程序代写代做代考 algorithm go chain COMP90045 Programming Language Implementation

COMP90045 Programming Language Implementation
Dataflow Analysis Revisited
Harald Søndergaard Lecture 23
Semester 1, 2019
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Monotone Framework
The data-flow analyses we’ve seen follow the same pattern:
assume the strongest possible information (no variables are live, all expressions are available, etc.) and weaken it until a “fixed point” is reached.
This is formalized as the monotone framework.
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Instances of the monotone framework are based on lattices.
A lattice is a set of objects L equipped with operators ⟨⊑, ⊔, ⊓⟩:
⊑ is a partial order
x ⊔ y (join) is the smallest element greater than both x and y x ⊓ y (meet) is the largest element smaller than both x and y
All our operations are monotone, that is:
x ⊑ y → f (x) ⊑ f (y).
This ensures each iteration moves upwards in the lattice.
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The Liveness Lattice
Example program:
{x,y} {x,z} {y,z} {x} {y} {z} ∅
L = (P({x,y,z}),⊆)
var x,y,z;
x = input; while (x > 1) {
y = x/2;
if (y > 3) x = x − y ; z = x − 4;
if (z > 0) x = x/2;
z = z − 1;
output x;
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The Available Expressions Lattice
var x,y,z,a,b;
z = a + b;
y = a ∗ b;
while (y > a + b) {
a = a + 1;
x = a + b; }
we have 4 different nontrivial expressions, so our lattice is: L=(P({a+b,a∗b,y >a+b,a+1}),⊇)
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The Available Expressions Lattice
L=(P({a+b,a∗b,y >a+b,a+1}),⊇) {}
{a+b} {a∗b}
{y >a+b} {a+1}
{a+b,a∗b} {a+b,y >a+b} {a∗b,y >a+b} {a+b,a+1} {a∗b,a+1} {y >a+b,a+1}
{a+b,a∗b,y >a+b} {a+b,a∗b,a+1} {a+b,y >a+b,a+1} {a∗b,y >a+b,a+1}
{a + b, a ∗ b, y > a + b, a + 1}
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Naive Fixed Point Algorithm
If the CFG has nodes v1,v2,…,vn, then we work in the lattice Ln. Assuming that node vi generates the dataflow equation
[vi ] = Fi ([v1], . . . , [vn]), we construct the function F : Ln → Ln: F(x1,…,xn) = (F1(x1,…,xn),…,Fn(x1,…,xn))
The naive algorithm is this (⊥ is the smallest element):
x = (⊥,…,⊥);
do {t = x;x = F(x);} while (x ̸= t) ;
This produces the least fixed point x in finite time, provided the lattice has no infinite ascending chains.
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Chaotic Iteration
A better way exploits the fact that our lattice has the structure Ln:
x1 = ⊥; . . . ; xn = ⊥; do {
t1 =x1;…;tn =xn; x1 = F1(x1,…,xn); …;
xn = Fn(x1,…,xn);
}while(x1 ̸=t1 ∨x2 ̸=t2 ∨···∨xn ̸=tn);
This chaotic iteration computes the least fixed point (x1, …, xn). Calculating ⊥, F(⊥), F(F(⊥)) and so on until the sequence is
stationary is sometimes called Kleene iteration.
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Worklist Algorithm
Better yet, take node dependencies into account. Typically, each Fi will depend only on a few variables.
For each node v let the function influences : V → P(V) give the set of nodes u for which [v] occurs in a nontrivial manner in the right-hand side of u’s equation.
That is, influences(v) is the set of nodes whose information may depend on v’s information.
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Worklist Algorithm
x1 =⊥;…;xn =⊥; q = [v1,…,vn]; while (q ̸= [ ]) {
vi = q.head();
y = Fi(x1,…,xn); q = q.tail();
if (y ̸= xi ) {
for (v ∈ influences(vi)) q.append(v);
xi =y; }
In practice this saves much time.
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Example 1: Very Busy Expressions
In the last lecture we saw two examples of dataflow analysis, to discover liveness and available expressions. Let us go through some more examples.
An expression is very busy if it is definitely evaluated again before its value changes.
To approximate this property, we need the same lattice and auxiliary functions as for available expressions.
For every CFG node v the variable [v] denotes the set of very busy expressions at the program point before the node.
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Very Busy Expressions: Dataflow Constraints
Define exps(e1 op e2) = {e1 op e2} ∪ exps(e1) ∪ exps(e2)—for all other expressions e, we have exps(e) = ∅.
JOIN(v) = 􏰃 [w] w∈succ(v)
The constraint for the exit node is: [exit] = {}
For conditions and output e we have: [v] = JOIN(v) ∪ exps(e) For an assignment x = e: [v] = JOIN(v) ↓ x ∪ exps(e)
For all other nodes: [v] = JOIN(v)
Here ↓ x removes every expression that refers to x.
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Very Busy Expressions: Example Program
Moving the computation of a ∗ b to the earliest point where it is still very busy:
var x,a,b;
x = input;
a = x − 1;
b = x − 2; while (x > 0) {
output a∗b−x;
x = x − 1; }
output a ∗ b;
var x,a,b,atimesb; x = input;
a = x − 1;
b = x − 2;
atimesb = a ∗ b; while (x > 0) {
output atimesb − x;
x = x − 1; }
output atimesb;
Here the analysis shows a ∗ b to be very busy in the loop.
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Example 2: Sign Analysis
To determine the sign (+, 0, −) of all expressions we do not need a powerset lattice, but just the small sign lattice Sign:
⊤ +0−

