程序代写代做代考 DHCP 158.235 Networks, Security, and Privacy: Assignment 1

158.235 Networks, Security, and Privacy: Assignment 1
Friday 11 September 2020 23:55
20 marks (= 20% of your final grade)
Late submission
1 mark off per day late
This assignment must be done individually. Your submission will be checked for plagiarism against other assignments.
To demonstrate student’s understandings in the Internet TCP/IP model;
– basic decimal/binary operations
– how data is encoded and transmitted over the physical infrastructure
– how TCP protocol works
– how to design and configure a network system via the Packet Tracer simulation
Part 1 (10%):
a) Physical & Link Layer
Address the following questions.
1. Split your student ID number into two 4-digit component, e.g. if your student ID is 02345678, you split it into ‘0234’, and ‘5678’. Then, convert the two decimal numbers (i.e. ‘0234’ and ‘5678’) into their binary representation. You need to show your calculation in how you convert the decimal into binary.
(1 mark)
2. Convert your first name, only first 3 characters only, into their ASCII (8-bit version) binary
(1 mark)
3. Show how the binary representation of your names, only first 3 characters, is to be modulated
using Manchester encoding
(1 mark)
4. Take the ASCII of your first character from Q(2). Derive the message being sent when ‘Hamming Code’ is applied (i.e., add the parity bits). Also, assume that there was an error in the 7th bit of your original ASCII code (for example, my original ASCII for my first character was 01001010 -for the Capital ‘J’, but it was received as 01001000 – 7ths bit changed). Describe how you can use the Hamming Code to detect and fix the error (assume using Even Parity)
(2 marks)

b)Transport Layer – TCP Protocol
Fill up all the SEQUENCE number and ACKNOWLEGEMENT number in the following message exchange. Hint: when there is no message length specified, this means the size of the message length is 1 byte.
(3 marks)
Requests a virtual circuit (TCP connection) and negotiates packet size with B TCP 3-way handshake
Sends data packets one by one (in order)
Closes connection
4-way handshake
SYN (Seq: 0, Ack: 0) SYN + ACK (Seq:
ACK (Seq: , Ack:
, Ack: )
Data (Seq: 10, Ack: 10, Len: 50)
Data (Seq:
Data (Seq:
Data 3 (Seq: Ack (Seq:
, Ack:
, Ack:
, Ack: , Ack: )
, Len: 100)
, Len 50)
, Len: 60)
FIN (Seq: 300 , Ack: 350 )
ACK (Seq: , Ack:
FIN + ACK (Seq: ACK (Seq: , Ack:
, Ack: ) )
c) Network Layer – IP Fragmentation
A network layer has received the following segment from the transport layer which to forward to the underlying Ethernet protocol with the MTU size = 1500. Provide IP fragmentation packets which include the information at each packet:
• the total length, fragmentation management, and the size of the data

Part 2 (10%):
Network Simulation using Packet Tracer (10 marks)
As part of restructuring at the Cyber University, a new Faculty of Innovation has been established. The faculty encompasses Computer Science (CS) and Engineering disciplines (ENG). You have been tasked to design the network for the new faculty. The Default Gateway and Router01 are part of the existing network, and the faculty has been assigned address space.
1. Divide the assigned address space between faculty admin (FA), CS, and ENG subnets such that the ENG subnet gets 253 IP addresses, Faculty Admin and CS subnets get 125 IP addresses each.
2. Construct the following network topology in Packet Tracer. Ensure that all the hostnames and network addresses are well labeled.

3. Define appropriate IP addresses for networks, routers’ interfaces, default gateways, and host ranges on each subnet (fill-in the table below).
Net ID
Subnet Mask
Start IP
End IP
Connection between Default_Gateway and Router1
Connection between
Router1 and Router2
4. Configure DHCP services on Router02 such that the VPCs (FA1, CS1, and EN1) can get IP addresses dynamically assigned (IP addresses must be assigned based on the IP ranges as Part 4.) – Please also include the commands you use for DHCP configuration on router into your report.
5. Configure the routers and create appropriate routing tables on each router. You should be able to ping the Default_Gateway from Router02 and vice versa.

Use the following checklist to ensure you network is configured correctly.

Router2 can ping Router1
Router2 can ping Default_Gateway
Router01 ping FA1
Router01 can ping CS1
Router01 can ping EN1
CS1 can ping FA1
CS1 can ping EN1
CS1 can ping Router01
CS1 can ping Default_Gateway
EN1 can ping FA1
EN1 can ping CS1
EN1 can ping Router01
EN1 can ping Default_Gateway
FA1 can ping CS1
FA1 can ping EN1
FA1 ping Router01
FA1 can ping Default_Gateway
Zip the Packet tracer solution (.pkt) together with a report and submit it on Stream. Make sure your submission is complete and has all the necessary files to run the simulation.