编程代写 COMP9315 Final Exam

COMP9315 Final Exam

COMP9315 Final Exam

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

The University of Wales

COMP9315 DBMS Implementation
Final Exam

DBMS Implementation

[Instructions] [Notes] [PostgreSQL] [C]

[Q1] [Q2] [Q3] [Q4] [Q5] [Q6] [Q7] [Q8]

Question 2 (14 marks)

In this question, you need to complete a program to simulate a nested-loop
join that uses a buffer pool with a “clock-sweep” replacement strategy.

The code for this question is in the q2 directory, which

bnl.c … main program for buffered nested loop
bufpool.c … implementation of a buffer pool ADT
bufpool.h … interface definitions for buffer pool ADT
Makefile …for building the program
tests/ … directory containing test cases

The program simulates a nested loop join via a command
called bnl, using parameters supplied on the command line:

OuterPages … the number of data pages in the join outer relation
InnerPages … the number of data pages in the join inner relation
nSlots … the number of buffers in the buffer pool

The main program implements the following:

initialise pool with nSlots buffers
for pidR in 0 .. OuterPages-1 {
pageR = request(R,pidR)
for pidS in 0 .. InnerPages-1 {
pageS = request(S,pidS)
… check for join matches …
print buffer pool state and usage stats

As it simulates the join execution, it computes the following statistics:

total number of requests on the buffer pool
total number of releases on ththe buffer pool
total number of hits on the buffer pool
total number of reads into the buffer pool

You can build the bnl executable using the make command.
The program runs the simulation and then prints the final state of the
buffer pool and the usage statistics.
Since the simulation doesn’t consider output, we don’t need to allocate
a buffer for output. Since we never change the values in the pages we
read, the #writes count will always be zero.

Some (slightly edited) examples of use from a working instance of bnl:

Usage: ./bnl OuterPages InnerPages Slots

$ ./bnl 3 2 1
— not enough buffers to execute the join
Failed to find slot for S00

$ ./bnl 3 4 5
Frames: [00] [01] [02] [03] [04]
Contents: S03 R02 S00 S01 S02
PinCount: 0 0 0 0 0
Popularity: 2 2 2 2 2

#requests: 15
#releases: 15
#hits : 4
#reads : 11

$ ./bnl 3 4 2
— minimum buffers to execute the join
— every request results in a read
Frames: [00] [01]
Contents: R02 S03
PinCount: 0 0
Popularity: 1 2

#requests: 15
#releases: 15
#hits : 0
#reads : 15

$ ./bnl 5 4 9
— enough buffers to hold relations in pool
— each page is read exactly once
Frames: [00] [01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08]
Contents: R00 S00 S01 S02 S03 R01 R02 R03 R04
PinCount: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Popularity: 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2

#requests: 25
#releases: 25
#hits : 16
#reads : 9

Assume that the buffer pool initially starts empty
and that empty slots are used first, before any replacement is considered.
Assume also that buffers and pages are indexed starting from 0.

By default, the program just shows the final state of the
buffer pool and the usage statistics.
If you wish to monitor it’s progress (perhaps for debugging),
there are some commented-out debugging statements in bufpool.c.
You can add them back by changing all of the #if 0
Don’t forget to restore them before checking or submitting;
otherwise all your tests will fail.

A detailed example of output from bnl is available in
the file trace.txt in the q2 directory.
This shows the output if you turn on all of the debugging
statements, as shown above.
It also shows some debugging internal to findVictim();
you can add something like this to your code if you want,
but you should remove or comment it before submission.

Your Task: complete the findVictim() function in bufpool.c

The findVictim() function determines the slot to be replaced
when a request is made for a page not currently in the buffer pool,
and when all of the buffers in the pool are full.
To do this it uses a “clock hand” (pool->clock) which
does a circular scan of the buffer pool.
It uses the following approach to choose the “victim”:

a buffer with a non-zero popularity count cannot be evicted
a buffer with a non-zero pin count cannot be evicted
if a buffer is considered, but not evicted, its popularity count is decremented by 1
a buffer’s popularity count cannot drop below 0, and is capped at MAX_USAGE (3)

Popularity counts are updated as follows:

the popularity count is incremented by 1 when a page is requested
the popularity count is incremented by 1 when a page is released

The second may seem counter-intuitive, but it gives us a handle on
when the page is being “looked at”.
Note that above two popularity count updates are already implemented
in the request_page() and release_page() functions.
The popularity count is also, as noted above, decremented when it is
considered by findVictim(), but not selected.

The findVictim() function behaves roughly as follows:

while (haven’t found a victim*) {
check the buffer under the clock hand
if it has zero pin and popularity counts, found a victim
decrement popularity count, if > 0
advance clock hand
*if no victim found after enough attempts, return NONE
write buffer out if dirty
advance clock hand

Note that the above is an abstract view of the process;
you can’t literally follow the control structures above
and expect to get a working solution.
Note also that the clock hand should always be left one
slot beyond the selected victim.

The tests directory contains a number of test cases for the
bnl program.
You can execute an individual test case by running a command like

$ sh tests/01.sh

which runs the “3 4 5” example above.

You should also be able to devise your own test cases easily

To help you check whether your program is working correctly,
there is a script called run_tests.sh which will run
the program against all of the tests and report the results.
It will also add the output from your program into the
tests directory; comparing your output against the
expected output might help you to debug your code.
You can run the testing script as:

$ sh run_tests.sh

Once your function is working (passes all tests), follow
the submission instructions below.
Even if it fails some (or even all) tests, you should submit because
you can get some marks.
If your program does not compile, or if you simply submit
the supplied code, then your “answer” is worth zero marks.

Submission Instructions:

Type your answer to this question into the file called bnl.c

Submit via:   give cs9315 exam_q2 bufpool.c

or via: Webcms3 > exams > Final Exam > Submit Q2 > Make Submission

End of Question

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com