The full lattice for our analysis is the map lattice Vars 􏰀→ Sign, where Vars is the set of program variables.
For each CFG node v we assign a variable [v] that maps to each program variable its possible sign at that point.
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Sign Analysis: Dataflow Constraints
JOIN(v) = 􏰁 [w] w∈pred(v)
For declaration var x1,…,xn: [v] = JOIN(v)[x1 􏰀→ ⊤,…,xn 􏰀→ ⊤] For an assignment x = e: [v] = JOIN(v)[x 􏰀→ eval(JOIN(v),e)] For all other nodes: [v] = JOIN(v)
Here eval performs an abstract evaluation of expressions:
eval(σ,k) = sign(k)
eval(σ,x) = σ(x)
eval(σ,e1 ope2)=op(eval(σ,e1),eval(σ,e2))
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Sign Analysis: op


















Similarly for the other operations.
Note that these operations are monotone, as are ⊔ and ⊓. This guarantees that the analysis will terminate.
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Example 3: More Precise Sign Analysis
The previous sign analysis is crude; much precision is lost.
For example, (3 − 2) == 1 yields ⊤, when we would hope for 1.
Similarly +/+ yields ⊤ because we cannot distinguish 8/4 from 4/8—the latter evaluating to 0.
This suggests we should enrich the sign lattice with elements 1, 0+, and 0- to keep track of more precise abstract values and describe the abstract operators by
8 × 8 tables.

0+ +

0− −
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Example 4: Constant Propagation
For every program point, determine the variables that have a constant value.
A different lattice, but the constraints are as in the sign analysis. ⊤ (unknown value)
··· −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 ··· ⊥ (no value)
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Constant Propagation: Dataflow Constraints
JOIN(v) = 􏰁 [w] w∈pred(v)
For declaration var x1,…,xn: [v] = JOIN(v)[x1 􏰀→ ⊤,…,xn 􏰀→ ⊤]
For an assignment x = e: [v] = JOIN(v)[x 􏰀→ eval(JOIN(v),e)]
For all other nodes: [v] = JOIN(v)
Here eval performs an abstract evaluation of expressions: eval(σ,k) = k
eval(σ,x) = σ(x)
 ⊥ i f e 1 = ⊥ o r e 2 = ⊥ eval(σ,e1ope2)= ⊤ ife1 =⊤ore2 =⊤
 op(eval (σ, e1 ), eval (σ, e2 )) otherwise
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Constant Folding
var x,y,z;
x = 27;
y = input;
z = 2 ∗ x + y; if (x < 0) { y = z − 3; } else { y = 12; } output y; var x,y,z; x = 27; y = input; z = 54 + y ; if (0) { y = z − 3; } else { y = 12; } output y; Constant propagation justifies this transformation. The result can then be simplified to output 12;. ⇒ PLI (Sem 1, 2019) Dataflow Analysis Revisited ⃝c University of Melbourne 20 / 41 Example 5: Parity Analysis read n 416 yes halt n == 1 no 2 7 yes 3 neven 5 Aside: This is the famous “3n + 1” program coming out of Collatz’s problem in number theory: Does the program halt for all n > 0?
n = n/2
n = 3*n+1
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Parity Analysis: Lattice of Values
read n
416 yes


