(* Question 1 *)
(* TODO: Write your own tests for the fact function.
See the provided tests for double, above, for how to write test cases.
Remember that you should NOT test cases for n < 0.
(* TODO: Correct these tests for the fact function. *)
let fact_tests = [
(0, 1.);
(1, 1.);
(2, 2.);
(5, 10.)
(* TODO: Correct this implementation so that it compiles and returns
the correct answers.
let rec fact (n: int): float = match n with
| 0 -> 1.0
| _ -> n * factorial n – 1
(* TODO: Write your own tests for the binomial function.
See the provided tests for fact, above, for how to write test cases.
Remember that we assume that n >= k >= 0; you should not write test cases where this assumption is violated.
let binomial_tests = [
(* Your test cases go here. Correct the incorrect test cases for the function. *)
((0, 0), 0.);
((1, 0), 0.);
((2, 0), 1.);
((10,1), 1.);
((10,2), 1.)
(* TODO: Correct this implementation so that it compiles and returns
the correct answers.
let binomial (n: int) (k:int) =
if n < 0 then domain ()
else (if k = n then domain ()
else fact k /. (fact n *. fact (k-n)))
(* TODO: Write a good set of tests for ackerman. *)
let ackerman_tests = [
(* Your test cases go here *)
(* TODO: Correct this implementation so that it compiles and returns
the correct answers.
let ackerman (n, k) =
if n < 0 || n < 0 then domain ()
else (let rec ack n k = match (n,k) with
| (_ , 0 ) -> k + 1
| (0 , _ ) -> ack n 1 -1
| (_ , _ ) -> ack (n-1) (ack n (k-1))
in ack n k)
(* Question 2: is_prime *)
(* TODO: Write a good set of tests for is_prime. *)
let is_prime_tests = [
(* Your tests go here *)
(* TODO: Correct this implementation so that it compiles and returns
the correct answers.
let is_prime n =
raise NotImplemented
(* Question 3: Newton-Raphson method for computing the square root
let square_root_tests = [
let square_root a =
let rec findroot x acc =
raise NotImplemented
if a > 0.0 then
findroot 1.0 epsilon_float
else domain ()
(* Question 4: Fibonacci*)
(* TODO: Write a good set of tests for fib_tl. *)
let fib_tl_tests = [
(* TODO: Implement a tail-recursive helper fib_aux. *)
let rec fib_aux n a b =
raise NotImplemented
(* TODO: Implement fib_tl using fib_aux. *)
let fib_tl n =
raise NotImplemented