程序代写代做代考 Java algorithm CS1341 – Lab #1 Due: Saturday 9/12/2020 6:00am PRE-LAB [10 points]

CS1341 – Lab #1 Due: Saturday 9/12/2020 6:00am PRE-LAB [10 points]
Must be done prior to your lab class that meets the week of 8/31/20.
Read the “Java SE – JDK Installation Instructions provided by the instructor. Install the JDK (Java
Development Kit) on your own computer.
Type the program below into a file name “MyFirstProgram.java” using Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac) and compile it using javac in the Windows CMD window / or Mac Terminal window. Execute it using the “java” command in the Windows CMD window / or Mac Terminal window. Mac users – see the note at the end of this document regarding settings in the TextEdit app.
To use java and javac from the command line… Mac: Spotlight: Terminal
Windows*: Start->Run… and enter cmd
If this compiles and executes correctly, your installation of Java was successful. If you experience problems, ask for help from your lab instructor or Professor.

LAB – Using Algorithms [90 points]
Create a spreadsheet with solutions to the following four algorithm problems:
1) [20 points] – Population Growth
The population of the world is currently estimated to be 7.8 billion people, with an annual growth rate of 1.1%. Create a spreadsheet solution which uses formulas to calculate the estimated world population for the years 2020-2029. The solution should match the diagram below:
2) [20 points] – Investment Earnings
You recently received a windfall – a $10,000 gift from a relative and have decided to invest in a mutual fund. Although the fund gains or loses money each year, the average growth of the fund has been 9.69% per year over the past two decades. You will also deposit $50/month in the fund. Create a spreadsheet showing the end-of-year balance of the fund for the years 2020-2040.

3) [25 points] – Road Trip
Traveling by airplane is complicated these days, so you are considering five road trip options. Create the following spreadsheet that allows you to enter maximum driving miles per day, average driving speed, and the number of miles you will drive before taking a 15-minute break. Using those values, use formulas to calculate the values shown in the diagram below:
4) [25 points] – Walking vs. Scootering
Getting around most places on the SMU campus is usually done by walking, although scooters have become a new choice by some. Using an average walking speed of 3.1 MPH and scooter speed of 10 MPH, use formulas to calculate the estimated travel time for each of the distances shown in the diagram below. Note that you’ll need to convert hours to minutes:
Submit the Spreadsheet via Canvas. The file name should include your name, student id number, and “Lab 1-Fall 2020”.