n == 1
no 2
n even
n = n/2
n = 3*n+1

e o ⊤
⊥⊥⊥⊥ ⊥eo⊤ ⊥oe⊤ ⊥⊤⊤⊤


e o ⊤
⊥⊥⊥⊥ ⊥eee ⊥eo⊤ ⊥e⊤⊤
halve (⊥) = ⊥ halve(o) = ⊤ halve(e) = ⊤ halve (⊤) = ⊤
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Parity Analysis: Flow Equations
read n
416 yes
n1 = ⊤ ⊔ n4 ⊔ n6 n2 = n1 ⊓ ⊤
n3 = n2 ⊓ e
n4 = halve(n3) n5 = n2 ⊓ o
n6 =(o∗n5)+o n7 = n1 ⊓ o
yes 3
n even
n == 1
n = n/2
n = 3*n+1
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Parity Analysis: Solving the Equations
We can think of the set of equations as defining a function F: n1 ⊤⊔n4⊔n6  ⊤ 
  n3   n2 ⊓ e   n2 ⊓ e 
F  n4  n5  n6 n7
 =  halve(n3)  =  halve(n3)    n2⊓o   n2⊓o 
  (o∗n5)+o   (o∗n5)+o  n1 ⊓ o n1 ⊓ o
Starting from (⊥, ⊥, ⊥, ⊥, ⊥, ⊥, ⊥) and repeatedly applying F takes us to the solution (the least fixed point of F):
(n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7) = (⊤,⊤,e,⊤,o,e,o)
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Parity Analysis: Using the Information
The analysis allows us to improve the program, avoiding many tests:
read n
416 yes
n == 1
no 2
3 neven 5
n = n/2
n = 3*n+1
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Distributive Dataflow Problems
By monotonicity, we have f (x ∪ y) ≥ f (x) ∪ f (y) A function is distributive if f (x ∪ y) = f (x) ∪ f (y) Benefits of distributivity: joins lose no information!
k(h(f (⊥)∪g(⊥))) = k(h(f (⊥))∪h(g(⊥))) = k(h(f (⊥)))∪k(h(g(⊥)))
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Accuracy of Dataflow Analyses
Ideally we would like to compute the join all over paths solution:
fs is the transfer function for statement s foreachpaths1,…,sn wecancomputefp =fsn ◦…◦fs1 let path(s) be the set of paths from the entry to s
JOP(s) = 􏰂 fp(⊥) p∈path(s)
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Computing Join all Over Paths
Loops results in an infinite number of paths Exponential blow up of number of paths
Compute joins early at merge points rather than at the end This is our standard way of solving data flow equations and it is
called Minimal Fixed-Point (MFP)
If a dataflow analysis is distributive then JOP = MFP. Otherwise, JOP ≤ MFP.
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Examples of Distributive Dataflow Analyses
Available Expressions Very Busy Expressions Reaching Definitions Uninitialized Variables
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Non-Distributive Example: Constant Propagation
y =1
One possibility:
eval ([x 􏰀→ 1, y 􏰀→ 2] ∪ [x 􏰀→ 2, y 􏰀→ 1], z = x + y ) = ⊤ An alternative:
eval ([x 􏰀→ 1, y 􏰀→ 2], z = x + y ) = [x 􏰀→ 1, y 􏰀→ 2, z 􏰀→ 3] eval ([x 􏰀→ 2, y 􏰀→ 1], z = x + y ) = [x 􏰀→ 2, y 􏰀→ 1, z 􏰀→ 3] [x 􏰀→2,y 􏰀→1,z 􏰀→3]∪[x 􏰀→1,y 􏰀→2,z 􏰀→3]=[z 􏰀→3]
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Example 6: Interval Analysis
An interval analysis computes for every integer variable a lower and an upper bound for its possible values.
The lattice describing a single variable is defined as: Interval = {[lo, hi] | lo, hi ∈ N ∧ lo ≤ hi} ∪ {⊥}
N = {−∞,…,−2,−1,0,1,2,…,∞}
is the set of integers extended with infinite endpoints and the order
on intervals is:
[lo1,hi1]⊑[lo2,hi2]⇔lo2 ≤lo1 ∧hi1 ≤hi2
corresponding to inclusion of points.
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The Interval Lattice
[−∞, ∞]
[−∞, 1]
[−∞, 0] [−2, 2]
[−1, ∞]
[0, ∞]
[−∞, −1]
[−2, 1] [−1, 2] [−2, 0] [−1, 1] [0, 2]
[1, ∞]
[−2, −1] [−1, 0] [0, 1]
··· [−2,−2] [−1,−1] [0,0] [1,1] [2,2] ···

