Informatics 2 – Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures
Coursework 3 – The Travelling Salesman Problem
This document is the specification for Coursework 3 of Inf2-IADS. It is being released Sunday 27th February (before week 6 starts), and your submissions will be due at 4pm on Tuesday 22nd March 2022 (Tuesday of week 9). This is a summative coursework, and your grade for this coursework will contribute 10% of your overall mark for Inf2-IADS.
Your implementation for this coursework should be developed and written on an individual basis. It is fine to discuss the task with classmates, and to help each other understand what need to be done. However you SHOULD NOT COPY CODE from classmates, or from online websites, or anywhere else, and you should not give or take key details for the implementation. If you discover literature which gives you ideas for (the final part of) the coursework, please make sure you credit these sources in your report.
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1 The travelling salesman problem
In this coursework we are going to explore the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). In this problem, we are given an undirected graph on n nodes where the underlying graph structure is assumed to be complete1 together with a weight function w : E ! R+. The nodes of the graph represent a hypothetical collection of cities that a salesman (or saleswoman!) is required to visit, and the weight w(u, v) represents the cost of travelling directly from city u to city v (we will assume w(u,v) = w(v,u) always). The salesman’s task is to visit each city exactly once before returning to the starting point, and although the tour is restricted to visit every city exactly once, there is freedom to choose the order in which the cities are visited. Therefore a (potential) tour can be identified with a permutation ⇡ : V ! {0, . . . , n 1} of the nodes/cities, and the cost of such a tour is the sum of all the distances between the adjacent cities along this tour, including the final edge back to the start:
w(⇡(i), ⇡((i + 1) mod n)).
The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is to find the shortest tour that visits each city once and returns to the starting city. It one of the classical NP-complete problems2, having been shown to be NP-complete in Karp’s famous 1971 paper “Reducibility Among Combinatorial Problems”3.
The definition of TSP allows any combinations of (positive) weights to define distances between cities, including very unrealistic combinations. If we are to believe that the distances correspond in some way to a natural setting, we might assume that the distances correspond to the Euclidean (“straight line”) distances from some embedding of nodes in the plane. This is maybe too idealistic (and indeed a salesman taking public transport would not be travelling straight-line routes) – however, most natural TSP problems would have distances which at least satisfy the triangle inequality, where we insist that w(u, v) w(u, x) + w(x, v) for all u, v, x 2 V . This restriction of the general TSP problem is called the metric TSP problem. The case where the distances are given by a planar embedding is called the Euclidean TSP problem. It is interesting that both these restricted cases remain NP-complete.
1Note that it is not di cult to adjust the weights to model missing edges – we just add a very high weight to that edge.
2Of course, the NP-completeness proof will be set-up in terms of the decision version of the problem, where we query whether there is a tour of cost less than some given d.
3Karp’s paper, following “hot on the heels” of Cook’s breakthrough result, demonstrated that 21 extra problems were NP-complete. One of the 21 was “Hamiltonian Cycle” (HC), and it is an easy inference that when HC is NP-complete, TSP must also be.
In this coursework we will experiment with some heuristic approaches to TSP – a heuristic method is a method which does not necessarily give any rigorous performance guarantees for the worst-case, but which may do fairly-well on many instances of the problem. Your implementation should be in Python, and since we will mark the coursework in python3.8 on DICE, you should check that your code runs successfully with this installation.
The relevant files for this project are available as IADS cwk3.tar, and this contains some test files, a file for implementation of the required methods, plus an (empty!) file where you should set up your experiments. You will be required to submit, plus also a short report report.pdf. Details for the submission will appear on Learn.
2 Part A [25 marks]: Dealing with Graphs
In this Part of the coursework we complete setting-up/evaluation tasks for reading-in files and building the corresponding graphs, and implement a simple method to score the cost of the current tour. has one class Graph, and includes the declaration of the init method:
def init (self,n,filename):
We will allow for two kinds of input files, and your implementation of init will need to identify and handle these two cases appropriately to build the “table” (list of lists) storing the distances between each pair of nodes:
• We will allow instances of Euclidean TSP, these being flagged by calling the initialisation with n set to the flag 1.
These Euclidean file instances will contain just the points/nodes of the graph, each point described as a pair of integers (the x and y coordinates) on a single line, without any formatting. See cities50 for an example of the format.
The distance between any pair of points can be calculated using the euclid method in The number of nodes of the graph is exactly the number of points in the file, so we lose nothing
by using n as a flag to indicate this type of input.
• We will also allow more general TSP inputs, possibly metric TSP, but even allowing non-metric
instances to be evaluated. However, for this format, we will assume the distances are integers.
