程序代写代做代考 ocaml Homework 6 (20 Points)

Homework 6 (20 Points)
The deadline for Homework 6 is Tuesday, March 19, 6pm. The late submission deadline is Saturday, March 23, 6pm.
Getting the code template
Before you perform the next steps, you first need to create your own private copy of this git repository. To do so, click on the link provided in the announcement of this homework assignment on Piazza. After clicking on the link, you will receive an email from GitHub, when your copy of the repository is ready. It will be available at https://github.com/nyu-pl-sp19/hw06- .
Note that this may take a few minutes.
Open a browser at https://github.com/nyu-pl-sp19/hw06- with your Github username inserted at the appropriate place in the URL.
Choose a place on your computer for your homework assignments to reside and open a terminal to that location.
Execute the following git command:
git clone https://github.com/nyu-pl-sp19/hw06-.git
The code template is provided in the file
Simply replace all occurrences of failwith “Not yet implemented” by your implementation of the corresponding function.
There are also some unit tests in
to help you test your code.
The root directory of the repository contains a shell script build.sh that you can use to compile your code and the unit tests. Simply execute
and this will compile everything. You will have to install ocamlbuild and ounit for this to work. Follow the OCaml setup instructions to do this. Assuming there are no compilation errors, this script will produce an executable file hw06_spec.native in the root directory:
To run the unit tests, simply execute

Note that the tests will initially fail with an error message “Not yet implement” for each unit test.
The root directory of the repository also contains a file .merlin , which is used by the Merlin toolkit to provide editing support for OCaml code in various editors and IDEs. Assuming you have set up an editor or IDE with Merlin, you should be able to just open the source code files and start editing. Merlin should automatically highlight syntax and type errors in your code and provide other useful functionality.
Important: Run build.sh once immediately after cloning the repository. This is needed so that Merlin is able to resolve the dependencies between the different source code files.
Submitting your solution
Once you have completed the assignment, you can submit your solution by pushing the modified code template to GitHub. This can be done by opening a terminal in the project’s root directory and executing the following commands:
You can replace “solution” by a more meaningful commit message. Refresh your browser window pointing at
and double-check that your solution has been uploaded correctly.
You can resubmit an updated solution anytime by reexecuting the above git commands. Though, please remember the rules for submitting solutions after the homework deadline has passed.
Problem 1: Higher-Order Functions (7 Points)
1. Reimplement the function
unzip: (‘a * ‘b) list -> ‘a list * ‘b list
from Homework 5 without recursion, using instead the function List.fold_right from OCaml’s List module. You should not use any other predefined functions. (2 Points)
git add .
git commit -m “solution”
git push

2. Implement the function fold_right using List.fold_left . Do not use any auxiliary recursive functions or any predefined functions other than List.fold_left . However, you are allowed to call List.fold_left more than once. (2 Points)
3. Implement a higher-order function
in_relation: (‘a -> ‘a -> bool) -> ‘a list -> bool
that takes a predicate p and a list xs and checks whether p x y evaluates to true for all consecutive elements x and y in xs . In particular, if we call in_relation with (<) for p on a list of integers, it will check whether the list is strictly sorted in increasing order. Examples: # in_relation (<) [1; 2; 3; 5; 6] ;; - : bool = true # in_relation (<) [1] ;; - : bool = true # in_relation (<) [] ;; - : bool = true # in_relation (<) [1; 3; 2] ;; - : bool = false # in_relation (=) [1; 1; 1] ;; - : bool = true # in_relation (=) [1; 1; 2] ;; - : bool = false # in_relation (fun x y -> y = x + 1) [1; 2] ;;
– : bool = true
# in_relation (fun x y -> y = x + 1) [1; 2; 4] ;;
– : bool = false
You are allowed to define auxiliary recursive functions but you are not allowed to use predefined recursive functions other than List.fold_left . Using List.fold_left is not mandatory. However, your implementation must be tail-recursive. (3 Points)
Problem 2: Algebraic Data Types (13 Points)
1. Consider the following algebraic data type which we can use to describe nested lists over some type ‘a :
type ‘a nlist =
| NList of (‘a nlist) list
| Atom of ‘a
Write a function

flatten: ‘a nlist -> ‘a list
that takes a nested list xss and returns the flattened list of atoms contained in xss .
# flatten (Atom 1) ;;
– : int list = [1]
# flatten (NList [Atom 1; Atom 2]) ;;
– : int list = [1; 2] ;;
# flatten (NList [Atom 1; NList []; Atom 2]) ;;
– : int list = [1; 2] ;;
# flatten (NList [Atom 1; NList [Atom 3; Atom 4]; Atom 5]) ;;
– : int list = [1; 3; 4; 5]
# flatten (NList [Atom 1; NList [Atom 2; Atom 3;
NList [Atom 4; Atom 5]; NList [Atom 6; Atom 7; NList [Atom 8];
Atom 9]; Atom 10]]) ;;
– : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10]
Note that the order of the atoms in the (nested) lists should be preserved in the output list.
Your implementation must be tail-recursive to obtain full points. The only predefined functions and operators on lists that you are allowed to use are List.rev , and @ (you won’t necessarily need all of them). (5 Points)
You may want to first implement a simpler non-tail-recursive version before you attempt the tail-recursive version.
To obtain a tail-recursive implementation, build up the result list in reverse order, then use reverse at the end to get the expected output list.
2. Consider the following ADT for describing binary search trees:
a. Write a function
fold: (‘a -> int -> ‘a) -> ‘a -> tree -> ‘a
that takes an operation op , an initial value z , and a tree t . Assuming an in-order traversal of t yields the list of integer values x1,…,xn in that order, then fold op z t should compute op (op… (op z x1)…) xn . (3 Points)
b. Use fold to implement a function list_of_tree: tree -> int list
type tree =
| Leaf
| Node of int * tree * tree

that computes the list of values stored in a tree in-order. You are additionally allowed to use the predefined function List.rev but no other predefined functions. In particular, your implementation should run in linear time in the size of the input tree. (2 Points)
c. Use fold to implement a function is_sorted: tree -> bool
that checks whether the given tree is strictly sorted in increasing order. You may assume that the tree does not contain the values min_int and max_int . (3 Points)