[1, 2]
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Interval Analysis: Ascending Chains
The lattice has infinite ascending chains, for example, [0,0] ⊑ [0,1] ⊑ [0,2] ⊑ [0,3] ⊑ [0,4] ⊑ [0,5]…
This carries over to the lattice we would ultimately use, namely: L = Vars 􏰀→ Interval
We return shortly to how the associated termination problem can be solved.
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Interval Analysis: Constraints
JOIN(v) = 􏰁 [w] w∈pred(v)
For the entry node: [entry ] = λx .[−∞, ∞]
For an assignment x = e: [v] = JOIN(v)[x 􏰀→ eval(JOIN(v),e)] Foraconditionalif x≤k:[v]=JOIN(v)⊓[x􏰀→[−∞,k]] Other comparisons are treated in similar ways.
For other nodes: [v] = JOIN(v)
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Interval Analysis: Constraints
The function eval is defined:
eval(σ, k) = [k, k]
eval(σ,x) = σ(x)
eval(σ,e1 ope2)=op(eval(σ,e1),eval(σ,e2))
and the abstract operators are defined by:
op([l1,h1],[l2,h2]) = [ min x op y, max x op y]
x∈[l1,h1],y∈[l2,h2] x∈[l1,h1],y∈[l2,h2]
(Why so complicated? We will explore this in a tutorial exercise.)
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Achieving Convergence through Widening
Since the interval lattice has infinite ascending chains, Kleene iteration may not terminate.
That is, for the lattice Ln, the sequence of approximants Fi(⊥,…,⊥) need never converge.
We may then resort to widening: Coarsening of information. We can introduce a function w : Ln 􏰀→ Ln so that the sequence:
(F ◦w)i(⊥,…,⊥)
now converges on a fixed-point that is larger than every F i (⊥, . . . , ⊥)
and thus represents sound information about the program.
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Widening: Giving a Longer Leash
For our interval analysis, w is defined pointwise down to single intervals. It operates relative to a fixed finite subset B with {−∞, ∞} ⊆ B ⊂ N.
Typically, B will be seeded with all the integer constants found in the given program, but other heuristics can also be used.
On a single interval we have:
w([lo,hi])=[max{i ∈B |i ≤lo},min{i ∈B |hi ≤i}]
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Narrowing: Pulling Back In Again
Widening shoots above the target, but subsequent narrowing may improve the result.
Narrowing means applying λz . z ⊓ F (z ).
This may refine our result and it cannot produce unsound
Narrowing may be repeated as long as you please, and you may stop whenever you please.
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Widening Example
Consider the program:
x = 90;
y = 0;
x = x + 1; while (input) {
x = 90;
x = x + 1; y = y + 1;
For the program point after the loop, without widening, the analysis will produce the diverging sequence of approximants shown on the right—not very useful.
[x 􏰀→ ⊥, y 􏰀→ ⊥]
[x 􏰀→ [91, 91], y 􏰀→ [0, 1]] [x 􏰀→ [91, 91], y 􏰀→ [0, 2]] [x 􏰀→ [91, 91], y 􏰀→ [0, 3]] .
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Widening Example
If we apply widening, based on the set B = {−∞, 0, 1, 90, ∞}, we obtain a converging sequence:
[x 􏰀→ ⊥, y 􏰀→ ⊥]
[x 􏰀→ [90, ∞], y 􏰀→ [0, 1]] [x 􏰀→ [90, ∞], y 􏰀→ [0, 90]] [x 􏰀→ [90, ∞], y 􏰀→ [0, ∞]]
The result for x is disappointing, but a single application of narrowing refines the interval to the optimal result:
[x 􏰀→ [91, 91], y 􏰀→ [0, ∞]]
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Further Reading
Parts of this lecture are based on Michael Schwartzbach’s Lecture Notes on Static Analysis, available out there somewhere on the inter-web.
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