=> x
beta reduction alpha equivalence
K(i=> i)
(pseudo lambda calculus with JS notation)
Exercise 1
To be announced…
Reducing reduce
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)(cons(3)(null)))
function reduce(f,i,l) {
if (l) {
return reduce(f, f(i,head(l)), tail(l))
} else {
return i; }
console.log(reduce((x,y)=>x+y, 0, aList)) >6
Reducing reduce
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)(cons(3)(null)))
function reduce(f,i,l) {
return l ?
reduce(f, f(i,head(l)), tail(l))
console.log(reduce((x,y)=>x+y, 0, aList)) >6
Reducing reduce
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)(cons(3)(null)))
function reduce(f,i,l) {
return l ? reduce(f, f(i,head(l)), tail(l)) : i;
console.log(reduce((x,y)=>x+y, 0, aList)) >6
Reducing reduce
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)(cons(3)(null)))
const reduce = (f,i,l) =>
l ? reduce(f, f(i,head(l)), tail(l)) : i
console.log(reduce((x,y)=>x+y, 0, aList)) >6
Reducing reduce
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)(cons(3)(null)))
const reduce = f => i => l =>
l ? reduce(f)(f(i,head(l)))(tail(l)) : i
console.log(reduce((x,y)=>x+y)(0)(aList)) >6
Reducing reduce
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)(cons(3)(null)))
const reduce = f => i => l =>
l ? reduce(f)(f(i)(head(l)))(tail(l)) : i
console.log(reduce(x=> y=> x+y)(0)(aList)) >6
Reducing reduce
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)(cons(3)(null)))
const fold = f=> i=> l=> l ? fold(f)(f(i)(head(l)))(tail(l)) : i
console.log(fold(x=> y=> x+y)(0)(aList)) >6
Reducing reduce
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)(cons(3)(null)))
const fold = f=> i=> l=> l ? fold(f)(f(i)(head(l)))(tail(l)) : i,
forEach = f=>l=>fold(_=>v=>f(v))(null)(l)
>1 >2 >3
K(f) ≡ K(v=> void)
≡ (x=> y=> x)(v=> void) ≡ y=> (v=> void)
≡ _=> v=> void
f := v=> void
K := x=> y=> x
Reducing reduce
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)(cons(3)(null)))
const fold = f=> i=> l=> l ? fold(f)(f(i)(head(l)))(tail(l)) : i,
forEach = f=>l=>fold(K(f))(null)(l)
>1 >2 >3
Reducing reduce
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)(cons(3)(null)))
const fold = f=> i=> l=> l ? fold(f)(f(i)(head(l)))(tail(l)) : i,
forEach = f=>l=>fold(K(f))(null)(l),
reverse = l=> fold(c=>v=>cons(v)(c))(null)(l)
>3 >2 >1
Reducing reduce
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)(cons(3)(null)))
const fold = f=> i=> l=> l ? fold(f)(f(i)(head(l)))(tail(l)) : i,
forEach = f=>l=>fold(K(f))(null)(l),
reverse = fold(c=>v=>cons(v)(c))(null)
>3 >2 >1
⇦ Tacit or Point-Free Style
Reducing reduce
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)(cons(3)(null)))
const fold = f=> i=> l=> l ? fold(f)(f(i)(head(l)))(tail(l)) : i,
forEach = f=>l=>fold(K(f))(null)(l),
flip = f=>a=>b=>f(b)(a),
reverse = fold(c=>v=>cons(v)(c))(null)
>3 >2 >1
Reducing reduce
const aList = cons(1)(cons(2)(cons(3)(null)))
const fold = f=> i=> l=> l ? fold(f)(f(i)(head(l)))(tail(l)) : i,
forEach = f=>l=>fold(K(f))(null)(l),
flip = f=>a=>b=>f(b)(a),
reverse = fold(flip(cons))(null)
>3 >2 >1
Exercise 2
To be announced…
const compose = (f, g) => x => f(g(x))
const marks = [‘80.4′,’100.000′,’90’,’99.25′,…],
students = [‘tim’,’sally’,’sam’,’cindy’,…]
const parseMarks = compose(map(Number), fromArray),
joined = zip(a=>b=>[a,b])(fromArray(students))(parseMarks(marks))
Array(2) [“Valentino Dalton”, 84.51]
Array(2) [“Hayden Walton”, 42.85]
Array(2) [“Jane Bryant”, 57.03]
Array(2) [“Ronald Hayes”, 52.99]
Array(2) [“Journey Bradshaw”, 65.39]
Array(2) [“Matias Guzman”, 35.57]
Array(2) [“Jaylah Hunt”, 11.88]
Array(2) [“Dangelo Russell”, 61.11]
Array(2) [“Giovani Hendricks”, 61.7]
Exercise 3
To be announced…
Lambda Calculus
I =𝛌x . x
I = x => x
lambda calculus expression JavaScript
Lambda Calculus – application
(𝛌 x . x) y
(x => x)(y)
lambda calculus expression JavaScript
Lambda Calculus
I =𝛌x . x
K =𝛌x y . x
I-Combinator K-Combinator
Lambda’s are always curried, i.e.:
𝛌 x y . x = 𝛌 x . 𝛌y . x Variables are free or bound:
u bound
𝛌 x y . x z = 𝛌 a b . a c = 𝛌 u . 𝛌v . u w
(𝛌 x y . x) (𝛌 x . x)
↖↑↗ Alpha equivalence
𝛌 x . M x = M
Eta conversion
w free
KI =
= 𝛌 y . x [x := 𝛌 x . x]
= 𝛌 y . (𝛌 x . x)
= 𝛌 yx . x ⇦ Equivalent due to currying
= 𝛌 xy . y ⇦ Alpha equivalence
⇦ Beta reduction
Lambda Calculus
Three operations:
– Alpha Equivalence
– expressions are equivalent if their variables are renamed
– Beta Reduction
– application of functions involves substituting the argument into the expression
– Eta Conversion
– wrapping a simple lambda around an expression does not change the expression
Lambda expressions are anonymous ( although we’ve been making “macros” (e.g. I,K) with = ) – They can’t refer to themselves! ( but there’s a trick for recursion: the Y-combinator )
Lambda calculus is a ridiculously simple model of computation And yet it is Turing Complete:
i.e. can compute everything that a Turing machine can compute, just as powerful as any other programming language
Unlike Turing Machines, lambda calculus is the basis of real languages! (from LISP to JavaScript to Haskell)