For these inputs, the initialisation must be called with n set to the number of nodes of the input graph (which will certainly be greater than 1). Each line of the input file describes one edge of the graph, each line containing three integers, these being the first endpoint i, the second endpoint j and the given weight/distance for the edge between i and j. See twelvenodes for an example of this kind of input file.
We ask you to implement init so that we initialise the following variables as described.
• self.n – this should be initialised to the number of nodes/cities in the graph.
This will be the number of points in the input file for the Euclidian case, or the given n in the general case.
• self.dists – this will be a two-dimensional “table” (in Python, a list of lists), such that the entry self.dists[i][j] will contain the distance (either given in the general TSP, or calculated by euclid in the Euclidean TSP) between nodes i and j).
This table should remain unchanged throughout the execution of the various methods of the class. In filling this table, take care to always initialise the [j][i] cell as well as the [i][j] cell.
• self.perm – this is a list of length self.n which represents the permutation of the cities for the current tour.
We will always initialise perm with respect to the identity permutation – ie, you should initialise this to have perm[i] equal to i.
Note that we do expect that self.perm will change as our heuristic methods are applied to the data.
It may be necessary to define some local variables for init (in particular, it may be helpful to have a list of (pairwise) tuples to temporarily store the input points for the Euclidean case); however, these are the only class variables which should be set up within init .
Your final task for Part A is to complete the method tourValue which evaluates, and returns, the cost of the current tour, which is defined by the order of values in self.perm.
def tourValue(self):
Make sure that you remember to include the cost of the “wraparound” edge from the final node of the permutation round to the first node.
testing: If you run this method for the twelvenodes input file, before applying any optimisation heuristics, the result should be 34. For example:
>>> g=graph.Graph(12,”twelvenodes”)
>>> g.tourValue()
3 Part B [35 marks] – Some Basic Heuristics 3.1 Swap Heuristic [10 marks]
In the first heuristic (called “Swap Heuristic”), we explore the e↵ect of repeatedly swapping the order in which a pair of adjacent cities are visited, as long as this swap improves (reduces) the cost of the overall tour, or we reach some given bound k on the number of sweeps that will be carried out.
The method which governs the high-level control of this heuristic (the repeated swapping, subject to the limitations on number of sweeps) is given to you as swapHeuristic. The number of “sweeps” allowed by swapHeuristic is limited by the value of the k parameter; however, if -1 is supplied as the value of k, then swapHeuristic will run until there is no improvement from the swaps. In this unbounded case marked by k being -1, swapHeuristic will run until it achieves a local optimum with respect to the swap-mechanism – however, this does not imply that we will have a global optimum with respect to our input graph (as we will see when we run other heuristics).
If the aim is to consider what is possible with polynomial-time methods, then we should avoid running the unbounded case of swapHeuristic, and should provide a polynomial-bounded value for k (such as n, or maybe n*n).
Your job is to write the trySwap method which considers the e↵ect of a specific swap (of self.perm[i] and self.perm[(i+1) % self.n]), determines whether this change will (strictly) improve the cost of the current tour, and if so, swaps those two values in self.perm.
def trySwap(self,i):
The function should return True if the update improves the cost of the tour (and the swap is made)
and False otherwise. Please avoid any needless ine ciency in coding the method.
testing: If we run swapHeuristic() with a correct implementation of trySwap on the initial data (with default permutation) from twelvenodes, with k set to 12 (ie, the n of twelvenodes), the updated tour will have cost 32:
>>> g=graph.Graph(12,”twelvenodes”)
>>> g.tourValue()
>>> g.swapHeuristic(12)
>>> g.tourValue()
3.2 2-Opt Heuristic [10 marks]
The 2-Opt Heuristic is another heuristic which repeatedly makes “local adjustments” until there is no improvement from doing these. In this case the alterations are more significant than the swaps – the method TwoOptHeuristic repeatedly nominates a contiguous sequence of cities on the current tour, and
proposes that these be visited in the reverse order, if that would reduce the overall cost of the tour. The high-level method TwoOptHeuristic has been implemented in, and has the same k parameter as swapHeuristic (with the same interpretation of k being -1).
Your job is to implement the tryReverse method that considers the e↵ect of a proposed reversal: def tryReverse(self,i,j):
Your implementation must consider the cost of the current tour (as defined by self.perm), and then consider the e↵ect of reversing the “tour segment” from self.perm[i] to self.perm[j] (in other words, to change self.perm[i] to the old self.perm[j], self.perm[i+1] to the old self.perm[j-1], and so on.) If this reversal will make the tour length (strictly) shorter, then tryReverse must commit self.perm to this reversal, and then return True indicating “success”; otherwise self.perm must be left with its prior order, and False should be returned.
You should avoid any needless ine ciency in coding the method.
testing: If we have correct implementations of trySwap and tryReverse and run swapHeuristic() immediately followed by TwoOptHeuristic on from twelvenodes, we should get a tour of cost 26:
>>> g=graph.Graph(12,”twelvenodes”)
>>> g.swapHeuristic(12)
>>> g.TwoOptHeuristic(12)
>>> g.tourValue()
3.3 Greedy [15 marks]
A commonly used approach to optimization problems is the “greedy” approach, where at each step we do what seems best, and hope that this will lead to a globally optimal solution. For the TSP problem, this approach involves taking some initial city/node (for us, we will take the one indexed 0) and building a tour out from that starting point. At the i-th step (for i = 0, . . .), we consider the recently-assigned endpoint in self.perm[i] against all previously unused nodes, and then we take our next node (to be saved as self.perm[i+1]) to be the one closest in distance to self.perm[i]. This will eventually create a permutation within self.perm.
Note that sometimes there may be more one unused candidate node “closest in distance to self.perm[i]”; if so, the algorithm should break ties by selecting the lowest-indexed of these unused closest vertices.
The final task in this section is to implement this method within def Greedy(self):
Test your new function. How well does the greedy heuristic perform? (it will not always do as well as the combination of swapHeuristic, then TwoOptHeuristic). On twelvenodes, the result should be 26:
>>> g=graph.Graph(12,”twelvenodes”)
>>> g.Greedy()
>>> g.tourValue()
4 Part C [20 marks] – Your Own Algorithm
The methods described in Part B are basic methods from the literature, which perform fairly well on many instances. However, there is scope for improvement!
In this section, you are asked to implement an algorithm of your own, which you should describe in your report. The algorithm should be polynomial-time and should be motivated by the specific details of TSP, whether the general case, or the metric/Euclidean version. You might want to implement an approximation algorithm with guaranteed performance bounds, or to implement an heuristic motivated by some observation you notice about the problem. The TSP problem has been worked on by many
researchers, and if you want to draw on some past work, and implement a known (perhaps more inter- esting) algorithm for TSP than the ones in this specification, that is fine – you must credit the original authors, describe the algorithm(s) in your own words, and write the implementation yourself.
This section will be assessed in terms of the Algorithm section of your report, about 1.5 pages of A4. You should include an implementation of your algorithm inside (name it how you like).
The 20 marks will be distributed according to Algorithm novelty/ideas (8 marks), justification of polynomial-time (4 marks), and e↵ort/quality of implementation (8 marks). Be careful with how you justify the polynomial-running time – note that Swap Heuristic and 2-Opt Heuristic are only polynomial- time if the k is polynomial in the size of the input.
5 Part D [20 marks] – Experiments
You have been provided with a small number of graphs to test your algorithms. In this section, you are asked to carry out a broad collection of comparative experiments on all your implemented algorithms (the three from Part B, and any Algorithm you have implemented for Part C). You will probably want to write some code to generate random graphs according to certain parameters for size (number of nodes) and weights (range for the weights, and probabilities).
Here there is scope to consider di↵erent settings for evaluation:
• The Euclidean setting (maybe varying the “window” of the plane to take in larger/wider values
for the x and y co-ordinates).
• The Metric setting (there are di↵erent ways of generating a graph which is guaranteed to be a
• The general non-Metric setting – does this change the quality of the results?
In carrying out experiments on randomly generated instances (or indeed, even the input files for the Euclidian case), the questions arises of how close we are to the best answer? That is something hard to know in general, as we have no polynomial-time algorithm to solve the problem! Some ideas that could be used are the following:
• We may consider implementing a simple method (branch and bound, direct enumeration) to com- pute an exact solution, when we are working with a small number of nodes.
• For larger number of nodes, we can consider generating a graph to ensure it will have a “planted” (but hidden) high-quality solution, then disguised by re-ordering of vertices and many distracting competing edge-weights. This can provide more insight (and more interesting coding) than blindly generating random graphs.
You should submit your code in; however, the most important detail is to describe your experiments in the second (“Experiments”) section of your report. Please don’t only show tables, give some explanation of what was interesting.
6 Submission
You should submit a completed file (with your own algorithm added), plus your tests in You should also submit a report.pdf file of about 3 pages of A4, with a section on “Algo- rithm” and another on “Experiments”.
Please ensure that your code runs successfully in the python3.8 installation on DICE before you submit. You should submit your coursework via Learn. Go to the “Assessment” page from which you obtained this instruction document, and click on the link bearing the title of this coursework. This will allow you to upload your files (or as many of these as are relevant for you): report.pdf
We ask that you do not submit any other files than these.
You may re-submit as many times as you wish up to the deadline (16:00 (BST) on Tues 22 March). Your most recent submission before the deadline will be the one that is marked.
, February 2022
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